The fate of Yaroslav Vasinsky: REvil operator lost millions of dollars and freedom for 13 years


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The criminal will finally answer for hacking thousands of computers around the world.

Yaroslav Vasinsky, known in criminal circles under the pseudonym Worker, was sentenced to 13 years and seven months in prison in the United States for participating in major cyber attacks using the REvil ransomware virus. In addition to the prison sentence, the criminal is required to pay more than $ 16 million in damages.

Vasinsky was involved in more than 2,500 extortion campaigns, which cost organizations and individuals more than $ 700 million in ransom. According to the US Department of Justice, the man's actions have affected victims around the world, especially in the United States.

Vasinski was extradited to the United States after being arrested on the Polish-Ukrainian border in 2021. He later pleaded guilty in a Texas court to 11 counts, including conspiracy to defraud, damage to secure computer networks, and conspiracy to launder money.

In 2023, the US Department of Justice completed the procedure for confiscating funds obtained as a result of extortion operations. 39.89138522 bitcoins and $ 6.1 million were confiscated, which, according to the investigation, are related to ransom payments due to Vasinsky and another member of the REvil group, Yevgeny Polyanin.

Deputy U.S. Attorney General Lisa Monaco emphasized the global reach of justice, noting that in collaboration with international partners, they have successfully managed to bring to justice those who attack victims in the United States and stop the activities of a wide range of cybercrime.