The existence of the decentralized collective Anonymous is nearing its end


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How the heroic image of Guy Fawkes suddenly became a symbol of decline and discord.

In the world of cybersecurity and hacktivism, the Anonymous team occupies a special place, attracting attention with its unique structure and methods of action. This cult-of-personality collective idealizes the image of Guy Fawkes, the 17th-century British revolutionary, and shares common political, social, religious, or even philosophical beliefs.

Despite Anonymous claims about the decentralized nature of collective management, similar to the "collective mind", the group is not a single entity, but rather a network of subgroups, each of which is headed by its own leader and sets its own goals, which often conflict with the goals of other groups.

The rise of the cult of personality in the team is due to the use of media to spread their propaganda and create an idealized, heroic image, symbolized by the Guy Fawkes mask from the graphic novel "V means Vendetta".

Since its launch in 2003, Anonymous representatives have left an indelible mark on history, starting with the protest campaign against the Church of Scientology and ending with the leaks of classified information on the WikiLeaks website in 2010.

The effectiveness of a personality cult in shaping a successful movement lies in its ability to influence public opinion through a strategically designed image and message.

Anonymous actively uses the media and social networks to spread its messages against corporations, governments, and criminal groups. The goal is to attract supporters around the world who participate in the movement through content sharing or direct action.

However, despite the nobility of ideas, Anonymous's methods do not always correspond to the stated principles. The cult of personality within the collective is driven by the mob mentality, making members susceptible to suggestion and manipulation.

Specially sent agents-provocateurs can easily influence the actions of the team. As a result, the group can attack innocent people, businesses, and educational institutions without going into the details of selecting targets.

The existence of this collective largely depends on the use of the cult of personality in its propaganda, which is critical for attracting new participants. However, the constant struggle to maintain the image and internal conflicts between subgroups call into question the future of the team. All this will inevitably lead to the collapse of Anonymous over time.