The Cost of Cyber Crime


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$97M - Fake Antivirus

Users get a message warning them that their computer has been infected with malware. When they click on a link to download antivirus software, their machine is infected. An analysis of financial records from three criminal gangs found that from 2008 to 2010 they collectively earned $97 million annually.

$10M -Stranded Traveler

Hijacked e-mail accounts are used to ask friends for money, claiming to be stranded traveling abroad. According to an analysis of 2010 records from one e-mail provider, criminals received one or two payments a day, on average.

$200M↑ Fake Escrow

In a financial transaction, the victim is told to use an “independent” escrow agent. Despite having a convincing website, the escrow company is a sham. There are about 100 active fake escrow websites at any given time, according to a study by the University of Cambridge.

$1,000M↑ Advanced Fee

Advanced Fee Fraud, sometimes called 419 fraud after the relevant article of the Nigerian criminal code, is legendary for its variations on the same theme: The request is for a small amount (an advance fee) to pay the costs so that a larger fortune can be released.

$370M↑ Online Banking Fraud: Malware

Cyber thieves target businesses and individuals using malware to capture passwords, account numbers, and other data to get into online banking accounts. As of September 2011, the FBI was investigating 400 cases of “corporate account takeover” where criminals stole $85 million.

$320M≈Online Banking Fraud: Phishing

Online banking fraud is sometimes carried out in a phishing attack, in which criminals impersonate websites to get unsuspecting users to provide their login credentials. University of Cambridge researchers estimated that in 2007, between 280,000 and 560,000 people were taken in by fake websites.

$1,000M≈ Bank Countermeasures

Banks sometimes hire companies to vanquish websites used in phishing attacks. There are additional internal security costs, such as authentication programs and systems for generating one-time passwords.

$3,400M - Antivirus

According to a 2010 survey by the European Union's statistics agency, 88 percent of all households with a broadband subscription use some form of antivirus protection.

$40M≈ISP Cleanup

In 2010, German Internet Service Providers (ISPs) spent ?2 million to establish a call center to help combat botnets—networks of machines that have been infected with malware. In its first year, 315,518 users were notified that they had a compromised machine—a fraction of the infected population.

$1,000M≈ Patching Vulnerabilities

Software companies constantly patch their products against vulnerabilities that can be exploited by malware. Anecdotal evidence suggests that the development cost of a single patch for key enterprise software can run up to $1 million. Deploying that patch is equally costly.

$10,000M≈ User Cleanup

When antivirus programs fail—or aren’t used—users may have to call in the Geek Squad to fix their PC or dump the infected hardware and buy a new machine. The authors calculate the repair cost from malware for U.K. users alone at roughly $500 million.

$10,000M≈ Business Security

Companies use a variety of tools to fight cyber crime including firewalls, intrusion detection systems, software maintenance and deployment, and user training.

$400M Law Enforcement

The authors estimate that the U.S. spends $200 million to fight cyber crime and accounts for half the law enforcement work worldwide.
