The boys went to success


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Hello everyone, the Baghdad Thief is back in touch and today I will tell you about the amazing startup of two of my comrades. This is not a call to action, but rather the opposite, a visual aid on how to DO NOT!

It was the month of January, the New Year and Christmas were just off, but our company did not stop there and the New Year lasted until the beginning of February :). We hung at our friend's house, we will call him "K" (also the main character of this story), his house is large, 9 rooms, there was a place to roam. At that time, his parents left for another city to live with their eldest daughter, and he was left alone on the farm. I will tell you this, he is a military man, and from time to time he ran to the front line and back to us.

What did we do at his home? From everyone to different. Mostly they drank shamelessly, smoked grass, and made fun of them. The gang there was just creepy. The number of those present was constantly changing, from 5 to 20 people. Also, "K" has a friend, let it be "S". with whom he grew up, went to school and they also fought together. It so happened that they were hung up on methadone, and most likely, this gave an impetus for this startup.

What did they do? The usual robbery. We went with a pistol to an exchange office or to cash, and politely asked the girls working there to give them money, at the sight of a pistol, none of them resisted. There were many funny situations related to this, I can't describe everything, I'll tell you one. Already at the trial, when they were caught, one girl (the only one who was not afraid to come as a witness), when she testified, said that no one threatened her, did not touch her and did not even raise her voice. Then I quote: "and then, when he was leaving, he lowered the mask and sent me a kiss," that's such a polite robber "K". Everything went well, we were drinking non-stop for a month, robbing an abandoned house on our own street. Our catch then was: a barbell, two collapsible dumbbells, an old monitor is what that I remembered from the more or less valuable and yet just an utter heap of any bespontovous rubbish. Harry Potter chess, all sorts of magazines, toys, knickknacks, an inoperative electric stove, well, fuck you, get it short. "K" when he arrived the next day and found out, said that we are fucked-ups and the trail from that house leads straight to ours. In short, we did complete shit, fired a machine gun in the garden on my birthday,


Scalded the dude's feet with boiling oil, in general it was complete trash. How much vodka was drunk in that month, it is beyond words, I probably will not drink so much in my whole life. Meanwhile, "K" and "S" continued to terrify all cashiers and garbage. But as you know, impunity breeds lawlessness, and no matter how long the rope twists, the end will be. Our history is no exception. The month of February came up, and from day to day the parents of "K" were to arrive. Therefore, we rented an apartment and our entire casino moved there. After hanging out with the guys for another week, on February 7, I safely go to school very far. A month has passed, as I remember now, on March 4. I call Volodya (the one from the story about the brothel, he also hung out with us this month) to find out how things are at home and all that. And the first words after the greeting were: "You already know for" K " ? I intuitively understood what was what, but decided to clarify all the same. You never know what? I ask what is wrong with him, to which I get the answer - in prison.

How did they get caught?​

Very, very stupid. At first "K" bought himself a car, ten, it was a man-wheelbarrow, but more on that next time)). Having pokurales on a tweet and earning money, "C" also buys a car, a tag. Having made another "delugue" in a car C in another city, they returned safely and "K" says "C".

- "Okay, I flooded home, you hide the wheelbarrow and also do whatever you want." To which "S" replied - "yes, I'll take the little one in the center and go home." And since they had been kurales already for about three months, after this deluge, the car was immediately oriented. In all cities, the traffic cops slowed down: eights, nines, tag and similar cars. In short, let's not beat around the bush, "C" is pinned up, clings to two mares in the center and goes for a drive with them. Traffic cops stop him on orientation, documents, blah blah blah, and then the garbage climbs into the glove compartment, and what do you think? Yes, there are two masks! JACK POT FUCK! SECTOR PRIZE ON DRUM! Garbage looms about this to the partner and continues to entertain "C". Show first aid kit, fire extinguisher, etc. And the second cop, meanwhile, quickly summons the opera group. In short, they twist "C", take him to the regional department, I don't know how (but according to rumors they didn't even beat him) they would find out from “C” where our rented hut was. Further, from the words of "K": "we are sitting at home, just spread the girl to fuck, I hear a knock on the door, I come up there" S ", says:" To open it me. "I look through the peephole - darkness, I ask," S "Are you with the trash? Silence. I immediately understand everything, I run into the room to throw the machine gun out the window, I look, and there is a disco in the courtyard. The house is cordoned off, there is a sniper, there is a machine gunner, in short it's rubbish. I say trash through the door, like with me here friends, let them out and I give up, they say garbage well and only I open the door, from the start I get a butt in the fucking box, the show masks fly in and they fasten everyone. I look through the peephole - darkness, I ask, "C" are you with the trash? Silence. I immediately understand everything, I run into the room to throw the machine gun out the window, I look, and there is a disco in the courtyard. The house is cordoned off, there is a sniper, there is a machine gunner, in short, it's rubbish. I say garbage through the door, like I'm friends with me, let them out and I give up, they say garbage well and only I open the door, from the start I get my butt in the fucking box, show masks fly in and everyone is fastened. I look through the peephole - darkness, I ask, "C" are you with the trash? Silence. I immediately understand everything, I run into the room to throw the machine gun out the window, I look, and there is a disco in the courtyard. The house is cordoned off, there is a sniper, there is a machine gunner, in short, it's rubbish. I say garbage through the door, like I'm friends with me, let them out and I give up, they say garbage well and only I open the door, from the start I get my butt in the fucking box, show masks fly in and everyone is fastened.


And here are the heroes of our story.

As a result, the trial went on for almost two years, "K" received 12.6 years of general regime, and "C" 13 years of general regime.

Then, already communicating with "K", we started a conversation for this moment, for "C" and he told me: "he broke my life, well, I forgave him."

Let everyone draw conclusions from this story for himself. But my advice to you is, do not get involved in crime and do not use drugs. And if you are already doing something that is NOT GOOD, then always go to work ABSOLUTELY sober! Always think 10 steps ahead and consider all possible outcomes. Better not do this at all. Freedom does not cost any money, it is one of the most valuable things you have in your life! Take care of yourself and your loved ones! I wish you happiness and a peaceful sky over your head!