The books of Carlos Castaneda are quite specific literature


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Yes, I didn’t just “read”, but I STUDY Castaneda and his work in great detail and scrupulously. And I know perfectly well what kind of person he really was, how he started and how / how he ended. ?

By the way, one of the most complete and truthful of his biographies is the book by Christophe Burseye “Carlos Castaneda. The truth of the lie. " My own research on Castaneda is very close in results to that of Christophe Burseillet. In addition, Burseillet is as impartial as possible. He is not trying to smear Castaneda with black paints, nor to make a saint out of him. There is no exaltation of Castaneda, no humiliation or exposure of him. But there are many facts and references to primary sources! ?

But back to Castaneda ...

In Castaneda's books, fiction is mixed with real esoteric techniques and concepts. It is a fact! And those who believe that EVERYTHING written by Castaneda is fiction is fundamentally wrong! This is not true!
A more or less prepared esotericist - he can easily separate the grain from the chaff (truth from fiction) in his books. For beginners, of course, this will be more difficult. But be that as it may, Castaneda's books will certainly make them look at the world with different eyes!

Castaneda uses a literary device, when he, a student, presents himself as such a dumbass and a fool, against the background of which the image of a teacher (Don Juan) acquires even greater authority. But this is precisely the "literary device". In reality, Carlos was not as "dumb" as he portrays himself in the books, of course ... ?

The books of Carlos Castaneda are quite specific literature.

As I have already explained, the author took a lot of real esoteric practices (and not only Indian ones!), Added a lot of different Western and Eastern philosophy, pushed on all this the mythology of his own invention and presented this "brew" - as almost poetic (!) literary work. ?

With all this, he maintained until his death in 1998 that everything described in his books is true of the purest water, and Don Juan is not a fictional character.

One of the real (real, not fictional) teachers of Castaneda, the Mexican healer Cachora (Tezlkazi Guitimea Cachora), who, most likely, is the main prototype of Don Juan, confirms that much of what Castaneda describes is based on real concepts of the Toltecs ... In particular, Kachora confirms that the techniques of stalking, recapitulation, the art of controlling the assemblage point and dreaming, and some other concepts highlighted by Castaneda in his books, really exist and are practiced by many of Sonora's current shamans! ?

On my own behalf, I will add that the same recapitulation, lucid dreaming, vision and many other techniques are used by shamans, magicians, esotericists of various traditions, schools and eras, not only by the Indians! ?

But all kinds of "drama", jumping into the abyss from a cliff, the undying Tenant, etc., etc. - this is pure invention of Castaneda himself! ??

Castaneda's books are very complete and poetic!
They significantly expand the horizon of perception of our world and to a large extent undermine the rigid established stereotypes. At the first and second reading - these books give a powerful charge to SEARCH IN THE GIVEN DIRECTION! Independently study shamanism, esotericism, philosophy, occultism, etc.

A very powerful charge! ⚛️

On subsequent readings, 2-3-5-7-10 years after the first reading, you perceive these books - in a COMPLETELY NEW way, you see in them something that you have not seen point-blank before and without any difficulty you separate "the seeds from the chaff "(that is, you very easily understand - where Castaneda just fantasizes and composes, and where he expounds the most valuable concepts and real practices).

Castaneda's teaching is based on the fact that he gradually shows the illusory nature of the "world of objects" and insists on the absoluteness of the "world of energy".

He laughs at the picture of the world that ordinary people have formed for themselves and presents as a true picture of the world - the picture proposed by the "world of magicians" is energetic. But he completely loses sight of that he is only engaged in substitution of one for the other. He is mistaken, not realizing that the energetic picture of the world of his magicians is no less illusory than our everyday picture of the dense world of objects. ?

Castaneda's books are just a treasure trove of valuable information. But all this is valuable from his books - it is necessary to pick out for a long time and carefully, weeding out "waste rock", slag. And there is more than enough slag. But on the other hand, what has been gouged out and processed is truly a diamond!

To perceive everything that Castaneda wrote in his books at "face value", to interpret everything in his books as the absolute truth, at least - naive, by and large - is simply stupid.

But even more stupidity is to discard his books altogether, on the sole reason that if 50-70% of what is written in his books is literary tinsel, spectacular fiction, then, they say, these books do not need to be read. Necessary!

And not just read, but STUDY. Reread, take notes, compare with other esoteric teachings, rethink ...
And then the benefits of Castaneda's books will be very great!

Well, and fanatical followers who worship Don Carlos almost as a god and make a CULT out of his teachings - such as any religious fanatics, one can only regret ... ???

Yes, of course, there are other, more PRACTICAL-oriented esoteric sources than Castaneda. Yes, even "purely Castanian" techniques are much more convenient to master, for example, relying on the work of Victor Sanchez. I am completely silent about alternative techniques - there are thousands of sources.


The value of Castaneda's books does not diminish from this! Their strength and usefulness lies precisely in HOW they are written. And the goal here is, first of all, to interest a newbie, to captivate, to demonstrate the existence of a "parallel" world and the possibility of virtually any person to penetrate "beyond". In addition, the PHILOSOPHICAL component of Castaneda's books is very interesting and complete (this is an integral and complete WORLD VIEW).

In a word, I recommend ALL (!!!) of Castaneda's books for MANDATORY reading! However, while reading, do not take everything he wrote as absolute truth - learn to separate truth from fiction and mythological layers. ??