The Bermuda Communication Triangle: How to Manage Roles?


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Hello everyone, this is carder Tomcat.

Today we will discuss a topic like the Bermuda Communication Triangle or, more correctly, the Karpman Triangle.

There is such a model of interaction - the Karpman triangle. This model says that there are three roles in which people live and communicate and are easily included in them, they are Victim, Persecutor, Rescuer.

A more specific term: Karpman's triangle is a model in which elements can change roles at any time. Role reversal is just a matter of time.

If you are involved in addictive communication or want to create one, and at the same time you need to take some role consciously and successfully, then this model will help you with this. And yes, all your "manipulation" will be shattered if you accidentally fall into the role of the Victim.

Description of roles:


It is fashionable to identify the victim immediately and by what is said and seen.

Facial expressions: Scared, expresses sadness and fear.

Behavior: alarmed, looks like a schoolboy who is about to be reprimanded for 2k

He says such phrases: "Well, why is this happening to me?", "Why do I need all this?"

The victim's fault is everyone except him, life, friends, boss. As a rule, they are not confident in themselves. Victims complain about life and measure their failures.

Pros of being a victim: minimum responsibility. The victim is not responsible for anything, blames others for everything. Victims do not see the need to decide or do something. They just save resources and wait for the Rescuer.

Cons of the victim role: usually the victims are despised and do not give a fuck, I think everyone in school had such .. or is it you a reader !!! ??? (hope not) The persecutor can control the victim as he pleases until the Rescuer appears.

How to enforce this role? Just start telling the person, “Who asked you to interfere?”, “If it weren't for you, then we would have succeeded.” In short, you need to cause a feeling of guilt, and then impose what you really need.


Anger, discontent, disgust.

Behavior: "Attacking"

Verbalika : “this is not discussed, I made a decision, and you carry it out”, “what is happening here?”, “Why did it happen here?”.

The role of the Persecutor is usually with the parents, boss, teacher, gopniks.

It is beneficial to be a Chaser while there is no rescuer nearby, if a rescuer appears, then you can become a Victim, and he will become a Chaser ..

Pros of the role of the Persecutor: a strong strong-willed position. It will be as the Persecutor says.

Disadvantages of the role of the Persecutor: excessive emotionality, susceptibility to the situation. Usually the position of the Persecutor is short-sighted, he himself is easily provoked. The Chaser's behavior is very predictable.

It is easier to impose the role of the Persecutor from the position of a rescuer. It is enough just to behave very confidently, intervening in the situation. First - meaningful silence, after - convince the Victim that she is now safe and provoke her.


This role is no longer so faked, but this person is calm and contented, he is also a lifeguard. You can recognize them by signs: he climbs with advice, knows how to do it, in short a person who wants to fuck, and what is heavier.

Advantages of the role of the Rescuer: noble intentions - wants to help, make the world more harmonious.

Disadvantages of being a Rescuer: If someone is unhappy, the Rescuer will remain extreme. Quite often they react to the actions of the Rescuer with the following phrases: “all because of you!”, “Why did we listen to you at all!”. As a result, the Rescuer begins to regret that he intervened and if you guess the moment, you can make him a victim or give him a fuck)))

To impose this role, it is enough to ask for help, and it is also good to explain why only he and everything like that can.

In general, you need to develop awareness and not fall into codependent relationships, and if you do, then it is difficult to get out. Got it? Impose a role that is beneficial to you, learn to control and manage your roles. Do not react to provocations, learn to provoke others on your own. Avoid joining the Karpman Triangle where possible to strengthen your independence.

How not to become a Victim. Do not whine and do not hang your mistakes on others, take responsibility for yourself. If something is wrong in life, you and only you are to blame. You ask me: what if, for example, a hurricane hit me? Am I a victim too? Yes, and once again, yes, do not fucking walk where the hurricane swoops in.

How not to become a Persecutor. If you are provoked, do not rush to react. First, analyze the consequences of your actions. Ignore the provocation if your involvement in the role of the Pursuer does not bring you anything good.

How not to become a Rescuer. Learn to say "no" if someone tries to manipulate you. You need to help voluntarily, and not because someone needs it.

Control yourself, live life to the fullest.