The Belarusian paid 4 bitcoins for carding courses, but the investment did not pay off


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A resident of Polotsk managed to spend about 6 thousand rubles, withdrawn from other people's cards, and then he was detained and is now accused of theft through the use of computer equipment.

MINSK, March 29 – Sputnik. A resident of Polotsk paid four bitcoins for the “courses” of carders, hackers of card accounts, but was unable to recoup the investment.

Currently, the man is accused in a case of theft using computer equipment, the department of the Investigative Committee for the Vitebsk Region said.

The investigation established that over two months - from December 2016 to January 2017 - the accused stole money from bank cards in the amount of 5.8 thousand rubles. Another three and a half thousand could not be stolen due to the fact that the transactions did not go through; they were rejected by the bank.

Having paid for carding training and joined the carders club, the man received access details to card accounts of almost two dozen bank cards issued by one of the banks in Canada. I withdrew money using a special mobile application that allows you to make contactless payments. Moreover, the defendant installed the application on the mobile phones of his friends.

“For two months, the man was looking for various retail facilities - mini-cafes, shops - in Polotsk and the Polotsk region, which provided the possibility of contactless payment for purchases. A gas station was especially popular with him, where he purchased and tried to pay 26 times within a week goods,” said the official representative of the USC for the Vitebsk region Svetlana Sakharova.

As a result, the investigation charged the man with attempted theft of property by entering false information into a computer system, associated with unauthorized access to computer information, committed on a large scale, while the crime was not completed due to circumstances beyond the control of this person. A preventive measure in the form of detention was applied to him. His Peugeot 407 car was seized.

The accused, when telling investigators about paid training in bank card fraud, admitted that the investment was not justified, since “the investment turned out to be more.”

The preliminary investigation has been completed. The materials of the criminal case were studied by the prosecutor and submitted to the court, the USC clarified.

The accused is 24 years old and has previously been convicted of draft evasion.
