The basics of self-hypnosis


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Each person has the standard basics of self-hypnosis. Many people do not notice how strongly their own thoughts affect behavior and mood. Self-hypnosis can help us manage emotions, sensations, and even reactions. This is a very powerful tool in managing your own "I". That is why, referring to him, it is important to know what features are inherent in such a method, so that at least not to harm oneself.

Self-hypnosis rules

1. Say no to any hesitation.

Absolutely any doubt later becomes negative self-hypnosis. You cannot set yourself any goals, constantly referring to your fears and failures. 90 percent of the time, it's just because you've programmed yourself that way. Uncertainty acquired at an unconscious level is transformed into a real failure. In working on self-hypnosis, it is important to remember that any attitude is of the utmost importance and is true, no matter what.

2. Speak positively.

Often, negative judgments and statements are an obstacle to achieving specific goals. Negation is bad for attitudes. By using the "not" particle, you are only programming your brain and body for the opposite result. For example, you really want to shed the entire excess. And so, following the next diet, you begin to tell yourself that you are not hungry. If you do this repeatedly, you will most likely feel dizzy and nauseous. Think about how full you are and how the water easily and pleasantly fills your stomach. Only in this way will self-hypnosis act at the proper level. The same can be said for further actions. This is not to say that you will no longer smoke if you want to get rid of the addiction. Talk to yourself every day about how you want to live a healthy life.

3. Avoid coercion.

Internal conflicts can shine on anyone's mind. You cannot divide yourself into good and bad qualities. You should not force the other half of your personality to do something "out of hand." Try to persuade yourself and make compromises with your inner state. Intrapersonal conflicts will only prevent you from going towards your goal.

4. Give preference to the present.

You should not engage in self-hypnosis when you have already done this or that act. In other words, in case of poisoning, no matter how hard you try to convince yourself that it will not work out well and pleasantly for you. Therefore, direct your energies to the present. It is also better not to focus on the future, since the results can come for a very long time.

5. Pronounce the settings correctly.

First of all, any installation should be succinct and concise. Clarity and clarity are indispensable helpers when properly understood. Otherwise, self-hypnosis will not work if you are too vague and too long to articulate your goals and desires. Beyond that, be aware of repetition. This law will help any setting to be absorbed as much as possible in your subconscious mind. Therefore, repeat each sentence at least 3 times.


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Hypnosis (short)​


Hi everyone.
Today We will tell you about Hypnosis. Uuuuu…. Fearfully? I do not think.
I want to tell you right away, if you think that having mastered hypnosis, you will begin to smack with “fireballs of power” at everyone in a row, then I will disappoint you, you are not here or to us, in that case ... Hypnosis can be your assistant in manipulation, communication, self-hypnosis and just for fun.
I repeat that speaking of hypnosis, I do not mean the submission of a person or turning him into a zombie, I think that this is possible, but how - I myself do not know. Hypnosis, in my understanding, is the introduction of a person into the state you need, making him more receptive to what was said. By immersing a person in a trance, you can instill your idea in him.
I also note that the effectiveness of hypnosis depends not only on your skill, but also on the suggestibility of the subject, your report with him.
Let's talk in more detail:
Hypnosis can be called an altered state of consciousness, trance, meditation, confusion, stupor, etc. I am sure that the state of consciousness really changes under the influence of hypnosis, although scientists continue to argue on this topic to this day. Whatever they argue about, I learned for myself that life is a constant change of states and each change affects our consciousness, and which of the changes caused by this or that trance is chosen by everyone for himself.

Learn more about Hypnosis (CAUTION COPIPAST)
The brain works at a certain frequency, which changes depending on the state in which the person is.
Delta rhythm. 0.3-4 Hz, the level of the unconscious. It is observed during the stage of deep sleep without dreaming.
Theta rhythm. 4-7 Hz. At this level, it is easy to penetrate into the subconscious. Observed during deep meditation, REM sleep. In this frequency range, the brain is most receptive, capable of assimilating large amounts of information.
Alpha rhythm. 8-13 Hz. A state of calm wakefulness, relaxation. This level is weakened or blocked with an increase in mental activity, attention.
Beta rhythm. 14-30 Hz, active wakefulness. It is observed with emotional arousal, mental stress, concentrated attention.
During quiet wakefulness, the brain usually works at a frequency of 13-15 Hz. If this figure is reduced to 7 Hz, the person will fall asleep. If you increase it to 25 Hz, you can cause a state of over-excitation. A person can fall into a light trance at the level of the alpha rhythm - in a relaxed, passive state.
For more detailed information, please contact Pautena, you will see everything there.

And so the technical part:
I will say right away that the article is more introductory, and you will not become a god of hypnosis by reading it, but you will definitely understand the general idea.
There are different forms of speech utterances, which in aggregate give rise to the very same hypnosis .. briefly he is them:

1) Nomination:
Nominalizations are those words that turn from procedural words (verbs) to nouns.
For example: "curious", "hypnosis", "learning" "" knowledge "," love "," relaxation ", etc. These words are nouns, but in fact they are processes. Not just such words, but the exact types of words immerse a person in micro-trances, since everyone has their own ideas about these processes and they need to be immersed in or reproduced at different speeds in front of the inner gaze.
2) Indefinite verbs:
The use of indefinite verbs (like nominalizations) forces a person to make independent efforts to give meaning to such verbs and thereby understand the statement. When a person hears words like “do”, “focus”, “decide”, “move”, “change”, “wonder”, “think”, “feel”, “know”, “experience” “understand”, "Remember", "be aware", etc. (indefinite verbs), he fills them with his own meaning, relying only on his life experience.
3) Omission
In statements belonging to this category, the main noun, to which the phrase should apparently refer, is completely omitted or absent.

Some readers of this get curious ... (Why?)
And why are they curious ... it is not clear, this is the omission.
Each of you will be able to understand everything that has been said, to pass it through your personal life and time, we are brothers, Pavlov's Dogs))))
For examples of trance, turn to fairy tales, Milton Erickson, Richard Bandler, or just watch the news!
All the best!


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Five Simple Ericksonian Hypnosis Techniques in Conversation​


The founder of Ericksonian hypnosis is the famous psychotherapist Milton Erickson, who from a young age, after suffering from polio, was bedridden and by self-hypnosis achieved an improvement in his condition until complete recovery.
Ericksonian psychotherapy is a way of providing access to a person's inner resources, which are necessary to resolve the psychological problems he has, to eliminate painful symptoms. Its most important component is Ericksonian hypnosis - a non-directive-permissive, flexible, indirect model of guidance and use of hypnotic trance, based on cooperation and multi-level interpersonal interaction between the therapist and the client.
Ericksonian model of psychotherapy involves the widespread use of multilevel speech. Verbal formulation can contain many meanings. Thus, at the conscious level, only one of the possible meanings of a word is processed, and at the unconscious level, all its meanings are processed.
Ericksonian hypnosis techniques can be useful for psychologists and psychotherapists in working with clients in order to improve their psycho-emotional state. They can also be useful for improving the quality of communication. However, the undoubted principle when applying them is the principle: "Do no harm".
Ericksonian hypnosis techniques are actively used by gypsies, networkers, sales consultants. Knowing the techniques of Ericksonian hypnosis, you can notice manipulation by other people and resist them.
Ericksonian hypnosis consists of the following sequence of steps:

1. Joining is an adjustment:
a) under the timbre, the rate of speech of the interlocutor, the use of his speech predicates (visual, auditory, kinesthetic)
- visual predicates - the words "see", "bright", "hazy", "distinctly", "perspective", etc.
- auditory predicates - the words “hear”, “sound”, “creak”, “shout”, “deafen”, etc.,
- kinesthetic - “feel”, “touch”, “warm”, “heavy”, “rough”, “hard” or “smell”, “tasty”, “stale”, “aromatic”, etc.

b) under the posture, movements - by copying the posture and movements of the interlocutor, you evoke a feeling of sympathy in him, subconsciously, the opponent begins to trust you and open up in a conversation. It is necessary to ensure that this kind of adjustment occurs smoothly, unnoticed by the opponent, otherwise he may think that you are imitating him, which can affect the communication process in the opposite way. For example, if the interlocutor shakes his leg while sitting, you can tap your fingers on the table in time.

Adjustment masters not only adhere to the position of the interlocutor's body, but also adjust the pace of their breathing, blinking their eyes and other micromovements of the opponent.

2. Maintaining - as the report is established (adjustment) and the interlocutor's disposition to oneself, the introduction of one's own predicates, timbre and tempo of speech, a gradual change and transition to a more positive and resourceful position.
For example, when speaking to a person who is in an irritated state, adjust to their anger, but at a slightly weaker level. Because if you go too far, there is a danger of exacerbation. Once you have adjusted, you can begin to lead him gradually down to a calmer state, gradually calming his own behavior. Someone who insists on something can be joined and tuned in by voice, speaking a little louder and faster than usual.

3. Induction of trance. Trance is an altered state of consciousness in which critical perception of information ceases and the ability to consistently analyze and comprehend decreases. Many people are afraid of the word "trance", associating it with cruel manipulation and associated with the action of various sects. However, in just one day, a person can experience a state of trance several times, for example, taking a shower, listening to music or getting to work by public transport.

Techniques for inducing a trance in a conversation:

Technique of three "YES"
First, say a few statements with which the person agrees, and then your proposal, for example:
"Now you are reading my article, and you are thinking about how you can use all this in practice, and you feel some confusion about it, and you also think that not everything is clear, and perhaps you will read this article to the end . "
In this technique, your speech must be built in the present moment. The first phrases and words plunge a person into a trance, and the last sentence takes him by surprise. He becomes, as it were, forced to fulfill it.

Using this technique, you talk a lot, often jumping from one question to another. Constantly keep the mind of the interlocutor connected by asking the questions "do you understand, right?", "Isn't it right, isn't it?" And when your opponent's head is literally spinning, complete your suggestion with the sentence you came with. Often people do it so that it doesn't repeat itself from the beginning.

For example: while studying psychology, I began to understand that I do not understand a lot in people, but I just cannot understand what exactly from what I did not understand I still understand, and I probably will never understand the difference between what I have already understood and what I don't understand.

Triple helix of milton erickson
The Triple Helix is made up of three unrelated little stories. And in practice it looks like this:
You begin to tell the first story, and at the moment when you come to the most interesting, without any connection, you move on to the second story.
You tell the second story again until the climax and again, without a bunch, move on.
The third story should contain the actual text of the suggestion, preferably if it is composed using the techniques of manipulation of consciousness, which are still to be discussed. So, you recite the third story, containing the text of the suggestion, and without interruption, you return to the second story, completing it.
After that, you end the first story, from the place where you interrupted it.
Pay attention to the details, everything is important here. If you simply, haphazardly jump from one to another - this is not a triple helix - this is chattering. If you make long pauses between stories - this is not a spiral - these are five, in an incomprehensible way, related sayings, of course the effect will be, if only because you cause confusion in your interlocutor - he probably has not heard this before , so use confusion for their own good.

There are also several speech techniques here:

Truism is the most obvious statement, it can be: a statement that is in strict accordance with reality, a trivial truth.
If in the course of a conversation you say: "... sometimes people make decisions influenced by feelings ...", "... people often feel relief after talking about it with someone ...",
Trance induction truism "Everyone goes into a trance in their own way."
A truism to create a learning mindset "Experience is a great teacher."
Forgetting truism: "People can forget what they know."

In this technique, the assumption is made that a certain behavioral response occurs. These sentences are built using turns of speech, which indicate a time or sequence of actions.

Typical turns of speech used in this technique:
before ... after ... during ... as ... before ... when ... while ...
For example: "Take a deep breath before letting me know what problem you want to work on."

Two behavioral responses are discussed here that can be contrasted. The effectiveness of the technique can be enhanced by using kinesthetics, thus a person is convinced of the presence of opposites.
For example: "The more you try to resist, the sooner you will realize that it is in vain."
"The harder the problem seems, the easier it turns out to be a suitable solution."
"The harder it is for you to study this course, the easier it will be to apply it in practice."

Choice without choice
In this technique, you are given a choice of several options, both of which would suit you.
For example, "You will be able to apply the knowledge gained immediately or after a little training."

The right to choose
The main condition for the success of this technique is the placement of intonation accents when drawing the interlocutor's attention to the reaction that you want to evoke from him, while offering freedom of choice. However, the other person feels relaxed and does not feel obligated to follow your recommendations. The important point will not be the information itself, but how you offer it. In this case, the option that does not suit you, you pronounce in a somewhat dismissive tone.

For example, "You can read this article right now, or not read it at all."

5. The withdrawal from the trance will occur immediately after the end of the conversation . However, for a softer withdrawal from trance, you can return a person to reality. For example, after a psychotherapy session, you can offer to pay attention to the client's environment, ask him about his health.

Thus, the techniques of Ericksonian hypnosis are effective and efficient in the process of communication between people, however, I would like to note that it is not worth using it for direct suggestion or changing the personality of another person, since this approach is usually useless or leads to a short-term result. It will be more effective to use it to assimilate skills and induce the client to naturally desired personal changes that arise as a result of not hypnosis itself, but the learning process.


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Self-Hypnosis Technique by Betty Erickson​


1. Make yourself comfortable.
Find a pose that you can easily maintain all the time. You can sit or lie down (it is better to sit, this will keep you from falling asleep). Straighten up, look in front of you, breathe slowly and easily. Allow yourself to relax.

2. Time.
Determine how much time you are going to spend and declare it to yourself, for example: "I am going to hypnotize myself for 20 minutes ...". You will be amazed by the accuracy with which your "internal clock" keeps track of the time for you.

3. Purpose.
Now declare to yourself the goal of immersion in self-hypnosis. In this process, we allow the subconscious mind to work on some goal than on a sequence of suggestions, therefore, the formulation of the goal must take this fact into account. Example: "... in order to allow my subconscious mind to make the appropriate adjustments to help me ....". Continue with what you want to achieve, for example, "develop more trusting relationships with people." The exact words are not important, what matters is the fact that you are transmitting the process to your subconscious.

4. Exit status.
Announce to yourself what state you want to be in when you complete the process. Usually in hypnosis we hear that we need to "come back", feeling "awake, collected", but in the real world this may not be what you want. For example, if you are going to do self-hypnosis before bed, you may prefer to come back "relaxed and ready for bed." If you are doing this before doing something, you may want to come out of the trance "motivated and energized." Tell yourself, "And when I'm done, I will feel ..."

5. Process
Looking in front of you, note three things (one at a time) that you see. Do this slowly, stopping for a moment on each of them (visual channel).

It is better if these are small things (for example, a stain on the wall, a doorknob, etc.). Sometimes people like to call them when they look, "I see a crack in the doorframe." (If you don’t know what it’s called, try “I see this thing over there”).

Now turn your attention to the auditory channel and note, one by one, the three things you hear. (You will notice that this allows ambient sounds to be incorporated that would distract you.)

Next, refer to your feelings and note 3 sensations (kinesthetic impressions). Switch from one to the other slowly. It is useful to use sensations that usually go unnoticed (for example, the severity of the glasses, the pressure of the watch strap, etc.)

Continue with 2 visual impressions, then 2 auditory impressions, and then 2 kinesthetic impressions.

Proceed (slowly) with one impression on each system.

You have completed the "outside" part of the process. It's time to start the "inside" part.

Close your eyes.

Call some image. Don't strain yourself. You can create an image or just use what appears on its own. It could be a point of light or a beautiful beach. If anything appears on its own, use that. If nothing appears, think of something like you did above (I usually see King Ludwig's castle in Bavaria ...)

Stop for a moment and allow yourself to notice a sound, or call it yourself and name it. While this is technically the “inside” part, if you hear sound outside or in the room, use it, that's okay. Remember, the idea is to incorporate what you perceive so it won't be distracting.

Then notice and name a feeling. Better to do it internally, use your imagination. (I can feel the summer sun on my hands.) But if a real physical sensation catches your attention, use it.

Repeat the process with 2 images, then 2 sounds, then 2 senses.

Repeat the entire cycle one more time using 3 images, 3 sounds and 3 sensations.

6. Completion of the process.
During this process, it is common to "drive away" / lose consciousness. At first, some think they have fallen asleep. But it usually turns out that you automatically return at the end of the allotted time. This is an indication that you were awake and that your subconscious mind was doing what you asked it to do.

Many do not make it to the end of the process. This is fine. If you complete the process before the deadline expires, continue with 4 images, sounds, feelings, then 5, and so on. As for your goal, trust that your subconscious is working in the "background" for you throughout the entire process.

Betty Erickson