The 2023 Nobel Prize in Chemistry was awarded for the discovery of quantum dots


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Quantum dots are changing the game in nanotechnology.

Mungi Bavendi, Louis Brus and Alexey Ekimov were awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry on Wednesday for their discovery and development of quantum dots — nanoparticles whose size determines their properties.

As described by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, quantum dots are "the smallest components of nanotechnology." They are used in LED lamps and televisions, and also help surgeons remove cancerous tissue.

"For a long time, no one thought it was possible to create such small particles," said Johan Akvist, chairman of the Nobel Committee for Chemistry, at a press conference where the 2023 laureates were announced. After demonstrating five multi-colored flasks filled, according to him, with a solution with quantum dots, he added:: "But this year's winners did well."

Dr. Bavendi is a professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dr. Brus is an emeritus professor at Columbia University, and Dr. Ekimov works for Nanocrystals Technology, a company based in New York State.

Interesting point: the news about the supposed victory of the laureates was published in the Swedish media on Wednesday morning, which was a rare leak of information. This was then reported by Reuters and The Associated Press a few hours before the official announcement of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. According to Dr. Aquist, this was the academy's mistake.