Technological progress: how digital life has become more expensive than your own


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We have become hostages of evolution, giving away the most valuable things we have.

Technology has permeated all areas of our lives, promising to make it easier and more convenient. However, research shows that instead of giving us more free time, technology can lead us to spend it on more and more things to do, rather than enjoying our leisure time.

How does this happen?

Technology can have an impact on our free time in several ways. First, it changes our perception of free time. Traditionally, free time was seen as a time to relax and unwind. However, in today's world, technology creates the illusion that we need to be constantly busy. We feel obligated to check email, social media, and other apps, even when we're not working. This means that we fill our free time with various tasks that are often impossible without the help of technology.

A recent TIMED study of 300 people from different European countries showed that people tend to avoid "empty" time gaps, filling them with various tasks that are often impossible without the help of technology. Whether it's waiting for the bus, waking up in the morning, or going to bed, study participants reported that these breaks are now filled with brain-training apps, making to-do lists, and other administrative tasks. It seems that the quiet moments when people watch, imagine, and dream are now filled with technical challenges.

In addition, technology can promote a denser lifestyle. With the help of technology, we can perform more tasks per unit of time. For example, we can simultaneously work, chat with friends, and watch videos. This leads to the fact that we do not have time to relax and restore our strength.

Here are some examples of how technology can take up our free time:
  • People often use technology while waiting. For example, instead of just sitting back and enjoying the moment, we take out our phone and start checking email, social media, or playing games.
  • Technology can contribute to the development of perfectionism. We feel obligated to always be in touch and keep up to date with the latest developments. This can lead to us spending more and more time on work and other tasks, even when we shouldn't be doing it.
  • Technology can contribute to the development of anxiety and stress. We constantly receive notifications about new messages, updates, and other events. This can lead to us feeling constantly overwhelmed and stressed.

How do I get my time back?

To regain our time, we need to change our perception of free time and learn to relax and enjoy leisure or doing nothing. Here are some recommendations to help you do this:
  • Accept that sometimes it's okay to do nothing. Don't be afraid to just sit back and enjoy the moment.
  • Limit your use of technology in your free time. Set limits on the amount of time you spend on social media or browsing websites.
  • Find healthy ways to relax. Exercise, read, listen to music, or spend time with your loved ones.
  • Talk to your employer about work-life balance. Make sure you have the time and space to rest and recuperate.

Research shows that technology can have a mixed impact on our free time. On the one hand, it can help us save time, but on the other hand, it can make us spend it on more and more things. To get our time back, we need to change our perception of free time and learn to relax and enjoy it. We must also demand that employers and technology developers create more favorable conditions for disconnecting and reducing the pace of life. If we all work together, we can create a more balanced life where we have enough time to work and relax.