✊ Technique to support yourself


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When you feel that you desperately need a fulcrum, there is no strength to do something and faith in yourself disappears - follow this simple technique from the arsenal of psychotherapists.

It helps you find a resource in yourself, rely on your inner strength - and you will again feel yourself in this world, you will be ready to move forward.

Sit as you like and relax. Close your eyes. And remember a situation when it was easy, calm and good for you. From childhood, or more recently, it doesn't matter.

Remember yourself in every detail. What are you like there? Describe yourself.

Now listen to the sensations: how does this state of lightness and calmness resonate in your body?

Continue to keep the situation in mind - how does it make you feel? What pleasant images do you remember? What are you capable of now, in this state? What becomes possible for you?

Remember your state in all the details: emotions, sensations in the body. And return to this situation as needed. Such auto-training helps to be in a state of balance and harmony in the most difficult periods.