Technical and functional characteristics of contactless smart cards with chip module Mifare Plus EV2 4K 7 byte UID

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To manufacture contactless smart cards BSK from RPC "Country of Cards" it is necessary to use crystals that are built into the chip module Mifare Plus EV2 4K 7 byte UID. This is one of the tags with high protection, which will be difficult to copy and counterfeit. This means that the security of all electronic contactless cards is ensured.

Why are they so secure? It's all thanks to printed and electronic personalization.

Numbering of Contactless Smart Cards BSK:

  • The BSC number is a ten-digit serial number. It is placed on the front side of the card as the line "№ 0000000000". The external serial number of the card - the number used in the transport application - is applied to the card during the graphic personalization process.
  • Electronic personalization is chip coding. To initialize cards, special keys are required, which, as a rule, customers transfer to our specialists in a private form. Electronic personalization of the memory of the BSK crystal is performed as follows:
- card initialization,

- recording of AES keys of the card for all 40 sectors of the card,

- transfer the card to SL1 mode.

The specified sectors must be locked with a key, the key is provided separately through secure channels before the order is produced.
  • After preliminary coding, the customer receives a csv file containing:
- printed card number;

- UID of the card chip.
  • All files with data on produced and rejected cards with chips are transferred to the customer by e-mail in the form of a ZIP archive.

What is an electronic contactless card?

This is a plastic card with a chip module built into it , which works using RFID technology. The card is made with printing design, signature panels and graphic markings. The design of cards and their recording are carried out in accordance with the technical specifications agreed with clients.

Inside the electronic RFID card we are talking about today, there is a microcircuit with an increased level of protection . Let's talk about its main characteristics:
  • AES encryption algorithm is used for authentication, as well as ensuring data integrity and protection ;
  • The Mifare Plus EV2 4K chip module has a unique serial UID number 7 bytes long;
  • EEPROM memory capacity is at least 4,096 bytes, it is divided into 32 sectors of 4 blocks, plus another 8 sectors of 16 blocks;
  • the crystal allows for sector-by-sector transfer of chips to a higher security level from Security Level 0 or 1 to SL 3;
  • You can write information to different memory sectors, as well as read this data;
  • the encryption algorithm uses a programmable access key, ranging from 48 to 128 bits in length;
  • each sector must store at least two keys for reading and writing data of the same type;
  • the chip must comply with Common Criteria certification level EAL 5+ ;
  • the card must comply with ISO 14443A standard;
  • data reading frequency - 13.56 MHz, distance - up to 10 cm;
  • an electronic card with a contactless chip must operate at temperatures of -35°С...+50°С;
  • the number of read-write cycles of the Mifare Plus contactless RFID card is usually at least 200,000 ;
  • Mifare Plus chip allows you to configure access conditions;
  • data transfer rate is 106-848 kbps;
  • The authenticity of the chip is verified .

Features of RFID chip card

Cards with the Mifare Plus RFID chip have increased security. That is why they are often used as passes and means of payment. Personal data is under reliable protection, so it will be very difficult to copy them, as well as write off funds.

If the chip card is a payment card, it can be replenished. As a rule, several methods are used for replenishment: via a terminal, via online accounts in banks, using NFC in a phone.

The Mifare Plus chip operates at a frequency of 13.56 MHz. This means that the distance at which it is read is from 0 to 30 mm. It is enough to bring the identifier with this chip to the reader, and all the information will be entered into the system. The data processing process takes a few seconds.

Contactless cards with chips perform many functions:
  • payment for travel on public transport,
  • parking payment,
  • social sphere (museums, theaters, etc.),
  • presentation of a pass (schools, private companies, medical centers, etc.)

All contactless RFID cards are manufactured in accordance with international and Russian standards:
  • GOST R ISO/IEC 7810-2015;
  • GOST R ISO/IEC 14443-1-2013;
  • GOST R ISO/IEC 14443-2-2014.
Despite the sufficient strength of a plastic card, there are a number of rules for its use. The card must not be subjected to mechanical damage, bent or broken, heated too much, etc. Not only will it lose its attractive appearance, but it will also stop working. Subject to operating conditions, the average service life of a contactless chip card is at least 5 years .

Product quality lies in the raw materials

All materials used in the production of plastic cards with contactless chips are certified. We cooperate only with trusted suppliers. High-quality German plastic is used for the production of contactless RFID cards. It is perfectly white and smooth. That is why the paint lies on its surface in a perfectly smooth layer. All colors are bright and match the layout.

In addition, the plastic has passed all the necessary tests and confirmed its complete safety. It meets all sanitary requirements. That is why chip cards made of plastic from RPC "Country of Cards" can be used daily even by children.

Complete security of personal information

Data protection directly depends on the chip used in the card. The higher its protection, the more securely the information will be encoded. Mifare Plus EV2 4K uses a modern encryption algorithm - AES. Today it is considered one of the most reliable, and has even been adopted by the US government as an encryption standard.

In addition, this chip model has a UID 7 bytes long . The UID is a unique manufacturing number that is assigned to each chip when it is manufactured. Its length of 7 bytes allows the production of a large number of chips with unique, non-repeating numbers. This will not only be an indicator of its originality, but will also protect against copying and counterfeiting.

There should not be several identical numbers in one system. This is due not only to safety, but also to correct operation. If different tags have the same UID number and it is entered into the system twice, failures may occur.

That is why most often the customer sends us a list of numbers that he already has in order to avoid repetitions. And we, in turn, send him the UID of new cards so that he can enter them into the system on time. All information is transmitted in encrypted form , as it is confidential.

Design and decoration of plastic RFID cards

BSK must correspond to the original layouts of customers . Most often, clients want to see cards in a corporate design that will become an extension of the brand. That is why accurate reproduction of all colors when printing is important. Typically the maximum color is 4+4 (CMYK). You can order the creation of a design layout from us or do it yourself.

The surface of the plastic card is protected from damage by a laminate. It is almost impossible to erase the paint from underneath. The protective coating of a contactless plastic card can be glossy or matte. Its thickness is usually 50-80 microns, and it is applied over permanent graphic information.

A unique serial number can also be applied to the surface of the carrier . The color, shape and size of the font are selected according to the layout and brand book of the customer. The number must be clearly visible on the surface and remain intact throughout the entire service life of the carrier, so it is covered on top with a lamination layer 50-80 microns thick.

Various graphical personalization can also be used for additional protection . For example, barcode or QR code, printed numbering, etc.

The decor is intended to become not only a decoration of the card, but also its distinctive feature. This means it also protects against counterfeiting. For example, various information can be applied to the surface of a card using UV paint. This can be a company logo or name, as well as the UID number of the crystal. Such paint will only be visible under ultraviolet light. You can also use other types of decor: foil stamping, holograms, selective varnish, etc.

So, why are Mifare Plus EV2 4K cards from RPK "Country of Cards" so popular?
  • They are safe to use,
  • They look bright and modern,
  • They work stably in any conditions,
  • Equipped with high protection against counterfeiting and copying,
  • All personal data will be reliably protected from third parties,
  • Made from high quality materials.
We independently perform all stages of manufacturing contactless plastic cards at our plant. Designers will prepare the layout for printing, and specialists at the production site will wind antennas for crystals, launch the design for printing, and also check the finished cards for defects and operability.

You get only 100% high quality plastic cards with chips.
