Team Work


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I am since some month in this field and there is one point that i don't understand. Until now i have not seen a team working on it. Only single carders. I believe if we would great a smal group of 5 to maximum 10 carders we could do a great work together. Working on the same topic helping each other and sharing the results depending of knowledge, work and participating.

Everybody here has his talent and his knowledge. I would like to get a good mixture in the group. If someone is interested please write to me


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I want to be and work in a team.
What specific can you suggest?
Do you want to be the leader (most important leader) in this group? Will you be able to teach other participants and give them useful tips and advice?
Or will all participants have equal rights?
Do you want the group to share their best practices and secrets with each other?
Teamwork is very effective, productive and fun.
We should be together, but so far you have little reputation to trust you.
You need to be useful and smart, as well as share your knowledge, skills and abilities with each other.


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It is nice to hear that you would like to join the Team.

I think the leader should be the carder with most experience. It could be you or someone else. I honestly don't care about this. This should have nothing to do with egos,
The many reason to create the team, is to maximizes the profit for everybody. Everybody should bring their knowledge in.

I am aware that my reputation is very low, because of this we need a leader with a higher reputation.

IIt is very difficult to trust someone in the carding industry, as honest people would chose a different kind of work. However if everybody is thinking like a businessman, then we should understand that you can sheet a person only one maximum two times, but if you work honest with him you profit will be much higher.

In the end we all are here for only one reason and that's money


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Carders development and teamwork 2021
Carders are the basic building block of any organization using TQM. The only way that true responsibility for quality can be assigned to an individual or group is that of those who do the work or conduct the process.
The complexity of most of the processes occurring in an organization takes them out of the control of any one person, and the only effective way to improve or restructure the process is to use teamwork.

Why teams?
Teamwork has many benefits:
  • a huge variety of complex issues can be addressed by pooling knowledge and resources;
  • problem solving requires a wide variety of knowledge, skills and experience;
  • this approach increases morale and a sense of ownership through participation in decision-making;
  • improving the ability to create linkages between departments and functions;
  • recommendations are more likely to be implemented when they come from individuals.

Employees will not be able to participate in continuous improvement activities without some commitment from senior leaders, a culture of improvement, and an effective mechanism for leveraging the individual contributions of carders. Teamwork must be driven by strategy, structure and carried out thoughtfully and effectively.

When properly managed and developed, teamwork quickly and economically improves processes and outcomes through the free exchange of ideas, information, knowledge and data. It is an essential component of an overall organization for quality, building trust, improving communication, and fosters a culture of interdependence rather than independence.

Team Roles
After years of researching teams, Dr Meredith Belbin has identified eight roles that, when they are all present on a team, give it a better chance of success. These roles are:
  • Coordinator
  • Shaper
  • Specialist
  • Evaluator
  • Executor
  • Thinker
  • Communicator
  • Collectivist
The group coordinator clarifies goals, sets the agenda, sets priorities, highlights issues, summarizes, is critical but does not dominate the discussion.
The shaper shapes the collective effort by looking at the heart of the discussion and practical considerations about the appropriateness of a particular project. It can put pressure on the team, but it gives some results.
The carder thinker is the source of original ideas, wishes and suggestions, which are usually original and radical.
The carder evaluator measures and impartially analyzes, and with the help of objectivity, stops the team and commits to identifying the erroneous task.
The carder performer translates decisions and strategies into definite and feasible tasks, logically considering goals.
The carder communicator goes beyond the team, bringing in ideas, information and events. He is a salesman, diplomat, communicator and researcher.
The carder collectivist contributes to the preservation of the integrity of the team, prevents its disintegration in the event of pressure or stress
The specialist has a constant sense of timing.

All of these features matter and this is an oversight when any of them are not represented on the team: there are no stars or extras. The team role of a person can be determined using the Belbin questionnaire.

It is not necessary that the team consists of eight carders, each of whom performs one of the roles, but carders who are able to perform these functions must be present in the team. In small groups, carders can, and presumably perform more than one role. In addition, analyzing existing teams, their creation or behavior, using these concepts of team roles, can lead to improvements, for example:
  • low efficiency requires a good coordinator or collectivist;
  • conflict requires a shaper and a strong coordinator;
  • error-prone team teams need an evaluator.

Different roles play an important role in different circumstances, for example, new groups need a strong shaper to get started, competitive situations require a thinker with good ideas, and in high-risk areas, good judgment is needed. Teams should therefore be analyzed in terms of what roles their members can play, as well as what skills the team needs most.

Despite clearly defined roles within a team, interactions between different individuals can be a frequent source of friction. However, this can be largely avoided by understanding the differences between carders. The Myers-Briggs Inventory (MBTI) is a powerful tool for team and personal development, providing a well-structured framework for understanding these differences. It is based on identifying a person's behavioral preferences on four scales:
Extraversion (E) - Introversion (I)how we prefer to give / receive energy; or how we focus attention.
Sensory (S) - Intuition (N)how we prefer to collect information.
Thinking (T) - Feeling (F)how we prefer to make decisions.
Judgments (J) - Perceptions (P)how we prefer to perceive the outside world.

4 MBTI scales represent two opposite preferences (dominants) - most carders can use both boundaries at different times, which will indicate preferences on each of these scales. In total, there are eight possible preferences and the MBTI type of a person contains 4 - E or I, S or N, T or F and J or P. The preferred (dominant) type should be determined by the time the questionnaire is completed, its analysis, subsequent feedback and discussion with a qualified MBTI administrator.

If each preference is represented by a specific letter, the personality type can be expressed by a four-letter code, of which there are sixteen. Those. ESTJ stands for extrovert (E), who prefers to receive information through the sensory way (S), make decisions by reasoning (T), and judgments (J) in relation to the outside world. A person with opposite preferences on all four scales will have an INFP code; introvert (I) who prefers to collect information intuitively (N), make decisions guided by feelings (F), and perceive the outside world through sensations (P).

16 types of MBTI:
  • Extrovert prefers action and the outside world
  • Introvert prefers ideas and inner peace
  • The sensory-thinking type is interested in facts, analyzing them impersonally and using a stepwise process to form conclusions
  • The sensory-feeling type is also interested in facts, but analyzes them personally from the point of view of themselves and others.
  • The intuitive-thinking type is interested in patterns and possibilities, making decisions based on impersonal, logical analysis.
  • Intuitive-feeling type is also interested in the schemes and possibilities, but makes decisions based on personal values and their impact on carders.
  • The type who prefers judgment is perceived by others as living in an orderly, planned way, able to regulate and control.
  • The perceiving type is perceived by others as flexible, spontaneous, demonstrating a willingness to understand and adapt easily.

Obviously, there are more than 16 personality types in the world, and it is important to emphasize what we can do to accommodate all 16 types in our daily life. Each person has a dominant type in which he feels most comfortable.

For teamwork, dominant types and their interpretation are very important, and can be used in relation to individuals, or seen in relation to a group as a means of improving processes.

It is imperative that the team does not skip these steps i.e. it is better to collect information for persons with dominant functions (S or N) and make decisions - (T or F). Thus, the strong type ST will prefer to collect facts (S), think logically through the decision-making process (T). With a lack of time and the need to pay attention to new schemes and opportunities - (N), to influence carders - (F).

Problems and solutions can be improved by using all dominant types, if team members are not experienced in using other dominant types that are not inherent to them, they should consult other carders of the opposite type. But if the team does not have a member, for example, with a dominant (F), its members should pay special attention to the consequences of their decisions on carders, rather than act in accordance with their natural preference - to ignore or avoid this problem.

Personality differences are often the result of a conflict between two opposing types. For example, ST may think that NF's colleague is not paying enough attention to detail and is illogical, so his decision is unreasonable. NF may think that ST is "picky" and cannot see the big picture, and may be offended by its apparent insensitivity to others.

The use of MBTI makes it clear that there is no “right” or “bad”. These differences and strengths enable you to work more efficiently. This is essential for teamwork, and real benefits can be achieved if all team members know their dominant MBTI type and use it as a team.

Team development
You can define four stages through which all the commands go through in time:
  • Formation
  • Storm
  • Rationing
  • Performance

At the stage of formation (awareness), feelings, weaknesses and mistakes are hushed up, and there is no common understanding of what should be done. Carders do not pay much attention to the views of others and their values.

The stage of the assault (conflict) is more risky, since personal questions open up, and the group becomes more and more internally oriented. The values, attitudes and concerns of others in the team are increasingly involved.

At the stage of rationing (cooperation), trust and faith come to the fore, with a more systematic and open approach, which leads to clearer and more methodical work. The value of carders increases, goals are clarified, goals are set, information is systematically collected, taking into account all options, detailed plans are prepared and an understanding of the need for improvement is developed.

The criteria for an effective (productive) stage are flexibility, leadership determined by the situation, the absence of a protocol, everyone's energy is used, the basic principles and social aspects of the organization's decision are considered.

Teams that make it through these stages successfully should come up with improved team improvement efficiency and demonstrate:
  • defining clear goals and agreed performance indicators
  • openness and free expression of opposing opinions
  • support and trust
  • cooperation and conflicts
  • satisfying decision making
  • relevant leadership
  • analysis of team processes
  • strong intergroup relationships
  • the possibility of individual development

Teamwork model
In developing its model for teamwork, John Adair used the understanding that any team in response to the leadership needs a clear definition of objectives and the achievement of these objectives should be linked to the needs of the team and the individual entities within it.

The team leader or facilitator should focus on a small central part of the model, consisting of the intersection of three “action to change” circles, and there are three interrelated but separate requirements for the team leader:
  • determine and achieve the results of work or tasks, for example, the improvement process
  • create and coordinate a team
  • develop and satisfy the individuals of the nutria team

In order to carry out these tasks, the team leader or facilitator must fulfill the following functions:
  • Planning
    Determining the goals and objectives of the team. Making a real plan.
  • Initiation
    An explanation of why this plan is needed. Highlight tasks for team members. Setting team standards
  • Control
    Influence of tempo. The belief that all actions are directed towards a goal. Support for ongoing discussion. Leading the actions and decisions of the team.
  • Support
    Encouragement and discipline of teams and individuals. Build team spirit to release tension and iron out disagreements.
  • Communication
    Providing new information to the team. Getting information from the team. Summing up proposals and tasks.
  • Assessment
    Checking the possible consequences of the proposed solution. Assessing the effectiveness of the team.
    Helping the team assess their own performance using standards.

The team process, like any other process, is all about inputs and outputs. A highly productive team has three main characteristics - a high degree of task completion, a significant maintenance of team relations, and a low self-orientation.

Improvement of team members can take place by assigning additional responsibilities and powers to represent the interests of the team in the process. This allows the team to gain respect.

Real team work involves several factors:
  • Team selection and leadership
  • Team goals
  • Team meetings
  • Team assignments
  • Team dynamics
  • Team results and analysis.

The most important element of the team is its members, carders with knowledge and experience are needed, their number should be within the range of 5-10 carders in order to maintain the manageability of the team under good conditions for exchange of views. The selection of members can include carders from groups outside of the processes if it makes sense to include them, but sometimes the team starts with one or two carders and grows in the process.

Team goals should be agreed at the beginning of the process and should begin every team meeting. This will help focus the thoughts and efforts of team members on goals, and distract from other problems.

An agenda should be prepared and distributed before each team meeting. It should include the place, time and duration of the meeting, a list of expected participants, a list of topics to be discussed at the meeting, any assignments to be prepared by members or groups, supporting materials to be discussed at the meeting.

In a meeting, you cannot solve problems alone. They should be reflected in the action plan with the specific tasks of the team members - team assignments . It should be decided when the team gets together, an agreement on personal responsibilities and time frames, and this should be clearly articulated in the minutes of the meeting.

Interaction between team members is vital to its success. Team leaders should set team dynamics and create a culture of creativity, remove barriers to idea generation, encourage all members to contribute, and support all team members.

The team function is effective when the results of the team are realized. Team review and analysis keeps members focused on goals and promotes progress, as well as identifying problems.

Carding Education
A unique characteristic of improving teamwork is that carders express their willingness to join the group. Teaching team members and leaders is the foundation for all successful improvement programs, providing carders with an understanding of the concept of teamwork and the means and methods to be used in the improvement program.

Preparation must be ongoing to accommodate not only changes in technology, but also changes in the environment in which the organization operates, its structure and, most importantly, carders. The quality of training can be viewed as a cycle of improvement, the elements of which are:
  • Providing training as part of a quality policy
  • Assignment of responsibility for preparation
  • Setting training goals
  • Creation of the training structure
  • Identifying training needs
  • Preparation of training programs and materials
  • Implementation and control over the preparation process
  • Evaluation of results
  • Analysis of the effectiveness of training.

Even if the quality policy remains unchanged, there is a need to ensure that new goals are set to improve the quality of learning, or - directions for improving and raising standards - if the goals have already been achieved.

Investors in carders
It is the British National Standard (Investors in Carders (IiC), which sets the level of good practice for the education and development of carders in order to achieve business goals. This standard was developed in 1990 by the National Training Working Group in partnership with leading organizations, personnel, professionals. a framework for enhancing an organization's performance and competitiveness through a planned approach to formulating and presenting goals and developing carders to achieve those goals The process is cyclical and should generate a culture of continuous improvement

The Investor in Carders Standard is based on four key principles, as shown in the following table:
Commitment The investor in carders is fully committed to developing its staff to achieve goals and objectives1. The organization seeks to support the development of its cardersTop management can describe the strategies that must exist to support the development of carders in order to improve the performance of the organization. Managers can describe specific actions that have been and are being taken to support the development of carders
2. Carders are encouraged for their own improvement and work with other carders.Carders can provide examples of how they have been encouraged for their own improvement and that of others.
3. Carders believe that their contributions to the organization are recognized.Carders can describe how their contributions to the organization have been recognized. Carders believe their contributions are recognized
4. The organization is committed to balancing opportunities for human developmentManagement must create strategies to ensure equal opportunities for the development of carders. Managers must create concrete actions that they can and do to create equal opportunities for human development.
Planning An investor in carders is open about goals and what carders need to do to achieve them.5. The organization has a plan with clear goals that everyone can understand.The organization has a plan with clear objectives. Carders can consistently explain the goals of the organization at the level of their roles in it. Groups consult on the goals of the organization
6. Development of carders in accordance with the goals and directions of the organizationThe organization has clear goals that link the development of carders, goals and directions of the organization, its teams and at the individual level. Carders clearly understand their actions to develop themselves and the organization as a whole.
7. Carders understand their contribution to the achievement of the organization's goals.Carders can explain their contribution to the achievement of the organization's goals
Actions An investor in carders effectively develops carders in order to manage their productivity.8. Managers are effective in supporting the development of cardersThe organization must ensure that managers have the knowledge and skills to develop carders. Managers at all levels understand what they need to support carder's development
9. Carders learn and develop effectivelyNew carders in a new job must confirm that they have received an effective adaptation. The organization must show that carders learn and develop effectively.
Assessment Investor in carders understands the impact of investing in carders on their performance10. Carders development increases the effectiveness of the organization, its teams, individualsThe organization must show that the development of carders improves the effectiveness of the organization, its teams, individuals.
11. Carders understand the impact of the development of the organization's carders on the effectiveness of the organization itself, its teams, individualsTop management understands that all the costs and benefits of developing carders affect the effectiveness of the organization. Carders can explain the impact of development on the effectiveness of an organization, teams.
12. The organization does its best to develop cardersCarders can provide examples of relevant improvements that have been made to develop them.

The four principles of the cyclical process are broken down into 12 indicators that must be fulfilled by organizations wishing to be recognized as an Investor in carders.

Recognition as an "Investor in carders" requires a number of steps:
  • understanding the Standard and its strategic implications for the organization
  • Conducting a compliance review to identify gaps in current practice
  • planning and carrying out activities for changes.
  • planning and taking action to bring about change
  • joining forces to evaluate evidence against a standard
  • achieving recognition as an Investor in carders
  • work towards preserving the culture of continuous improvement.

Significant commercial benefits can be achieved by organizations that comply with the standard, and these can begin to manifest themselves in the process of moving towards this standard.

The practical benefits of working towards compliance include:
  • Increased revenue, productivity and profitability. Qualified and motivated carders perform better and better. Productivity is improved.
  • Reduced costs and losses. Qualified and motivated carders constantly monitor their work to identify opportunities to reduce costs and losses.
  • Improving the quality of investing in carders significantly improves the results of quality programs. Investors in carders add significant value to themselves with BS 5750, ISO 9000 and others.
  • Increased motivation through improved personal development and recognition of achievement. This leads to increased morale, reduced absenteeism, more positive acceptance of change, and identification with the organization outside of work.
  • Customer satisfaction. Investing in carders is key in order to orient employees towards customers. Thus, it allows the organization to effectively meet the customer's need for profit.
  • Public acceptance. Being an Investor in carders brings public recognition of real achievement in accordance with strict national standards. As an Investor in carders, the organization attracts more potential employees. It can also serve as an incentive for customers to select specific products and services.
  • Competitive advantage through improved efficiency. Such organizations gain a competitive advantage.


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Teamwork (coordination and cooperation)
The traditional approach defining this competence as "teamwork" is giving way to more trendy terms that generally define a person's readiness and ability to cooperate, collaborate, and jointly achieve a goal. This is one of the key competencies of the 21st century according to the Partnership Skills of the 21st Century company. Coordination and cooperation is the ability to be a team player, work for a joint result, understand your role and your contribution to a common cause. The necessary skills for the formation of competence are communication skills, system analysis and assessment, organization of working time.

Competence indicators
  • Makes a tangible contribution to the work of the team, even if personal interests are not taken into account
  • Demonstrates understanding of a common goal and how to achieve it
  • Clarifies and understands the points of view of team members
  • Shows willingness to compromise
  • Shows willingness to share responsibility and reward for the result
  • Creates an atmosphere of respect, mutual assistance and cooperation
  • Knows how to form a team that takes into account the strengths of each to achieve synergy
  • Inspires all team members to contribute to the development and achievement of goals
  • Moderates and removes conflicts within the team
  • Provides clear feedback to all team members


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I am since some month in this field and there is one point that i don't understand. Until now i have not seen a team working on it. Only single carders. I believe if we would great a smal group of 5 to maximum 10 carders we could do a great work together. Working on the same topic helping each other and sharing the results depending of knowledge, work and participating.

Everybody here has his talent and his knowledge. I would like to get a good mixture in the group. If someone is interested please write to me
Thats a very nice idea. I would be very glad to be part of the TEAM OF CARDERS.


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Please note, if you want to make a deal with this user, that it is blocked.
Good idea,

I will be the first customer. I just want to buy Paypal transfer or can you please recommend faster transfer.

I need it fast.

Please don't scam me, because i need it for family emergency. I will buy again once transaction is successful and i will write good reviews, I just need this badly.

Please recommend somebody. Or if you can do this for me i will buy right NOW.
Last edited:


Reaction score
Please note, if you want to make a deal with this user, that it is blocked.
Good idea,

I will be the first customer. I just want to buy Paypal transfer or can you please recommend faster transfer.

I need it fast. Because i need it for family emergency.

Please recommend somebody. Or if you can do this for me i will buy right NOW.

Carders development and teamwork 2021
Carders are the basic building block of any organization using TQM. The only way that true responsibility for quality can be assigned to an individual or group is that of those who do the work or conduct the process.
The complexity of most of the processes occurring in an organization takes them out of the control of any one person, and the only effective way to improve or restructure the process is to use teamwork.

Why teams?
Teamwork has many benefits:
  • a huge variety of complex issues can be addressed by pooling knowledge and resources;
  • problem solving requires a wide variety of knowledge, skills and experience;
  • this approach increases morale and a sense of ownership through participation in decision-making;
  • improving the ability to create linkages between departments and functions;
  • recommendations are more likely to be implemented when they come from individuals.

Employees will not be able to participate in continuous improvement activities without some commitment from senior leaders, a culture of improvement, and an effective mechanism for leveraging the individual contributions of carders. Teamwork must be driven by strategy, structure and carried out thoughtfully and effectively.

When properly managed and developed, teamwork quickly and economically improves processes and outcomes through the free exchange of ideas, information, knowledge and data. It is an essential component of an overall organization for quality, building trust, improving communication, and fosters a culture of interdependence rather than independence.

Team Roles
After years of researching teams, Dr Meredith Belbin has identified eight roles that, when they are all present on a team, give it a better chance of success. These roles are:
  • Coordinator
  • Shaper
  • Specialist
  • Evaluator
  • Executor
  • Thinker
  • Communicator
  • Collectivist

It is not necessary that the team consists of eight carders, each of whom performs one of the roles, but carders who are able to perform these functions must be present in the team. In small groups, carders can, and presumably perform more than one role. In addition, analyzing existing teams, their creation or behavior, using these concepts of team roles, can lead to improvements, for example:
  • low efficiency requires a good coordinator or collectivist;
  • conflict requires a shaper and a strong coordinator;
  • error-prone team teams need an evaluator.

Different roles play an important role in different circumstances, for example, new groups need a strong shaper to get started, competitive situations require a thinker with good ideas, and in high-risk areas, good judgment is needed. Teams should therefore be analyzed in terms of what roles their members can play, as well as what skills the team needs most.

Despite clearly defined roles within a team, interactions between different individuals can be a frequent source of friction. However, this can be largely avoided by understanding the differences between carders. The Myers-Briggs Inventory (MBTI) is a powerful tool for team and personal development, providing a well-structured framework for understanding these differences. It is based on identifying a person's behavioral preferences on four scales:
Extraversion (E) - Introversion (I)how we prefer to give / receive energy; or how we focus attention.
Sensory (S) - Intuition (N)how we prefer to collect information.
Thinking (T) - Feeling (F)how we prefer to make decisions.
Judgments (J) - Perceptions (P)how we prefer to perceive the outside world.

4 MBTI scales represent two opposite preferences (dominants) - most carders can use both boundaries at different times, which will indicate preferences on each of these scales. In total, there are eight possible preferences and the MBTI type of a person contains 4 - E or I, S or N, T or F and J or P. The preferred (dominant) type should be determined by the time the questionnaire is completed, its analysis, subsequent feedback and discussion with a qualified MBTI administrator.

If each preference is represented by a specific letter, the personality type can be expressed by a four-letter code, of which there are sixteen. Those. ESTJ stands for extrovert (E), who prefers to receive information through the sensory way (S), make decisions by reasoning (T), and judgments (J) in relation to the outside world. A person with opposite preferences on all four scales will have an INFP code; introvert (I) who prefers to collect information intuitively (N), make decisions guided by feelings (F), and perceive the outside world through sensations (P).

16 types of MBTI:
  • Extrovert prefers action and the outside world
  • Introvert prefers ideas and inner peace
  • The sensory-thinking type is interested in facts, analyzing them impersonally and using a stepwise process to form conclusions
  • The sensory-feeling type is also interested in facts, but analyzes them personally from the point of view of themselves and others.
  • The intuitive-thinking type is interested in patterns and possibilities, making decisions based on impersonal, logical analysis.
  • Intuitive-feeling type is also interested in the schemes and possibilities, but makes decisions based on personal values and their impact on carders.
  • The type who prefers judgment is perceived by others as living in an orderly, planned way, able to regulate and control.
  • The perceiving type is perceived by others as flexible, spontaneous, demonstrating a willingness to understand and adapt easily.

Obviously, there are more than 16 personality types in the world, and it is important to emphasize what we can do to accommodate all 16 types in our daily life. Each person has a dominant type in which he feels most comfortable.

For teamwork, dominant types and their interpretation are very important, and can be used in relation to individuals, or seen in relation to a group as a means of improving processes.

It is imperative that the team does not skip these steps i.e. it is better to collect information for persons with dominant functions (S or N) and make decisions - (T or F). Thus, the strong type ST will prefer to collect facts (S), think logically through the decision-making process (T). With a lack of time and the need to pay attention to new schemes and opportunities - (N), to influence carders - (F).

Problems and solutions can be improved by using all dominant types, if team members are not experienced in using other dominant types that are not inherent to them, they should consult other carders of the opposite type. But if the team does not have a member, for example, with a dominant (F), its members should pay special attention to the consequences of their decisions on carders, rather than act in accordance with their natural preference - to ignore or avoid this problem.

Personality differences are often the result of a conflict between two opposing types. For example, ST may think that NF's colleague is not paying enough attention to detail and is illogical, so his decision is unreasonable. NF may think that ST is "picky" and cannot see the big picture, and may be offended by its apparent insensitivity to others.

The use of MBTI makes it clear that there is no “right” or “bad”. These differences and strengths enable you to work more efficiently. This is essential for teamwork, and real benefits can be achieved if all team members know their dominant MBTI type and use it as a team.

Team development
You can define four stages through which all the commands go through in time:
  • Formation
  • Storm
  • Rationing
  • Performance

At the stage of formation (awareness), feelings, weaknesses and mistakes are hushed up, and there is no common understanding of what should be done. Carders do not pay much attention to the views of others and their values.

The stage of the assault (conflict) is more risky, since personal questions open up, and the group becomes more and more internally oriented. The values, attitudes and concerns of others in the team are increasingly involved.

At the stage of rationing (cooperation), trust and faith come to the fore, with a more systematic and open approach, which leads to clearer and more methodical work. The value of carders increases, goals are clarified, goals are set, information is systematically collected, taking into account all options, detailed plans are prepared and an understanding of the need for improvement is developed.

The criteria for an effective (productive) stage are flexibility, leadership determined by the situation, the absence of a protocol, everyone's energy is used, the basic principles and social aspects of the organization's decision are considered.

Teams that make it through these stages successfully should come up with improved team improvement efficiency and demonstrate:
  • defining clear goals and agreed performance indicators
  • openness and free expression of opposing opinions
  • support and trust
  • cooperation and conflicts
  • satisfying decision making
  • relevant leadership
  • analysis of team processes
  • strong intergroup relationships
  • the possibility of individual development

Teamwork model
In developing its model for teamwork, John Adair used the understanding that any team in response to the leadership needs a clear definition of objectives and the achievement of these objectives should be linked to the needs of the team and the individual entities within it.

The team leader or facilitator should focus on a small central part of the model, consisting of the intersection of three “action to change” circles, and there are three interrelated but separate requirements for the team leader:
  • determine and achieve the results of work or tasks, for example, the improvement process
  • create and coordinate a team
  • develop and satisfy the individuals of the nutria team

In order to carry out these tasks, the team leader or facilitator must fulfill the following functions:
  • Planning
    Determining the goals and objectives of the team. Making a real plan.
  • Initiation
    An explanation of why this plan is needed. Highlight tasks for team members. Setting team standards
  • Control
    Influence of tempo. The belief that all actions are directed towards a goal. Support for ongoing discussion. Leading the actions and decisions of the team.
  • Support
    Encouragement and discipline of teams and individuals. Build team spirit to release tension and iron out disagreements.
  • Communication
    Providing new information to the team. Getting information from the team. Summing up proposals and tasks.
  • Assessment
    Checking the possible consequences of the proposed solution. Assessing the effectiveness of the team.
    Helping the team assess their own performance using standards.

The team process, like any other process, is all about inputs and outputs. A highly productive team has three main characteristics - a high degree of task completion, a significant maintenance of team relations, and a low self-orientation.

Improvement of team members can take place by assigning additional responsibilities and powers to represent the interests of the team in the process. This allows the team to gain respect.

Real team work involves several factors:
  • Team selection and leadership
  • Team goals
  • Team meetings
  • Team assignments
  • Team dynamics
  • Team results and analysis.

The most important element of the team is its members, carders with knowledge and experience are needed, their number should be within the range of 5-10 carders in order to maintain the manageability of the team under good conditions for exchange of views. The selection of members can include carders from groups outside of the processes if it makes sense to include them, but sometimes the team starts with one or two carders and grows in the process.

Team goals should be agreed at the beginning of the process and should begin every team meeting. This will help focus the thoughts and efforts of team members on goals, and distract from other problems.

An agenda should be prepared and distributed before each team meeting. It should include the place, time and duration of the meeting, a list of expected participants, a list of topics to be discussed at the meeting, any assignments to be prepared by members or groups, supporting materials to be discussed at the meeting.

In a meeting, you cannot solve problems alone. They should be reflected in the action plan with the specific tasks of the team members - team assignments . It should be decided when the team gets together, an agreement on personal responsibilities and time frames, and this should be clearly articulated in the minutes of the meeting.

Interaction between team members is vital to its success. Team leaders should set team dynamics and create a culture of creativity, remove barriers to idea generation, encourage all members to contribute, and support all team members.

The team function is effective when the results of the team are realized. Team review and analysis keeps members focused on goals and promotes progress, as well as identifying problems.

Carding Education
A unique characteristic of improving teamwork is that carders express their willingness to join the group. Teaching team members and leaders is the foundation for all successful improvement programs, providing carders with an understanding of the concept of teamwork and the means and methods to be used in the improvement program.

Preparation must be ongoing to accommodate not only changes in technology, but also changes in the environment in which the organization operates, its structure and, most importantly, carders. The quality of training can be viewed as a cycle of improvement, the elements of which are:
  • Providing training as part of a quality policy
  • Assignment of responsibility for preparation
  • Setting training goals
  • Creation of the training structure
  • Identifying training needs
  • Preparation of training programs and materials
  • Implementation and control over the preparation process
  • Evaluation of results
  • Analysis of the effectiveness of training.

Even if the quality policy remains unchanged, there is a need to ensure that new goals are set to improve the quality of learning, or - directions for improving and raising standards - if the goals have already been achieved.

Investors in carders
It is the British National Standard (Investors in Carders (IiC), which sets the level of good practice for the education and development of carders in order to achieve business goals. This standard was developed in 1990 by the National Training Working Group in partnership with leading organizations, personnel, professionals. a framework for enhancing an organization's performance and competitiveness through a planned approach to formulating and presenting goals and developing carders to achieve those goals The process is cyclical and should generate a culture of continuous improvement

The Investor in Carders Standard is based on four key principles, as shown in the following table:
Commitment The investor in carders is fully committed to developing its staff to achieve goals and objectives1. The organization seeks to support the development of its cardersTop management can describe the strategies that must exist to support the development of carders in order to improve the performance of the organization. Managers can describe specific actions that have been and are being taken to support the development of carders
2. Carders are encouraged for their own improvement and work with other carders.Carders can provide examples of how they have been encouraged for their own improvement and that of others.
3. Carders believe that their contributions to the organization are recognized.Carders can describe how their contributions to the organization have been recognized. Carders believe their contributions are recognized
4. The organization is committed to balancing opportunities for human developmentManagement must create strategies to ensure equal opportunities for the development of carders. Managers must create concrete actions that they can and do to create equal opportunities for human development.
Planning An investor in carders is open about goals and what carders need to do to achieve them.5. The organization has a plan with clear goals that everyone can understand.The organization has a plan with clear objectives. Carders can consistently explain the goals of the organization at the level of their roles in it. Groups consult on the goals of the organization
6. Development of carders in accordance with the goals and directions of the organizationThe organization has clear goals that link the development of carders, goals and directions of the organization, its teams and at the individual level. Carders clearly understand their actions to develop themselves and the organization as a whole.
7. Carders understand their contribution to the achievement of the organization's goals.Carders can explain their contribution to the achievement of the organization's goals
Actions An investor in carders effectively develops carders in order to manage their productivity.8. Managers are effective in supporting the development of cardersThe organization must ensure that managers have the knowledge and skills to develop carders. Managers at all levels understand what they need to support carder's development
9. Carders learn and develop effectivelyNew carders in a new job must confirm that they have received an effective adaptation. The organization must show that carders learn and develop effectively.
Assessment Investor in carders understands the impact of investing in carders on their performance10. Carders development increases the effectiveness of the organization, its teams, individualsThe organization must show that the development of carders improves the effectiveness of the organization, its teams, individuals.
11. Carders understand the impact of the development of the organization's carders on the effectiveness of the organization itself, its teams, individualsTop management understands that all the costs and benefits of developing carders affect the effectiveness of the organization. Carders can explain the impact of development on the effectiveness of an organization, teams.
12. The organization does its best to develop cardersCarders can provide examples of relevant improvements that have been made to develop them.

The four principles of the cyclical process are broken down into 12 indicators that must be fulfilled by organizations wishing to be recognized as an Investor in carders.

Recognition as an "Investor in carders" requires a number of steps:
  • understanding the Standard and its strategic implications for the organization
  • Conducting a compliance review to identify gaps in current practice
  • planning and carrying out activities for changes.
  • planning and taking action to bring about change
  • joining forces to evaluate evidence against a standard
  • achieving recognition as an Investor in carders
  • work towards preserving the culture of continuous improvement.

Significant commercial benefits can be achieved by organizations that comply with the standard, and these can begin to manifest themselves in the process of moving towards this standard.

The practical benefits of working towards compliance include:
  • Increased revenue, productivity and profitability. Qualified and motivated carders perform better and better. Productivity is improved.
  • Reduced costs and losses. Qualified and motivated carders constantly monitor their work to identify opportunities to reduce costs and losses.
  • Improving the quality of investing in carders significantly improves the results of quality programs. Investors in carders add significant value to themselves with BS 5750, ISO 9000 and others.
  • Increased motivation through improved personal development and recognition of achievement. This leads to increased morale, reduced absenteeism, more positive acceptance of change, and identification with the organization outside of work.
  • Customer satisfaction. Investing in carders is key in order to orient employees towards customers. Thus, it allows the organization to effectively meet the customer's need for profit.
  • Public acceptance. Being an Investor in carders brings public recognition of real achievement in accordance with strict national standards. As an Investor in carders, the organization attracts more potential employees. It can also serve as an incentive for customers to select specific products and services.
  • Competitive advantage through improved efficiency. Such organizations gain a competitive advantage.

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I am since some month in this field and there is one point that i don't understand. Until now i have not seen a team working on it. Only single carders. I believe if we would great a smal group of 5 to maximum 10 carders we could do a great work together. Working on the same topic helping each other and sharing the results depending of knowledge, work and participating.

Everybody here has his talent and his knowledge. I would like to get a good mixture in the group. If someone is interested please write to me


What are your plans sir?

I am also looking for carding group or team. I am planning long term process.

I have been carding two months now, usually through social engineering.

I want to start more carding work as soon as possible.