Team of the Future: OpenAI will evaluate the security of a new generation of general AI

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The best experts in the industry will ensure a secure future for artificial intelligence.

Artificial intelligence (AI) is actively developing, and with this development comes new risks. OpenAI has marked a new stage in its journey towards creating secure Artificial General Intelligence (AGI). In July 2022, scientists made a series of voluntary commitments aimed at strengthening security, reliability and trust in the field of AI.

OpenAI presented a plan to prepare for the upcoming challenges. The main focus is on assessing the potential risks that a new generation of AI systems can pose. The main questions that researchers will try to find answers to:
  • What are the real threats from new AI systems if they are used improperly?
  • How can we effectively monitor and predict the development of a new generation of artificial intelligence?
  • What actions can attackers take if they gain access to advanced AI models?

To deal with these and other challenges, a dedicated readiness team will be created, which will deal with internal testing of new models, as well as assessing their potential capabilities and risks. The key areas of work will be cybersecurity, individual impact on people, threats in the field of chemistry, biology and radiation, as well as autonomous reproduction and adaptation of AI systems.

At the moment, OpenAI invites specialists of various profiles to participate in the project Preparedness team on its website . A new stage in the development of AI requires combining the efforts of the world's best experts.