Taste of life in carding


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Coming to terms with the end is the first step to victory...
You know, I noticed this feature of carding a long time ago. Everyone has it and has had it in every business I’ve ever done - a breakthrough comes when you come to terms with the fact that this is the end... Yes, carding begins to work out precisely at that moment when everything around is so dreary that you are absolutely indifferent to everything. In some movie (I think Forrest Gump), the captain advises recruits to accept their own death as a fait accompli, only in this way, in his opinion, does a soldier become a soldier and get a chance to return from the war alive. In business it’s about the same, you must first learn to accept the fact of your own failure and loss of money and time, because it is after this that you really begin to see opportunities. Opportunities that others don't notice. Cling to any illusory chance with a stranglehold and play unique moves that others do not play...

Baseact to win...
And yet, you need to learn to be idle. Yes, it is precisely to remain inactive when reason and common sense say act, when there is no more time and you have exactly the last decisive move left in your game... This move is so important because... Your game depends on it and you either checkmate or continue the game... You look at the time, but there are only a few seconds left to make a move and you don’t know what kind of move you need, what you should do...

Just accept the loss, exhale calmly and indifferently, look at the board one last time, maybe you just missed something, one way or another you did everything you could and you will lose with dignity.

Many do not understand this and begin to panic, do something, take out loans, look for those to blame... but you just need to do nothing and wait.

Carding works, it really works! Life itself gives you clues, but in a panic you won’t see them... Most people don’t see them because of panic and the business ceases to exist. What's the point of taking the wrong steps in a panic if you don't know how to turn the situation around? On the contrary, you just need a completely cool and calm mind, and for this you need to accept the situation as it is and clearly understand the consequences and calm down.

About luck and endurance...
This is what luck is in carding, this is what a ray of light at the end of the tunnel looks like, and it is up to this moment that the endurance of most carders ends a little earlier (although there were a couple of tiny steps left until the moment of truth). And in the films this moment is shown how they got together and came up with a brilliant solution...

First money...
2 weeks after our drinking session, an old friend of mine called and asked if I could help him bring a couple of spare parts from China. We didn’t know how to transport groupage cargo, or rather we knew the theory, but there were no resources or access to such people, but I said:
- Yes, of course, no problem, what do you need?
I asked who drives for him now and why he doesn’t want to work with them anymore. He answered me that those with whom he works now work slowly, charge dearly for their services and in general he does not trust them. Next, we contacted those Chinese with whom my acquaintance worked, after lengthy negotiations, we made the price tags much lower for ourselves, in return promising mountains of gold and tons of supplies within a month (the Chinese give discounts in exchange for something profitable for themselves, but if you don’t keep your promise. .. you will be politely refused next time), so we knew that the promise would have to be kept somehow. A day later, I called a friend and told him the price was lower than what he had.

The first money is a sign of carding stabilization
A week later, we reached a profit that allowed us to pay ourselves at least a little salary. Having brought home my first salary of $1000. At home they twisted a finger at my temple, saying that I would spend so much time and money to earn it. I didn't listen to my wife (even though she was right, of course, and I was a complete idiot). Any sane person in my place would go looking for a stable and well-paid job with pension contributions and medical care. insurance with dreams of a future business. But by that time I had already realized that I wouldn’t turn it off, things had started and the flywheel had to be turned with all the strength that I had...

This is morally difficult to understand when your friends, sitting in the office from 9 to 6, quietly receive $1000 a month. At the same time, they frankly work many times less than you and are always not happy with a small salary... And you really risk everything, doing carding, sometimes you get “tears” for days. But it’s not about salary, it’s about drive, it’s about freedom, in the end the taste of life is different... especially when your business almost died, but remained alive... My partner and I understood that we had already made a bet and received our first victory , they were not going to give up without a fight. I just had to figure out what move to make next...