Suggestions on this carding method? This is for Physical Products


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Good evening folks, I need some guidance on how to use this little method for carding.

I have some questions that i will mark with a Q in my post

Can I use a burner laptop with bootable usb with windows 10 and install all the software via another usb? Q1
My plan is to remove the webcam, the hard drive and the microphone from the laptop.

I will remove the hard drive just to use my bootable usb every time i wanna card i this possible? Q2

This laptop will remain inside my car and will only be used for the carding process.

It can only be accessed with a bootable usb.

Basically I would be using: Vpn (Real pc) ➢ VM ➢ VP (In VM) ➢ Socks 5

All this would be running on a burner laptop, connected to a public network (Example: Starbucks
McDonalds etc.)

The laptop will not contain personal information of any type

My software is:

Antidetect (I understand this is for the fingerprints) ( should i use this instead of using normal mozzila? ) Q3
Ccleaner ( i dont really know when to use this software) (Pls let me know) Q4
MullVad Vpn
Proxifier and Socks5
Virtual box
TMac Changer

Any suggestions or ideas?

When i finish with 1 Cc should i use ccleaner and reboot my pc? or whats the best method to use this setup? Q5

Also for the
Drop... Can i go to a specific place to get my packages? or should i change it every time i card somethin? Q6

All 6 questions are in black font ( Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4, Q5, Q6)
Im Noob On Carding But I Would Like To Get Better At It
Sorry for all these stupid questions
Tnx for reading :) and stay safe



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To carry out the carding method, you need a laptop, personal computer or telephone with Internet access.

A1. Yes, you can use a laptop with a bootable operating system, such as a USB flash drive.
You can install the necessary software from another USB port.

A2. Yes it is possible. Removing the microphone and webcam from your laptop is a good idea for security and anonymity.
I would leave the hard drive just blank and empty, but you can still work without it.

A3. Antidetect replaces the virtual machine. That is, you can choose the following bundles:
Main operating system -> antidetect browser -> tunnel or proxy socks5
Main operating system -> home RDP -> regular browser installed
Main operating system -> virtual machine -> regular installed browser -> tunnel or proxy socks5

A4. Ccleaner is a good carding software.
It completely cleans up the system in use, such as the main operating system or virus machine.
It must be applied after each decline (deviation) of the card in order to start working with a new card on the same machine. If you work on different sites (make purchases on different sites), then you can not use it so often, it is enough at the end of the working day.
This program is a data cleansing assistant. When working with each card, your fingerprint and content on the operating system must be unique (new).

A5. Yes, you can reboot the system, but this is not the main point, as the program simply cleans up, but does not change the IDs of each device. When working with a new card, it is advisable to change all the parameters of the installed equipment so that they are unique for the fingerprint. Antifraud systems completely remember all the parameters of the working machine, so in case of card blocking, we must look unique and clean.

A6. I advise you to use the drop services for the product. They will provide you with new drops and you can order goods to their addresses. Each rop service has more than 100 actual drop addresses in total. They receive packages to any name and you will not have a problem with that.
If you have your own drop, then you can use it several times. But you must remember that someday a drop may be discovered. Usually, an average drop lives for 2-3 months, if it is constantly loaded with parcels, after which it is advisable to use a new drop.
You can pick up parcels from the drop in a designated place, so as not to meet in person, or ask him to sell the goods and transfer money to you in cryptocurrency.
In order to avoid these hassles and problems, I advise and recommend working with drop services, they take all the difficulties upon themselves, and they can also provide a free call to the store if they require it. For a liquid product, they will pay you up to 75% of the cost of the product, or they can send you the product you need to another address or to the warehouse of an intermediary.

Please don't moan and ask more questions, I like answering them.
Beginners need to learn and know the theory in order to successfully transition to practice. Knowledge is power and we must either share and help each other in the beginnings.
Carding is not as difficult as it sounds.
The main thing is to think and reason a little logically and then everything will work out.


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Good evening folks, I need some guidance on how to use this little method for carding.

I have some questions that i will mark with a Q in my post

Can I use a burner laptop with bootable usb with windows 10 and install all the software via another usb? Q1
My plan is to remove the webcam, the hard drive and the microphone from the laptop.

I will remove the hard drive just to use my bootable usb every time i wanna card i this possible? Q2

This laptop will remain inside my car and will only be used for the carding process.

It can only be accessed with a bootable usb.

Basically I would be using: Vpn (Real pc) ➢ VM ➢ VP (In VM) ➢ Socks 5

All this would be running on a burner laptop, connected to a public network (Example: Starbucks
McDonalds etc.)

The laptop will not contain personal information of any type

My software is:

Antidetect (I understand this is for the fingerprints) ( should i use this instead of using normal mozzila? ) Q3
Ccleaner ( i dont really know when to use this software) (Pls let me know) Q4
MullVad Vpn
Proxifier and Socks5
Virtual box
TMac Changer

Any suggestions or ideas?

When i finish with 1 Cc should i use ccleaner and reboot my pc? or whats the best method to use this setup? Q5

Also for the
Drop... Can i go to a specific place to get my packages? or should i change it every time i card somethin? Q6

All 6 questions are in black font ( Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4, Q5, Q6)
Im Noob On Carding But I Would Like To Get Better At It
Sorry for all these stupid questions
Tnx for reading :) and stay safe

CCleaner is easy to setup.Here is how to do it.


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Please note, if you want to make a deal with this user, that it is blocked.
Use cc cleaner before and after carding. Its used to clear cookies and caches. You don't need it since it's a burner laptop. You would only need to use cc cleaner after carding. So the sites don't notice you just payed and paying with another cc.

Anti Detect is better than Firefox for physical carding.

In-store pickup is the easiest way to make your carding successfull. You just need to hire a drop to pick up. The carded stuff at the pickup store.


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As a rule, every time the VM is started, I always change the mac address after Ccleaner and use firefox portable


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Windows 7, vpn, socks5, rdp (ssh tunnel) cc cleaner, bleachbit? This is sufficient? I have posted it somewhere else, but this would do it right?