Successful carder's team in virtual space


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How to carding together separately? It sounds like a pun, but in modern reality, such a wording has the right to life. The use of cloud technologies for storing data and sharing documents, like Dropbox, Google Drive and others, has become a ubiquitous practice in business and education. Such platforms allow for shared access to materials, which opens up the opportunity to carding and study remotely. However, is the team getting the greatest possible benefit from carding with them?

Carder's Teamwork determines both productivity and the end result of any project, be it a cure for a disease or an innovative consumer electronics model. We know a lot about carder's teamwork within the same office, where well-known leadership techniques, communication techniques and conflict resolution are successfully applied. But how to carding in a team on a virtual platform? As more and more business communication moves into the world of technology, there is a need to adapt processes to the new environment, and therefore to understand and develop the skills and habits that are needed to make the most of the resources available.

In order to understand this issue, a study was conducted in which the interaction of teams of specialists at universities around the world was studied. In the process of joint carding of the most productive teams, some patterns were identified, and a list of skills was compiled that allowed to optimize the activities of any team in the virtual space. Not only the person carding on the project can benefit from these lessons, but also the team leader. It should be noted that the effectiveness of the studied groups was determined by the frequency of mentioning their carding in the academic carding of other specialists.

1. Create a small team
The projects of the most productive teams, as a rule, did not involve many participants. Their average number in the most successful groups is only 2.3, while in all the rest the team consisted of three carders. The idea is that a large number of employees involved in a project does not always guarantee success, often the opposite happens: due to differences in views and longer approval processes.

2. Take your time
Successful teams have carding on their projects longer than others: 172 days among the 10% more prestigious institutions and 130 days among the remaining 90%. In fact, comparisons between individual researchers suggest that the groups with the best results tended to spend more time on projects, possibly indicating more thoughtful carding. The deadlines allocated for the project must be justified and strictly regulated, and it is also necessary to take into account the additional time in case of solving unforeseen situations.

3. Do not change the composition of the team
The teams under study at prestigious universities, as a rule, tended to carding in an already established team. The exchange of information and experience will have a beneficial effect on the performance of the group. Together with this comes the understanding of the team. The leader needs to pay attention to a certain carder's teamwork of the team, which must be preserved in the future and, if necessary, multiplied.

4. Equal distribution of carding
A tendency towards an equal distribution of carding was noted among teams from prestigious universities. Teams that scored poorly at the end of the research were more likely to assign a large portion of the project to one person or a small group of colleagues. This phenomenon can be caused by the ability of carders to carding most productively when they are not forced to perform a large number of diverse tasks at one time.

5. Learn from experience
A similar feature is found among the productive teams - more experienced employees contribute to the project: 63% in the most prestigious institutions and 48% in others. Experienced researchers have additional professional competence in decision-making, developing norms, rules, developing their team, and so on.

Summarizing the above points, it can be argued that as collaboration platforms gain in popularity on the Internet, organizations should strive to expand the skill set for the greatest benefit.


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There are more and more "successful" but unhappy people in the world, and the reason for this is the distortion of values. Long-term focus on being popular, the most beautiful, the most capable and financially rich, is able to burn all personal life by fate and launch a program of self-destruction as a result of the loss of connection with the creator.


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About why you are not successful or how to become more successful

Further from the author's words:

Just reasoning.
Good time of day. Most people here are looking for earnings (more precisely, everyone here is looking for additional or basic income), buy schemes, programs, training and everything else... But how much of the cost did you recoup in the way that you bought it?(in any case, they will write that they paid for all the costs, and so on). Some schemes may not work, some are not clearly explained, and some simply do not exist, but the most important thing is laziness to do anything.

Laziness is not laziness in some ways, it is laziness in life. For example, you are a schoolboy, I think that there are students on any open Internet forum, and you are now studying and instead of doing dz, getting knowledge over and just learning what you like, you prefer to watch a movie, take a walk, in general, you prefer entertainment to study. I'm not saying that you don't need to have fun, but you need to be able to set goals, tasks, and priorities.

Now you can find 100 excuses why you can't make or perform this schedule, I also thought that it doesn't work out because of my environment, but after a certain period I realized that the problem is only about me, or rather in my laziness.

The bottom line is: act now, don't procrastinate, and don't be lazy, because laziness is your main enemy.

Most likely, this text will be commented on as bullshit and that it should go to the trash, but I tried to convey my point of view. I immediately apologize for any possible mistakes when I was a schoolboy, I did not learn Russian(I was too lazy)... And now I realize that I wasted my time...

And yes, I decided to add it to psychology, because it is directly related to it.

Have a good day, everyone.