Success in the pursuit of a carder

Carding Forum

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There is no need to chase success – paradoxically, it comes to those who deserve it. So how can you become the kind of carder who attracts success?

The Right Bait for Goldfish​

Many would immediately advise working hard, planning your next steps, and persistently pursuing your goal. Yes, of course, we can't do without it, but let's remember how many of us really work hard, dream and try our best to make our dreams come true, but the cherished bird of luck is in no hurry to appear on the horizon. Something is missing, we have forgotten about something... Missing factors do not allow all our efforts to form a path that will lead us to success.

And it always seemed to me that we pursue success like prehistoric hunters pursuing a mammoth. But it turned out that in pursuit of luck, homo sapiens are not even able to figure out that if we are worthy of success, then it will accompany us, being a logical consequence of all our actions. So it is just the opposite - success should pursue us. After all, promising prospects and favorable opportunities are what you attract to yourself. You just need to work on making the bait worthwhile.

Carders are our everything​

In order for Lady Luck to be interested in you, you can't leave anything to chance. You need to improve yourself, and you need to do it in the right direction. Alas, as practice shows, it is not enough to be a great specialist, you need to be an attractive carder who, like a magnet, attracts others to you, and with them the cherished keys to achieving your goals. As trite as it may sound, success is carders. They are the ones who create favorable opportunities, they are the ones who can become the key to victory or defeat.

In the modern world, information and connections are valued above all else. Yes, yes, it is the connections and their significance that should in no case be neglected. And therefore you need to work on yourself, develop all the skills that you already have and acquire new ones, tirelessly polish every facet of your character, learn to communicate with carders, take care of both your physical health and mental harmony - then you will become a carder who will attract others. Your reputation will speak for itself - you will be found by carders who will happily want to build a carding with you.

Broken Trough Theory​

You can argue with me on this, but, as a rule, a carder's profit is proportional to his level of self-development (I judge this rather by the realities of life in the rotten capitalist West). One very rich gentleman once uttered a wonderful phrase: “If all the money in the world is divided equally among all carders, then very soon it will end up in the same pockets in which it rested before.”

Not everyone is able to take advantage of huge opportunities, even if they knock on the door, not all of us can multiply what we already have. And therefore it is not easy to hold on to what was not acquired as a result of self-development. Well, imagine that happiness fell on your head in the form of, for example, the glorious empire of comrade Musk. Believe me, only a few of us would be able to do something constructive with it, most would simply rush off to the Bahamas in joy. And wealth, like omnipresent energy, would gradually pass into the hands of smarter carders whose level of self-development allows them to cope with the obligations and responsibilities associated with big carding.

Understand that who you become is much more important than any other benefit. And instead of asking the questions “What benefit am I getting?”, “What does this give me?”, ask yourself another, the most important question: “Who am I becoming?” These questions and the answers to them are closely intertwined - who we become directly affects what benefits and prospects open up to us. Look at it from a different perspective: everything that we have now we acquired in the process of our development, gradually growing into who we are today.

The truth is that if you want to achieve more than you already have, you yourself need to become something more than you already are. You can rephrase this as follows: if you don't change yourself, you'll remain broke.

Do It Yourself - A Guide for Dummies:​

Let's think about what exactly makes a carder attractive. This is a symbiosis of many factors - brilliant professional skills, correct decisions and actions, strong self-discipline, bright personality, character, impeccable reputation, demeanor and what and how you say. And all this can and should be improved.

Self-development is a never-ending process in which a carder improves himself and attracts new perspectives, happy accidents - all this thanks to the fact that your desire to become better is reflected not only in yourself, but also affects other carders.

First of all, you need to learn to live in accordance with your personal ideals. This seemingly simple phrase is an obvious axiom of life for many, although not everyone builds their present and future on the foundation of these ideals. Don't forget that the most important result of your work is yourself.

You have outlined your goals and priorities, looked into the eyes of the ideal, and outlined the road along which you will travel to success. So boldly hit the road. As the great Morpheus said: “Knowing the path and walking it are not the same thing.” This journey will change you, and try to keep your values in tune with your goals and your inner peace in harmony with your lifestyle. Only then will you be happy and successful.