Stuff carding is the simplest direction


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Hello friend, with this article I would like to answer some questions about clothing and dispel some misconceptions, because there are really a lot of them, if not to say up to more.

1. Duffel clothing is difficult

I don't know where the belief that stuff carding is more difficult than the same merchant, crypt, tickets, traffic came from... This shadow of complexity has been dragging behind the stuff carding since the distant 2000s, although this is far from the case :), stuff carding in the 2000s and now it is absolutely completely different things, then you could ship anywhere and in any way, but now we unfortunately or fortunately do not have such an opportunity.

The main "difficulties" are:

1) Drops
2) Buyers
3) Waiting for the product
4) Shops

Let's go through it in order.


In the current reality, drops have not been available for a long time, since there are a huge number of services/drop panels, and having access to at least 2/3 of them, you can become a drop driver yourself and resell services like "drop under cardholder" and similar things.

There are also a huge number of drop guides - this is definitely not a problem.


Buy up a huge number of services, your eyes run away with whom to work, check/test, in any case, you will find the best quickly, the only thing I will say is that you don't see the guys who offer 40-50% for liquid, this is an absolute divorce that everyone came across, absolutely everything.

A good percentage for liquid >60%, all that is lower is not even worth considering.

For illiquid, of course, they can ask and this is quite normal.

Also ask scoops to pay you with crypt, and then do whatever you want with it. A good option is Monero, throw it on one-time wallets and voila +A clean crypt that can not be traced in any way.

This is an appeal to those who want to drive into the crypt, what difference does it make to you to drive in an incomprehensible exchange and catch a charge, or to drive in liquid and get everything in the crypt?

Waiting for a product

Ship to yourself in the CIS or where you live does not make any sense when there are misers, you can get paid for the goods quite on the same day or the next and not risk that your pack is deployed at the border, + you will not wait for his fucking cloud of time.

I would advise you to choose buyers who work on "Payment after receipt of goods", and not "Payment after receipt and sale", the time to profit is reduced significantly. There are not so many such misers, but not so few.

Shopping centers

An urgent topic for all "drivers 2003", shops like shit, but no, for some reason everyone climbs into the most overdue ones, why do you need Amazon? when there are a lot of other shops that have fraud and not lying around with the one that Amazon has - it's just as important to understand.

The shop test costs $ 5 - $ 10 at most, and finding the one that gives is not a problem (In training, I show you how to quickly and virtually free search for them and check them)

In general, what I wanted to say in this article is that if you are for the crypt, and for other areas, you will come to stuff carding in any case, this always happens - this is the safest and most profitable direction where randomness is at least.

Random is the worst enemy that does not allow you to put work on stream, if the work can not be put on stream - there will not be much money, alas.