Student carder hacked VTB ATM


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Clients of the largest Russian banks continue to suffer theft of funds committed by carders. The latest illustrative case was recorded in VTB-24. Experts remind users of the basic rules that allow them to insure themselves as much as possible against carding, and warn that Internet carding is gaining momentum.

The development of the ATM network makes us increasingly think about protecting credit card data. Many well-known financial institutions are faced with the phenomenon of carding (using someone else's card details to withdraw money or pay for goods and services). The last significant theft of funds committed by a carder occurred in the Omsk branch of the VTB-24 bank. A student from one of the local universities was taken into custody and accused of illegally taking funds stored in an ATM, the prosecutor's office of the Omsk region reports.

The investigation established that in January 2008, a student ( his last name was not given) entered into a conspiracy with an as yet unidentified person, from whom he received counterfeit plastic cards. Then the attacker came to the ATM, where he withdrew 76 thousand rubles from the accounts of VTB-24 Bank, which he later transferred to an accomplice. The student received 3,800 rubles as a reward. A few days later, he made another attempt to illegally withdraw funds, but was detained by law enforcement officers. A criminal case was initiated under clause “a, b”, part 2 of Art. 158 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (secret theft of someone else’s property, committed by a group of persons by prior conspiracy with illegal entry into the storage facility).

As market participants note, carders rarely work alone. Usually a criminal group is formed. An analysis conducted by Perimetrix experts shows that there is a clear specialization among professional carders. Some make counterfeit plastic, some look for credit card numbers, and some specialize in PIN codes . Thus, recently a group of 5 young people were detained in Chuvashia, from whose actions not only clients of a number of Russian banks, but also credit card holders from Germany, England , Israel and Canada suffered. The damage they caused is estimated at at least $80 thousand. Last summer, the “K” department of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs stopped the activities of a gang of carders who stole more than 8 million rubles from clients of dozens of banks from Russia, the USA, Germany, China and others countries.

There is no universal means of protecting against carders, but experts advise credit card owners not to forget about the basic rules.

Experts remind you of the standard rules for all credit card holders. Firstly, you should not carry the PIN code with the card, and secondly, use the card only in trusted places (it is dangerous to withdraw cash from ATMs in small countries in Asia or the Middle East). “In practice, the easiest way is to have a relatively small, limited amount of funds on a debit card or a small limit on a credit card,” says Denis Zenkin, marketing director at Perimetrix. - In this case, the user insures himself very well against large losses and risks losing a maximum of $1 thousand. Users can significantly minimize the risk by using ATMs inside banks or ATMs to which access is limited (say, located in a company). In such ATMs, it is much more difficult to install cameras, keyboard overlays or a gasket in the reader slot.”

Experts say that skimming (reading the magnetic track of a card using a special device) is gaining momentum, but it is mainly done by professionals. At the same time, Internet carding (theft of payment data via the Internet) has already gained momentum. The Perimetrix company estimates the black market for credit card numbers on the Internet at at least $500 million. “At the same time, today you can buy card numbers from residents of Britain, the USA, and continental European countries,” notes Denis Zenkin. — The price for one room varies from $2 to $20 depending on the balance on the card and some other parameters. I note that trading card numbers on the Internet significantly complicates the fight against crime, since a skimmer who received information, for example, in Moscow, can sell it via the Internet to Brazil or China. And there local criminals will withdraw money.”

As for the theft of numbers on the Internet itself, in addition to phishing, information security experts talk about major leaks of financial and personal data. Even if it is not financial information that is leaked from a company, criminals can use someone else’s personal data to get a credit card in someone else’s name. This is especially common in North America, but will soon reach Russia.
