Stealer basics


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Stealer is a malicious software designed to steal passwords stored in the system and send them to its Creator.

The Stealer can steal all your saved passwords from all browsers, the telegram session, cookies (for logging in to sites), files of cold wallets of popular cryptocurrencies for further cashing them out, files from the desktop of a certain extension .doc/ .docx/ .txt/ .log (often people store a file with passwords directly on the desktop).

All this data is sent to you in the admin panel, where it is indicated from which IP address and computer name it all arrived. Roughly speaking, we can take away all the most valuable things that can be on the computer.


Panel example.

How to apply it

Using the received victim's e-mail, you can restore many interesting accounts, do not ignore this feature.

Some do not find anything interesting just sell empty logs on various forums to beginners, having decent software, you can quickly spread your accounts in folders and start trading them.

But the most profitable use of the Staler is targeted attacks - you first find a big fish, a crypto investor, the owner of a public VK, the owner of a QIWI wallet, and so on, and with the help of C skills, we throw the Stealer to him.

How to sell the victim a Stealer?
The most popular free distribution method is YouTube, just upload a bunch of videos about cheats for different games and catch installations. You should not buy paid downloads right away, it is better to first understand how everything works using free distribution methods, especially if you buy them, then you need to pour the installation on Stealer+clipper, as this will significantly increase the potential profit.

A clipper virus that replaces the victim's wallet numbers with yours in the clipboard is most relevant for cryptocurrencies, so when a mammoth uses a cryptocurrency exchange for the first time in its life, it transfers money immediately to you.

Detectors - the number of antiviruses that treat your virus as malware, there are several of them on any online scanner, so they always say 0 out of 35, and so on. An absolutely clean file is often simply called FUD, which stands for fully undetected (it doesn't burn at all).

In its pure form, no one distributes Stealer - before that, it is encrypted (the process of adding extra tinsel to your file to get rid of detectors), cryptos are very different, I write about methods that are now widely used by consumers. In General, the best option is to clean the source code, but of course no one will show it to you if you are a software user, and not its Creator. Crypto services cost about $ 7-15 if you buy them. You need to update the crypt depending on how and where you pour traffic.

Where to get it?
Buy on specialized forums, I do not think that it makes sense to write a Stealer yourself now, it is already difficult to compete. I will not advise or advertise anyone, you need to buy from trusted sellers and use a guarantee, although even this will not protect you from Scam by 100%.

How to protect yourself from stealers?
Store your passwords in the cloud, and you will know the password from it by heart. this is the most reliable way to protect your data. Never save your passwords or use any form AutoFill, for example, when you use currency exchangers, your card details, phone number, and e-mail may be included in the AutoFill.