Staying Legite!


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[email protected]
Staying legit and true to customers and other members of the forum as been one very important part that brings success i.e you get referrals, respect etc from people.

Looking at the time I've spent on the boards, I've learnt couple of things that makes the good people turn the bad-guy. Below I'm gonna put a short list that briefly explain mistakes good guys do.

1. Being A Reseller: Many times resellers on the forum turn rippers mostly when they get out of supply or when the original seller gets into trouble. This degenerates into bigger problems for the reseller fronting for the original seller on the forum. Most of these cases are unexplainable to the customers. Have you ever had a reseller that confesses being a reseller? They'll always look for other ways to explain whatever the situation is, which sounds more unreasonable or illogical.

The reseller situation is synonymous to having a whack partner to do ops with.

To stay long and true on the forum --- make sure you get your franchise directly from yourself and by yourself.

2. Doing Biz you don't have full knowledge about: Not testing your schemes properly and coming for a fluke review could land you into troubles too. When people trust you with there money, they don't wanna stories. Be sure of what you do and how you did it. Make sure they know the risk of not getting the ops correctly successful too. Never make statements like "100% Cash-out" when you understand the risk probabilities of the business are slim.

This happened to me a while ago when I was pushed by some friends that they would give some huge returns on online forex investments if I could gather investors. I got fucked... so I fucked the investors. And loss all the respect I got vending for about 3yrs.

3. Greed and Need: If you have a fucking target to meet. You dont let it get into your head! Dont take funds for services you can't offer or stuffs that are'nt in stock. When you create little doubt it might expand into something that will ruin your all rep.

4. Delivery/Ops Timeline: When you dont deliver on-time. You may get the "RIPPER" tag before you know it. And when you get it.... you might not get a chance of explaining yourself out.

5. Just let your YEAH be YEAH and NO be NO.


I've been there! Lost a Lot! And got my identity mistaken.