State hackers infiltrated Canadian government networks


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Which country is behind the British Columbia email hack?

Hackers allegedly backed by the state broke into the government systems of British Columbia in Canada. The hack affected 22 mailboxes containing confidential information about 19 people. The attack was announced on June 5 by the Minister of Public Safety of British Columbia Mike Farnworth.

Farnworth noted that at the moment there is no indication that the information was compromised. Farnworth did not specify which ministry the mailboxes were attached to, but said the hack did not affect the cabinet office.

The attack was carried out by government hackers who tried to compromise the systems three times. According to Farnworth, hackers gained access to employees ' files with one exception — an employee who had family information in his mailbox. All those affected will be notified and receive support – credit monitoring and digital identity protection.

The level of complexity of the attacks led investigators to conclude that they were carried out either directly by a State actor or by an organization supported by a foreign state. At the moment, the country behind the incident remains unknown.