Stable Diffusion 3: on the threshold of a new era of text visualization


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The new version of the model blurs the boundaries of digital art on any device.

Stability AI announced the launch of a pre - release version of Stable Diffusion 3, an improved text — to-image conversion model that is now more efficient and accurate.

Stable Diffusion 3 stands out from previous versions due to significant improvements: the model is better able to create images that need to represent several objects, generates better-quality images, and writes texts more accurately.


Examples of generating Stable Diffusion 3

So far, access to the model is limited, but developers offer to register in the waiting list to participate in early testing. This stage is key for collecting feedback that will help improve the functionality and security of the product before its public release.

The new Stable Diffusion 3 line includes models with the number of parameters from 800 million to 8 billion, which gives users a wide choice depending on the requirements for scalability and quality, and also allows you to adapt different versions of the model to work on various devices — from smartphones to servers.

According to Emad Mostak, CEO of Stability AI, the model is based on a combination of the diffusion transformer architecture and the flow matching method. The flow matching technique is designed to seamlessly transition from random noise to a structured image without having to simulate every step of the process. More details about the technical innovations in Stable Diffusion 3 will be described in an upcoming report.

The company pays great attention to the security and responsible use of AI, implementing measures to prevent its abuse. Security is provided at all stages of working with the model: from its training to testing, evaluation, and implementation. A number of security mechanisms have been implemented in preparation for early access.

As stated by Stability AI, the main goal of the company is to provide an open, secure and accessible to all use of generative AI. With Stable Diffusion 3, we strive to offer flexible solutions that will allow everyone to reach their creative potential, fully meeting the mission of activating human capabilities.

Those interested in commercial use of other image generation models before the official release of Stable Diffusion 3 are invited to read the terms of membership in Stability AI for self-hosting or use the developer platform to access the API.