? Speculative tricks - know to defend yourself


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? Exaggeration
The technique consists in unjustified generalization, exaggeration, in the statement of premature conclusions, for example: "All women are liars", "All men are scoundrels", etc. Exaggeration can be used to achieve other goals, as, for example, happened in the following story.
A young nun runs out of the doctor's office and disappears in tears.
- What's happened? - the doctor asks his colleague.
- Yes, nonsense: I told her that she was pregnant!
- But this cannot be! She's a nun! You insulted her! ..
- But I stopped hiccuping.

? Using authority
Consists of references to famous personalities, which is often simply far-fetched, since we can talk about something completely different. But for listeners, one mention of a well-known name is often enough: "I would not completely agree with the speaker's opinion, but if N. also adheres to this point of view, then there is nothing you can do about it ..."

? Insulation
It consists in “pulling out” individual phrases from the speech, isolating them and presenting them in a truncated form so that they have a meaning that is completely opposite to the original one.

From the point of view of rhetoric, it is correct to isolate from the speech only those parts that have an independent meaning, are clear in themselves and cannot be distorted, being extracted from the general text.

It is absolutely incorrect to omit what precedes or follows immediately after the statement. This technique was especially prevalent during the Cold War, and is now used by some candidates in elections and in dishonest advertising.

One of the MMM commercials sounded like this: “According to the conclusion of the American magazine“ Business Week ”. MMM is the fastest growing Russian company. " The authors fraudulently snatched out the highlighted words, omitting the preceding words: "... in the opinion of Moscow pensioners ...": As a result, the assessment of the pensioners was passed off as the point of view of a respectable business publication.

〰️ Change of direction
It consists in the fact that the interlocutor does not attack our arguments, but moves on to another question, which is not related to the subject of discussion. He tries to get around the "hot" place and arouse the audience's interest in other issues.

Sheinov V.P.
"Hidden human control"


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? Displacement
The opponent exaggerates the secondary problems taken from our speech, pushing into the background our main idea. He switches to a secondary topic and tries to make an elephant out of a fly. At the same time, he overestimates certain facts, ignores others, depending on his needs. He continues to assert or prove things that have never been in doubt, and clings to little things and single words.

? Deferral
Its purpose is to create obstacles to the discussion or to prolong the dispute. The interlocutor uses meaningless words, asks already resolved questions and requires clarification in detail in order to gain time for reflection.

This technique cannot be considered unconditionally speculative, especially when unexpectedly faced with strong arguments. In this case, it is advisable not to show surprise and not to show embarrassment, but to use the indicated technique in order to obtain the necessary delay.

By providing ourselves time for reflection, we get the opportunity to discover weaknesses in the interlocutor's argumentation and develop our own counterarguments. In any case, having bought time and freed ourselves from pressure, we get the opportunity to think about the main question. After all, the discussion can be sharp, but at the same time remain honest. If the interlocutor convinced us, then this should be admitted. This is not at all shameful, since you need to have more courage in order to change your mind than in order to remain faithful to him.

? Appeal to feeling
It is a particularly dangerous form of "crowding out". The opponent does not act as a business person and specialist, but appeals for sympathy. By more or less strong influence on our feelings, he cleverly bypasses unresolved business issues in the name of some of his moral and ethical standards, principles and goals. If the interlocutor uses this technique, we must return the discussion to a business track. Practice constantly confirms that it is very difficult to prevent and neutralize the skillfully applied technique of appeal, since it is aimed at the feelings of the listeners and neutralizes the mind.

? Distortion
It is a blatant perversion of what you said, or a permutation of emphasis, therefore the use of this technique should be strongly condemned. Demagogues often use it when they are "screwed to the wall", and not only in this case.