Sovereignty in question: Roskomnadzor exposed problems with the "survivability of networks"

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Andrey Lipov shared the results of the exercise, which revealed threats to the Russian segment.

Head of Roskomnadzor Andrey Lipov spoke about the problems with the operation of communication networks in conditions of deliberate impact on them, which were identified during the latest exercises on the security and stability of networks under the law "on the sovereign Internet".

"According to the results of the latest exercises, problems related to the survivability of communication networks in conditions of deliberate impact on communication lines and structures were identified. The shutdown of individual network facilities may affect the availability of communication services in the entire region, " Lipov said at the Spektr forum in Sochi.

Lipov noted that the exercises have become an effective mechanism for identifying threats to the operation of networks and for developing response measures. According to him, based on their results, amendments to the legislation were prepared, including drafts of the concept of legal regulation and the law on primary communication networks. The head of Roskomnadzor hopes that changes in the legislation on communications will be adopted in the near future.

The law "on the sovereign Internet" was adopted in 2019 and gave Roskomnadzor the authority to establish traffic routing rules for Russian operators. In case of threats to the functioning of the Internet in Russia, the service can centrally manage traffic through the Public Communication Network Monitoring and Management Center. In accordance with the government decree of October of the same year, conducting exercises within the framework of this law has become mandatory and should take place at least once a year.

A total of four rounds of exercises were conducted, the last of which took place on the night of July 5, 2023. According to unofficial information, during the last event, the international Internet was "turned off" to make sure that the Russian segment would remain operational.