Social engineers started using dialer robots


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Phone scammers have developed a new scheme that allows them to lure bank customers' card details and money. The robot informs the person about a banking operation allegedly carried out on his behalf, and then switches to an imaginary bank employee who begins to blackmail him. A new scenario of deception is reported by the news agency.

For example, a “voice assistant” informs a bank client that a suspicious transfer is being made from his account or an application for a loan or card issue has been received from him. The robot asks the interlocutor to say "Yes" or "No" to start the operation or reject it. The conversation is always structured in such a way that "to clarify the details" the person is transferred to a "bank specialist".

When a person denies any action, scammers begin to threaten him. He is said to be "misleading the bank" and is intimidated by a criminal fraud article. In order to “keep things out of the way”, the victim is offered to transfer “compensation” according to certain requisites.

Often, social engineers switch to another, more familiar scenario - they convince the person "to cancel the operation" to name the secret card data - a three-digit code, expiration date, and codes from bank notifications. Or they can, under the pretext of "security", force them to download a program that will in fact give fraudsters remote access to the user's device and online bank.

The bank does not compensate for anything if the person himself disclosed secret data to the criminals or sent them money.

The article "How to quickly recognize a fraud" will help you learn how to expose deception in time.