Social engineering of a successful carder


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#1 – Self-confidence​

If you are not confident in yourself, you don't even have to come here, it's immediately noticeable, just remember your own or someone else's performances, when people look insecure, you don't even want to listen to them. It's like the foundation of everything.

#2 - Self-hypnosis​

Self-hypnosis is my strong point, in a matter of seconds I begin to believe myself in any nonsense, but it also kills me, my reaction is almost always fake. If you believe in yourself, this is already strong, but that's not all, look from the other side, through the eyes of another person, if not everything is so smooth, then you should go through the options on how to approach it better. If you don't believe yourself, think about why, change something in the story.

#3 – Remember everything​

I always remember what and where I even exaggerated in my story, I remember everything I lied about, down to the smallest detail, a guide on how to recognize a liar, in the style of telling everything backwards, simply disappear. If you remember all your lies, the chance that you will be caught is minimal, all my friends think that I have never seriously lied to them, and this is also experience, you will remember everything you have ever lied about, you will build your own templates, you will It's easier to come up with kilometer-long stories. Also, a person is very flattered that you remember all sorts of little things about him, I also have no problems with this, I always listen to people, remember their preferences, etc., this opens up new ways of approach, also notice something in their appearance, helps to lick up once again.

#4 – Try on masks​

Find the styles basic of behavior for yourself, substitute them where necessary, self-confident, just a pissant who can't do anything on his own, a person who doesn't interfere anywhere, on the contrary, the one who screws up everything and everyone, experiment, gain experience, your personal patterns of behavior will never interfere.

#5 – Notice the little things​

Reminds me of point three, but this is a little different, here you have to analyze the behavior, habits of people, even the environment, home, his friends, etc., find weak points, find something that you can cling to, for example a hobby, find a common theme for conversation.

#6 – Buy a person's trust​

At the first meeting, you should somehow gain his trust, shoot a whitefish, buy coffee, something else, immediately find a common topic for conversation on a grand scale and get caught up in the little things, analyze.

#7 – Be able to carry on a conversation​

Always know how to maintain a conversation, as an example, ask insignificant questions if this is the first meeting, find out little things about the person, what he works/studies, his hobbies, build on this, ask a question with a continuation, so that with the answer you can push the conversation further, if the conversation only you lead, let the interlocutor speak too, create discomfort, start to be silent and look directly at the interlocutor, as described above, analyze, look for threads to pick up.

#8 – Learn to sell yourself​

Sell yourself, pretend to be the best choice in a person's life, pretend to be just an ideal.

Something in the style of how salespeople work in stores, selling absolutely unnecessary goods. Present it, advertise it well as an ideal, make a “promotion”, compare it with others, and prove why this is exactly what you need.

I told you the basics about your behavior and setting yourself up to lie, let's say the starting setting. All this will help you build personal templates; with the help of established templates, everything will immediately become easier.

Examples of how you can play on feelings:​

Everything that is described here is quite simple, it doesn't work that easily, mostly such things are extended for weeks, months, nothing happens that easily, you need to train.


Either now, or I'll find another one, it works very often, because... does not give time to think, nerves set in, and very often a wrong choice occurs.

Instilling importance​

You need to teach something to a person so that he doesn't understand that it was shoved into him, and then take it away, he didn't need this thing, but now he can't imagine life without it. Things, here as a metaphor, basically use people and their abilities as a necessary thing in order to inflate prices, salaries, etc.

Prove to a person that he is an important link and destroy this illusion​

Well, everything is simple here, we attract a person, increasing his heart rate and self-esteem, then we send him somewhere further. If you are a girl, it is very easy to get things from snarky and withdrawn boys, if you are a guy, do this with anyone, let the victim latch on to something in you, and he is yours.

Chance and luck​

Make a person feel that you or anything best that happened to him, this only happens once in a lifetime, it won't happen again, let him understand that he needs to hold on to it and never let go.