SMS-informing (SMS-notification). What it is?


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  • SMS - informing. What is this service?
  • SMS - notification in bank. Service cost and how to activate / deactivate it?
  • Legislative provisions

SMS-informing has now become a useful banking service for a long time, and not just sending out advertisements and spam. With its help, the bank card holder will always be aware of any transactions carried out on the account, which allows timely suppression of any fraudulent actions and keep abreast of the movement of funds on the account. Let's talk more about this service.

SMS - informing. What is this service?
SMS-informing (notification, notification) is a service of receiving information in real time about all authorizations on a bank card (expenditure or receipt of funds), as well as notification of other events with a card (account or deposit) that the bank considers necessary to bring to the client.
The first word in this expression is correctly written in Latin (SMS - abbreviated from English. "Short Message Service"), but it's okay if you write SMS informing, as is generally accepted in our country.
Clients of any modern bank, when the SMS notification service is connected, receive operational information on all operations carried out on a bank card account. This information is sent in the form of an SMS notification to the mobile phone number registered with the bank, to which the cards opened by the client in the bank are “tied”.
In fact, we see in the SMS not exactly account transactions - for now these are "manipulations" of the payment system, which you can read about in the article on authorization (by the link just above). A little later (in some cases in a day or two, or even more), the amount will be actually debited from the card account (if you made payment by card). Pay attention to the transactions with your card in the Internet bank - there your recent purchases will be "listed" as blocked amounts for transactions with the card (that is, information about them has not yet been received by the bank or is being processed).

A standard set of services includes informing about receipts to the card and all expenditure transactions. But some banks offer their customers additional information as SMS notifications. It:
  • expiration of the card;
  • the minimum payment amount and the due date for depositing it into the account (in relation to a credit card);
  • the onset of the date of full fulfillment of obligations under the loan agreement;
  • date of the next loan payment;
  • expiration of credit card grace period;
  • the amount of bonuses credited to the account at the end of the month;
  • activation / deactivation of SMS notification service, etc.
Only those who have officially connected it can use the SMS-informing service by bank card.

There are several ways to activate the SMS notification service:
  • Online banking;
  • At an ATM or self-service terminal (in bank terminology - USO, i.e. self-service devices);
  • In the office (you must submit an application to the cashier to connect to the service);
  • By calling the bank's contact center.

The cost of the service can be different in each bank (from $ 0 to $ 5), i.e. in some institutions you can use this service for free, but in others it is unreasonably expensive. In any case, in our opinion, this service should be activated for every holder of bank cards - not only to control the movement of the account, but also for security reasons. If you receive a notification about spending on the card, which is clearly not made by you, then this is a serious reason to sound the alarm and urgently block the card - until the circumstances of the incident are clarified.
Since bank has issued more and more cards, we will tell you about this service using its example.

SMS - notification in bank. Service cost and how to activate / deactivate it?
In Sberbank, the SMS notification service is connected together with the "mobile bank" service.
Moreover, Sberbank offers a choice of two service packages (for more details, see the article on how to connect a mobile bank):
  • "Economy package", which is provided free of charge to the client. In this case, you will not receive SMS after each operation. In fact, the economy package allows you to make blocking transactions on the card and can provide information about the balance or expense transactions (paid separate transactions);
  • "Full package" includes all types of notifications - within the framework of this package, the SMS-informing service is activated using Sberbank cards. The cost of using the service, depending on the type of card used, can range from 0 to $ 5 per month. The service is free for all credit cards! For debit cards, the service can be 30 (budget cards: instant, Social card, etc.) or $ 5 per month (classic). Informing for Gold category cards is free.

Legislative provisions
It is no longer a secret that some banks in the most shameless way make money on SMS informing their customers. The cost of one message is much cheaper for them than the price charged to the cardholder. Banks have long been concerned about this.
This concern was manifested in the entry into force of the law, obliging all banking institutions to inform their customers about the transactions carried out on their accounts. In addition, now the bank is obliged to return all the money to the client when it is stolen from the card, if the latter did not receive notifications from the bank about the debit transaction. If such a notification was received, a citizen must apply to a banking institution with a statement about the theft of money no later than 24 hours from the moment he received a notification about such an expense transaction.

It is upsetting that the law does not stipulate exactly how the client should be notified. Therefore, some banking institutions choose cheaper ways of informing, without violating the law:
  • e-mail notifications;
  • messages in Internet banking systems;
  • extracts on paper.

Recently, financial and credit institutions are interested in push notifications (short pop-up notifications that appear on the smartphone screen and inform about any important events or updates), which are analogous to SMS notifications, but their use is under testing and adaptation for service platform of banks.
Laws and other regulations often try to take the side of the consumer and help him solve everyday problems. However, the legislation does not establish that SMS notifications on a bank card account should be provided free of charge. Not every bank wants to bear these costs on its own and therefore shifts them onto the shoulders of the end consumer, which in this case is the holder of the plastic card. It is voluntary to activate the service or not. Yes, it's convenient, but not everyone wants to pay commissions either. What is more important to you - safety and awareness, or saving on SMS informing? It's up to you to decide.