Self-development, what and how?


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Have you ever listened to this word - Self - development . Allow yourself to say it out loud one more time, just listen, isn't it great? If you try to divide the word in half, you get an interesting thing, “Self” “Development”. It feels like something is developing by itself without your participation, and most importantly itself. It is interesting to note that self-development is more about hunger, or bedsores. Bedsores self-develop, if nothing is done, hunger too. I understand that now someone will protest, but you must understand what this is about. After all, I perfectly understand that there are biological processes, and hunger does not develop itself, and bedsores too. Although they can do it themselves. Let's say that hunger is a "subpersonality".

Subpersonality is perceived by consciousness as something separate from itself, as well as an internal image attached to these elements. source: Wikipedia

She conditionally controls you: due to the removal of food products from your body, hunger begins to cause itself, thus hunger develops itself at the expense of you, do you understand that this can also be so?

Or so that rather, our body has self-developed in itself a fasting timer in order to know when to eat. How do you like that?


What will Wikipedia tell us?

And Wikipedia redirected us from this term to the term of personal growth, but oh well, let's read:
"Personal growth" is a concept of psychology. It was originally formulated in the framework of the humanistic concept of K. Rogers and A. Maslow, however, is now widely used by other psychological directions. The idea of personal growth is based on a positive vision of the original nature of a person and the possibility of developing inner potential. However, not all modern psychological concepts are based on the presence of a kind, constructive and self-developing essence in a person.

For example, a person decided to self-develop and fully understand what it is, reads such a term ...

Eeeee ... .. excuse me ...

Everything seems to be clear, but what to do is not clear….

Self-development in our channel is an independent accumulation of knowledge and their gradual translation into skills or direct acquisition of a skill, without delving into theory. The learning circle is just about that. (Someday there will be such a topic)


1. Reading materials about speed reading is not self-development.

2. Learning how to develop the skill of speed reading is also not self-development.

Self-development is when you study how to get a skill, or already know how to get it, and immediately or simultaneously introduce this skill into your life, everyday life, work, hobbies, etc. It all depends on the goal.

I will make one amendment that in some cases, self-development can be the study of something, for example, philosophy (that is, the accumulation of knowledge) or interesting topics from our channel, but precisely the study. And studying - working with the text, highlighting the main thing, memorizing, meaningful note-taking.

Everything else is consumer accumulation of knowledge or is completely stuck. Consumerism is generally a normal topic in our time, but it needs to be controlled and self-developed to suit your goals and objectives.

And we come to the most important thing, what to do ???

You need to deal with the question: "What do I want?"

And then, using different techniques (which will be in this channel), set goals and achieve them.