Security levels and disguises


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In our business, there are a huge number of nuances,one of which is the correct approach to the office. So what's the point of this article? Let's look at simple things.
Let's say you want to somehow steal a certain amount of money from an individual entrepreneur K. Apparently, your plan will be outrageously simple, and now imagine if the same plan will pass in an international bank with a completely different level of protection.
Did you feel the difference? That's exactly what I'm getting at. The AntiFraud system helps our offices with this. If you translate it into Russian, you will get something in the spirit of "Anti-Fraud". This is a system that conditionally analyzes you as a buyer/user and gives you a so-called rating, or anti-fraud points. It will be very strange if a person comes in from a new location,with a new IP address, immediately tries to make a money transfer,which is why we get the so-called "FraudRisk".

Antifraud can monitor a very large number of things at the same time,including: your behavior, what you do while on the site, at what time you usually make money transfers and for what amounts, all this is noticed by the system and remembers.

One of the most brutal examples of Anti-fraud is Amazon.It would seem that you don't even need to enter the CVV code there,but believe me,even without the CVV code, you probably won't be missed. A lot of places can be screwed up.
There are various anti-fraud systems that differ, firstly, for the cost of the owner,and secondly, in functionality.
We all understand that the most ordinary store selling things does not add $30,000 to the anti-fraud system,but now larger offices can afford such expenses.
How to determine how powerful antifraud is on a particular office?

Everything is insanely simple-look at what kind of office it is. Conditional investment offices will have many times more protection than some simple online store.

If we are looking at a simple online store , then only an anti-detection browser and a good IP address may be enough for it (some people skip proxies even with a VPN).It varies from shop to shop.
If we are looking towards more serious offices,such as exchanges, investment offices, and so on,then more serious measures may be needed to work out the office without fraud.
In this list of necessary actions, you can include the following: Replacing hardware, browser fingerprints, installing a really high-quality SOCKS5 sock, fine-tuning the browser like disabling or enabling WebRTC, and so on. Sometimes you have to do it all together.

To get around antifraud , you need to do one thing - think like a real account owner.Be creative,and always remember one thing-antifraud looks at ALL YOUR ACTIONS.

The topic of anti-fraud is too broad,and it is very difficult to fit it in one article.But in general and theoretically, I think I did it.

But how to determine what exactly needs to be replaced?

Answer: Tests, tests, tests, and more tests. No one can ever know which office or anti-fraud system you are working with, except yourself.
And if you don't want to wait,but you want to immediately disembowel anti - fraud offices - there is training for this-bypassing any anti-fraud system. In which you can learn how to identify and overcome any fraud using a variety of tools.

I can recommend some of the most popular tools -
Octo Antidetect - one of the best antidetects on the market - check IP for FRAUD Risk - high-quality proxies