Security & Dealing with Police


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This is an all around guide for dealing with LEO... I have been on crime boards in the past several years ago, for smuggling and otherwise, and also have dealt with police in person several times.....

The first thing is to realize that none of you want to be dealing with police in the first place, so keeping them away is the first priority.... when you are on the PC you always want to make sure you are using proxy networks such as TOR or even better private socks5 proxies to cloak and conceal your IP and connection.... when talking on IM you can encrypt your conversations with OTR plugin for pidgin or miranda, and use socks5 proxies to make sure the connection is encrypted or secured so LEO cannot see your IP address.... make sure the program is configured to socks5 settings and never use your carding account without the proxy, otherwise your IP may be visible to anyone with the correct plugin and your location and ISP can be traced or contacted, with records procured by LEO with proper paper-work... good to understand the timing, generally if your IP is revealed because of a mistake, you have at least 24-72 hours, normally much longer, to change locations without risk of raids..... you would need to be high priority for any of this to even happen, because for the most part it is not worth their time to bother corporations and subpoena records for small time crime... they go after big players because of money and time required for such operations.., and also because they are generous and don't wanna fuck people.....

this is why it is good to never use an IP based in one location, and to always use proxy networks which mask your internet browsing from your ISP........ or to keep one browser strictly proxied and use this for crime, or even a single hard-drive partition which you use exclusively for illegals, and another for straight..... this way you never slip up.... encrypt partitions associated with crime... any web content viewed without proxy can be read by ISP and potentially subject to subpoena.... network traffic at public wifi can be monitored, though once again, not if you are using proxies.....

anyone with the right plugin on ICQ or jabber can find your IP easily and trace you. Some LEO in fed organizations may even have technology to see through proxies....

I am uncertain about this and would appreciate anyone who has better information..... I have a close friendship with a person who performed professional computer forensics for the FBI, and there is some relatively high tech software they have access too....., next time I meet up with them I could ask some questions about this... Regarding hard-drive encryption, it is good to encrypt all your drives using the best technology you have, however even popular software such as TrueCrypt has been broken now with advanced algorithms.... the field is changing.... a professional computer forensics analyst with the feds can find portions of files even after several ferformats.... it takes a minimum of 8 reformats to completely wipe a drive, sometimes even more.... there is a program out there which allows you to do intensive security wipes when reformatting....

I keep a travel rig setup, I make myself completely nomadic and ready to disappear at any second, I take extra security measures by using public wifi's and rotating my connection points every couple hours..., only stay in one area for a week or so... I only do carding I am not into any of the other shit..... this keeps me healthy and alert.

when talking with LEO be warm, friendly, and casual without being inferior..... the police generally target you if you look like you are suspicious or doing something wrong, so you need to convince yourself that you are in the right.... you can even use self-hypnosis to do this... it will reflect in your body language and speech patterns.... make sure you don't feel guilty or otherwise, you should be capable of holding eye contact with a cop and a steady conversation without shaking or otherwise..... this is what the meditation is for....

The most important thing is to not be afraid, you can practice meditation to calm your nerves or otherwise, as soon as you succumb to fear you become a target and vulnerable to be exploited by police....., in holistic medicine we say that fear creates vulnerabilities within the energetic field, which is a curvature which allows for negative manifestations to occurr..... confidence is key....

the trick is to make everything illegal you do to be part of your natural and casual flow....., so that your body adapts to the patterns as if it is part of the regular routine.... it is important to convince yourself that everything you are doing is natural while still being aware of the risks of getting caught... just be real... I could talk to a cop face to face and joke with him while I am writing this without an issue...., because I am a good person.

1. I don't know about other countries, in USA and first world nations you need to know your rights and the law... research a decent amount, read up on various legislation... it helps to have political backing....

2. On international crimes, higher organizations need to get involved.... anything that cross state or country lines requires higher up organizations to invest time and energy, more difficult to get the documentation and permission in some cases, so small time international crime is generally safer than local crime, because no one wants to get the large scale feds involved due to resources wasted.... you should still use professional internet security, proxies, socks5, etc.... good to be mobile..... encrypt your IM... use common sense..... encrypt hard-drive especially files associated with your activities.... don't be paranoid about it...., there is a difference between caution and paranoia, learn that difference and discern in action and integrity......

3. When a cop stops you on the street, if you are in USA the first thing to realize is that until the cop gives you a valid reason, you are legally free to go... the first things to ask the cop are "am I being lawfully detained", and if he doesn't give you a reason straight up, then you are legally free to walk away no questions asked.... always good to be polite and resolve things..... it isn't until resonable suspicious to detain you has been declared that you are legally obliged to produce documentation such as ID or otherwise, and all searches, of property or person require a warrant unless you are already under arrest...., at which point anything in your possession will be searched by the police in most cases.....

4. Being nice to cops is generally a good idea, treating them warm and friendly... remember deep down they are real people with real lives.. treat them like real human beings... still good to keep quiet.. some of them got families... I have convinced police to quit their jobs before just by doing activism work with them... make sure you are capable of looking them in the eyes without shaking, or dropping your shit, and going about your business like usual, and then you are pro.... if you can do this 99% of the time, you are pro..... act casual..... I can hold a conversation with a cop in a friendly manner while I am doing 5 illegal things... I am just relaxed...

5. Do not give them any information.... if you are being unlawfully detained for a serious crime make sure you stay quiet until you have a lawyer, though lawyers are corrupt and it's better just to disappear if it's serious and find another location.... generally you want to be at least 2-4 states away to avoid extraditing on warrants, or even better, in another country.... fake ID's are good to avoid having name run on warrants, just remember if your prints are in there, smudge the scanners when you get scanned.....

don't say shit... just relax and play it cool, be quiet, if anything, just ask them your current legal status and otherwise.... don't say anything about what you do... it's fine to make small talk not pertinent to crime but they respect silence.... it really depends on the cops..... women are easier to get by with, more likely to take pity and let you out of handcuffs or drop charges if you are kind, genuine, respectful, and using the right language.....never admit to the crime and play innocence..., the entire legal system has it's basis in the idea of human slavery so it is false.... artificial creations..... you just want to understand the language so that you can become knowledgeable of the system and work within it....

5. know more about the law than the cops... it can get you outta a charge or illegal search.. some cops get afraid because they can be reprimanded by superiors for crossing legal barriers, patrol officers have strict regulations and reporting duties most of the time and have to follow certain codes depending on the department.... asking for a badge number from a patrolling police officer can intimidate them or cause them to act closer to regulations...., this doesn't help much if you are straight up getting raided unless you know some good lawyers..... everything on your person requires warrants to be searched, if they forcefully search without a warrant without your permission it is likely you can get out of it with a lawyer, unless the feds are involved and it is serious.... make sure warrants are signed by the judge....

6. If you have a crew, you can have many people with the same stories, make sure it is all legit, everyone knows the story that is going to be set straight.... if everyone has the same story, and it checks out, more likely to get out..... create degrees of separation between you and your crew, let information only funnel on a need to know basis..... if you are using a crew for cashing it is even good to keep them innocent and unknowledgable about illegal activities..... this way they can get off scotch free.....

It's possible to talk your way out of jail, just treat police and others like real human beings..... you can get all charges dropped before you hit the station if you are a slick talker or know what you are doing.... the minute the police file the report in the computer is when it falls out of the hands of one individual and into the hands of the system..... so if you got something to say do it before the logging is happening.... if you never give your name and prints aren't in the system sometimes you will just get let out without a charge if it's not too serious, or avoid other records... might have to do a few days......

I sit and meditate when I am in jail and talk shit to cops and laugh at them..... or help out other inmates..... I've never had to spend more than 24 hours in jail....

I've had police straight up choose to delete warrants on my behalf out of the system because I made friends with them in the car.... I've also had police throw me up against cars and rough me up, or drive me in the middle of nowhere and leave me standed without water.... absolutely unprovoked, in remote areas with high gang activity.... it really depends on where you are....

If you get out on bail and don't want to do time on serious charges, or deal with warrants, disappearing is the way to go...... deprived ecconomic countries have less serious enforcement, it is more militant, less technological.... the poorer the country, the weaker the system is. cops easier to bribe and otherwise... white impirialism comes hand in hand with the destruction of nature... the more cars, the less trees..... less air to breathe.... people become more domesticated, superficial, and weaker when the nature deteriorates....

Love LIFE......
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This little article written by him should be your kuran, bible.. and in case for fz_ninja, it should be written on paper with his blood, like saddam hussein did, write kuran with his own blood.


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when talking with LEO be warm, friendly, and casual without being inferior..... the police generally target you if you look like you are suspicious or doing something wrong, so you need to convince yourself that you are in the right.... you can even use self-hypnosis to do this... it will reflect in your body language and speech patterns.... make sure you don't feel guilty or otherwise, you should be capable of holding eye contact with a cop and a steady conversation without shaking or otherwise..... this is what the meditation is for....

No. You never talk to LEO. If they don't have a warrant, you don't have to and should not talk to them, they are FISHING. If they do have a warrant, shut your mouth and get an attorney.