Secure Shell Protocol Architecture


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Secure Shell (SSH) is a protocol for secure remote login and other secure network services over an insecure network. It consists of three major components:

o The Transport Layer Protocol provides server authentication, confidentiality, and integrity. It may optionally also provide compression. The transport layer will typically be run over a TCP/IP connection, but might also be used on top of any other reliable data stream.

o The User Authentication Protocol authenticates the client-side user to the server. It runs over the transport layer protocol.

o The Connection Protocol multiplexes the encrypted tunnel into several logical channels. It runs over the user authentication protocol.
The client sends a service request once a secure transport layer connection has been established. A second service request is sent after user authentication is complete. This allows new protocols to be defined and coexist with the protocols listed above.
The connection protocol provides channels that can be used for a wide range of purposes. Standard methods are provided for setting up secure interactive shell sessions and for forwarding ("tunneling") arbitrary TCP/IP ports and X11 connections.

Host Keys​

Each server host SHOULD have a host key. Hosts MAY have multiple host keys using multiple different algorithms. Multiple hosts MAY share the same host key. If a host has keys at all, it MUST have at least one key that uses each REQUIRED public key algorithim.
The server host key is used during key exchange to verify that the client is really talking to the correct server. For this to be possible, the client must have a prior knowledge of the server's
public host key.

Two different trust models can be used:

o The client has a local database that associates each host name (as typed by the user) with the corresponding public host key. This method requires no centrally administered infrastructure, and no
third-party coordination.The downside is that the database of name-to-key associations may become burdensome to maintain.

o The host name-to-key association is certified by a trusted certification authority (CA). The client only knows the CA root key, and can verify the validity of all host keys certified by accepted CAs.
The second alternative eases the maintenance problem, since ideally only a single CA key needs to be securely stored on the client. On the other hand, each host key must be appropriately certified by a central authority before authorization is possible. Also, a lot of trust is placed on the central infrastructure.

The protocol provides the option that the server name - host key association is not checked when connecting to the host for the first time. This allows communication without prior communication of host keys or certification. The connection still provides protection against passive listening; however, it becomes vulnerable to active man-in-the-middle attacks. Implementations SHOULD NOT normally allow such connections by default, as they pose a potential security problem. However, as there is no widely deployed key infrastructure available on the Internet at the time of this writing, this option makes the protocol much more usable during the transition time until such an infrastructure emerges, while still providing a much higher level of security than that offered by older solutions.
Implementations SHOULD try to make the best effort to check host keys. An example of a possible strategy is to only accept a host key without checking the first time a host is connected, save the key in a local database, and compare against that key on all future connections to that host.
Implementations MAY provide additional methods for verifying the correctness of host keys, e.g., a hexadecimal fingerprint derived
from the SHA-1 hash of the public key. Such fingerprints can easily be verified by using telephone or other external communication channels.

All implementations SHOULD provide an option not to accept host keys that cannot be verified.

Data Type Representations Used in the SSH Protocols​


A byte represents an arbitrary 8-bit value (octet). Fixed length data is sometimes represented as an array of bytes, written byte[n], where n is the number of bytes in the array.


A boolean value is stored as a single byte. The value 0 represents FALSE, and the value 1 represents TRUE. All non-zero values MUST be interpreted as TRUE; however, applications MUST NOT store values other than 0 and 1.


Represents a 32-bit unsigned integer. Stored as four bytes in the order of decreasing significance (network byte order). For example: the value 699921578 (0x29b7f4aa) is stored as 29 b7 f4 aa.


Represents a 64-bit unsigned integer. Stored as eight bytes in the order of decreasing significance (network byte order).


Arbitrary length binary string. Strings are allowed to contain arbitrary binary data, including null characters and 8-bit characters. They are stored as a uint32 containing its length (number of bytes that follow) and zero (= empty string) or more bytes that are the value of the string. Terminating null characters are not used.
Strings are also used to store text. In that case, US-ASCII is used for internal names, and ISO-10646 UTF-8 for text that might be displayed to the user. The terminating null character SHOULD NOT normally be stored in the string. For example: the US-ASCII string "testing" is represented as 00 00 00 07 t e s t i n g. The UTF-8 mapping does not alter the encoding of USASCII characters.


Represents multiple precision integers in two's complement format, stored as a string, 8 bits per byte, MSB first.

Negative numbers have the value 1 as the most significant bit of the first byte of the data partition. If the most significant bit would be set for a positive number, the number MUST be preceded by a zero byte. Unnecessary leading bytes with the value 0 or 255 MUST NOT be included. The value zero MUST be stored as a string with zero bytes of data.

value (hex) representation (hex)
----------- --------------------
0 00 00 00 00
9a378f9b2e332a7 00 00 00 08 09 a3 78 f9 b2 e3 32 a7
80 00 00 00 02 00 80
-1234 00 00 00 02 ed cc
-deadbeef 00 00 00 05 ff 21 52 41 11

A string containing comma-separated list of names. A name-list is represented as a uint32 containing its length (number of bytes that follow) followed by a comma-separated list of zero or more names. A name MUST have a non-zero length, and it MUST NOT contain a comma (","). As this is a list of names, all of the elements contained are names and MUST be in US-ASCII. Context may impose additional restrictions on the names. For example, the names in a name-list may have to be a list of valid algorithm
identifiers or a list of language tags. The order of the names in a name-list may or may not be significant. Again, this depends on the context in which the list is used. Terminating null characters MUST NOT be used, neither for the individual names, nor for the list as a whole.


value representation (hex)
----- --------------------
(), the empty name-list 00 00 00 00 ("zlib") 00 00 00 04 7a 6c 69 62 ("zlib,none") 00 00 00 09 7a 6c 69 62 2c 6e 6f 6e 65

Message Numbers​

SSH packets have message numbers in the range 1 to 255. These numbers have been allocated as follows:

Transport layer protocol:

1 to 19 Transport layer generic (e.g., disconnect, ignore, debug, etc.)

20 to 29 Algorithm negotiation
30 to 49 Key exchange method specific (numbers can be reused for different authentication methods)

User authentication protocol:

50 to 59 User authentication generic
60 to 79 User authentication method specific (numbers can be reused for different authentication methods)

Connection protocol:

80 to 89 Connection protocol generic 90 to 127 Channel related messages

Reserved for client protocols:

128 to 191 Reserved

Local extensions:

192 to 255 Local extensions

Data Integrity​

This protocol does allow the Data Integrity mechanism to be disabled.
Implementers SHOULD be wary of exposing this feature for any purpose other than debugging. Users and administrators SHOULD be explicitly warned anytime the "none" MAC is enabled.
So long as the "none" MAC is not used, this protocol provides data integrity.

Because MACs use a 32-bit sequence number, they might start to leak information after 2**32 packets have been sent. However, following the rekeying recommendations should prevent this attack. The transport protocol recommends rekeying after one gigabyte of data, and the smallest possible packet is 16 bytes. Therefore, rekeying SHOULD happen after 2**28 packets at the very most.