Search for similar cardable shops


Reaction score
1. Using Google queries
2. Search for similar shops (templates, rating, contacts, etc.)

The most commonplace
They often ask how to find shops, talk about parsers, etc. Below is the easiest way to find shops.

What we need:
1. Google
2. Ability to compose requests.

Let's start with a simple one, to begin with, let's decide which country shop we need. For example usa. Open google, write the following query in the search box - shop + inurl: .com. Why exactly such a request?

It's simple. The meaning of shop speaks for itself, there is no need to explain it here. Next comes the "+" sign, it allows you to better filter the request. The next request inurl: - indicates that the phrase we are looking for should be in the link / link / url. For example, we have written the value - .com. The search will return us to shops with domains ending in .com.

Our request is not perfect, it is taken as an example and therefore should not be counted on everywhere. By the way, it can be made more specific by putting quotes at the beginning and at the end. This allows us to receive more accurate search responses from Google for our queries.

Above was described a banal example of finding shops.

Go ahead, start looking ...

Let's start by forgetting about American shops, 90% of carders are looking for them. We will go the other way, we will look for shops in other countries.

We go to - This is a site listing countries.

For example, we choose the Czech Republic. Now we need to find out the domain of the Czech Republic itself.

Let's go here - We see the "International Domains" menu.

This is a very good cheat sheet for us. We see a list of countries with their internal domains

Since we have chosen the Czech Republic, we also look at the Czech domain. The list shows only one Czech domain, it is .cz.

Now we download Google Chrome for ourselves, it will come in handy for us. And we start to experiment with requests. For example - shop + pay visa + worldwide + site: .cz.

Let's analyze our request:

shop - everything is clear, this is a shop.

pay visa - we make it clear that we are interested in paying ss. Here you can change the request to mc, maestro, paypal, etc.

worldwide - a value indicating that we need a shop with worldwide delivery.
site: .cz - well, at the end of the request, we designate the domain. The request will give us the shops.

You can also add a search for the thing you are looking for here - for example, insert + iPhone5 + in the center of the phrase

And now we remember the rule - we don't take shops from the first pages of the search. In this case, we will safely ignore this rule and start going through the shops (does not apply to YUSY).

It is better to make requests in FireFox, and browse shops in Chrome, since chrome will quite normally translate a shop for us from Czech into Russian, which will greatly facilitate our work.

In order to find a shop in any country that is not translated into English, we change the language of the keys. For example, if you need a shop in Germany only in German, enter the keys into google translate and translate them into German.

As a result, to search for a German shop, we need to enter
shop + bezahlen mit Visa + weltweit + site: .de.

Of course, in this case, you will also receive shops with translation, but in the general list you will also find the ones you are looking for without translation.

We can also contact those in advance. shop support and, for example, posing as an American citizen, ask if I can buy / send a gift to my friend / brother / son in Russia with your help (shop).

That's all, just experiment with queries and you will succeed.

Another feature for you.
The article is not mine, but it may be useful to many here.

Recently I was worried about searching for shops, then I was interested in shops that are similar in structure, namely alexa pr ratings, the shop template itself, the contacts indicated in the shop, etc., and it is obvious that if you are the owner of a shop for $ 1-3k, then you can also merch pay based on your budget, you will not put a lot of money into the antifraud system and hire specialized personnel, it's easier to put something simple and cheap (save money) IMHO.

This is what I mean, to the fact that simple shops are equipped with merch settings and antifraud system often by default, that is, an ABC can even skip a beat is not equal to a thorn or firing only zips, and on the street, well, and a couple of other gadgets.

In the search box, enter the shop that you think is weak (low budget / simple) click the search.

Then a list of "similar" shops in their structure in ascending order will open to us.

Then we detail the information, follow the links given to us and discard the garbage.

In this way we will find ourselves a bunch of interesting shops, and if we are lucky, we will find ourselves adventurous.