Search for a person and information about him by profile on a dating site


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Today we'll talk about how much the Internet knows about your life. Due to someone's stupidity, inattention, negligence, anyone can make a portrait of you. The main thing is to know where to look. I also want to touch directly on the search for a person in social networks.

By the way, about finding a person. While the material was being prepared, an article about the Searchface service appeared on Habré (at the moment the article is not available, and the user is blocked or deleted) . Now many major media outlets have written about him. A link to the service will be at the end of the article. If you are reading it in order to find the person you need, then go to the end. There will be links to various services and their brief description. If you are interested in the process of finding a person and collecting information about him, then read on. Enjoy reading)

All information obtained in the examples of this article is publicly available and anyone can get it. Watch what you post on the Internet.

Did you like a girl on a dating site? Want to know more about her? Want to surprise her with how much you know about her? Let's look at an example of collecting information about a person using the example of a popular dating application - Badoo.

A little bit about collecting information. In the middle of the 20th century, a discipline called OSINT (Open source intelligence) was actively used in the secret services of the states of "decaying capitalism". Quoting from Wikipedia:

According to 1947 CIA analyst Sherman Kent, politicians get up to 80 percent of the information they need from open sources to make decisions in peacetime. Later, Lieutenant General Samuel Wilson, who was the head of the US DIA from 1976-1977, noted that "90 percent of intelligence comes from open sources and only 10 from the work of agents."
Today this discipline is actively used in all countries of the world. Let's stay a little Sherlock. Let's see what we can learn about a person on the Internet. Take the girl's profile on Badoo (photo below). All we know about her is that Her name is Alesya, her age and that she is from Molodechno.

We can now go in two ways. The first and easiest one is to find it through the people search service by photo. The second is to search for it manually. This method is good if: people search services have suffered the fate of FindFace; you are looking for a person not from a dating site, you do not have a photo of him, but you remember how he looks and the approximate age; you are not looking for easy ways. For example, let's analyze the second method. We will search for a person manually.

All we need to know is the age, where the person is from or where he studies. This is where the human factor comes into play. Open your groups and see if you are subscribed to the publics of your city / place of study? If so, it becomes much easier to find you. As my experience suggests, 90% of the profiles I found were subscribed to "Overheard" and other floodings of their cities / places of study.

This is what we will use. We open the Vkontakte website, go to the groups and write "Molodechno". Among the many, I chose "Overheard Molodechno". Let's go further. Now we need to open community subscribers and find Alesya among them. 159 subscribers were found. We sift them out by age. Now there are 6 people. The first profile is the one we are looking for. Congratulations! We just found the person we needed in a couple of minutes. Let's move on to the next stage - collecting information.


So. Let's start by viewing the profile. Right there we see all her contact details. Instagram, Ask, which is highly recommended immediately and read in search of information, phone number, skype. What to do with all this, you will figure it out on your own. Let's go further. We look at friends for namesakes. Brothers / sisters / parents may get caught. If this is the information you need, let's take a look. Further groups. From here we get all the information hidden by the user. It is necessary to read the names of the groups. What can you find here? For example, a user hid his hometown and wrote, say, New York (like it if they are enraged). We are watching the groups, and she is subscribed to "Overheard Mukhosransk". The question is, why should "the chick of New York" subscribe to the Muhosransk group? If the user hides the place of study. Same. Besides,you can find a lot of personal information. You can find out which team the user is rooting for, what he enjoys, what he lives for. Logically, multiple subscriptions to German language learning groups would indicate that (drum roll) the user is learning German. And the anime communities say the fagot user is into Japanese culture. Here all cases are already specific. We are now looking for where the girl we found is studying.which we found which we found.

Scrolling through the groups, we find that the user is a medic and studies in one of the institutions in the city of Molodechno. We are looking for the official website of this institution. Here, little depends on our user. All responsibility for the safety of information falls on the shoulders of the site administrator. If it does not restrict access to files, then quite interesting information pops up on the network. In our example, this is exactly what happened.

What are we doing. First, copy the site URL. Next, enter the user's first and last name and a special search query. It will look like this: Sidorova Daria Thus, we will find all references to this person on the site.


Here we are interested in the first and last link. Both documents are available for download.

The first is an order to form study groups. The order number is indicated, then the name and number of the group with all names. We now know the full composition of the entire course.

The second is even more interesting. Check-in. The contents of both documents are below.


So, what we knew initially: name, age, city of residence.

What we learned about our "victim": Vkontakte profile, name, surname, patronymic, age, place of birth, city of residence, place of study, group number, the entire composition of its course, phone number, Skype, Instagram, Twitter, Ask profiles.

All this requires 10 minutes of personal time. And this is only a small part of what could be found. You can try to search Yandex / Google for information about it. Often there are profiles on Odnoklassniki, where they also write their personal data. There is a section in friends "family" where they add their relatives.

Conclusion: as we can see, the Internet knows everything about us. And it's useless to hide from him. The best thing we can do is to close our Vkontakte profile from prying eyes and monitor what we write in our profile. After all, you never know what a person who knows where to look can find.

And now I give links to services for finding people and other useful information.

Search4faces is a sensational service over the past couple of days. A website looking for people on Vkontakte by photography with high accuracy. The interface is simple. One button. Throw in a photo - you get the result. After each search, you need to refresh the page. One of the advantages is that it is one of the few services that are actually working today. On the Internet, you can find information that the database is more than 500 million users, which is almost 100% of Vkontakte users. It also searches for other users who have photos of you. On the downside, I will attribute the fact that no one knows who the founder of this service is. Nobody knows what's going on with the photos sent to the server. It is possible that it can repeat the fate of FindFace, and we do not know how long the service will last. In addition,Vkontakte promises to sue the site. For those who do not know what can happen to people who send other people's photos to incomprehensible services, I advise you to watch the series "Black Mirror" Season 3 Episode 6.

Temporarily disabled the issuance of user id in connection with the proceedings "Vkontakte".

The telephone directory is an irreplaceable assistant in finding the addresses of a person's residence. A couple of times I managed to find out where the "victim" lives.

Advanced Search - allows you to search for the right words and data types on the right resources.

220vk is a service that allows you to find out a lot of information about Vkontakte users. Hidden friends, online activity, age, city, blacklist registration date and many other features. is a service that makes archive copies of the page at least once a year and allows you to see the latest actions of the wanted person. If a person banned you, but did not delete the page, then when he is active in LJ or social networks, the service allows you to learn a lot.

Get Contact - use at your own risk! Collects a lot of personal data from users. Banned in some countries. Searches for the signed phone number of other users.