Buyers, Drops, Intermediaries


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Hello dear. Today I will tell you about people with whom you will have to share part of your honestly stolen money. They are links in the chain through which your packs pass. I will try to tell you briefly, but so that you have an idea of each of them.


The answer is in the title, it would seem, but still they should be given a couple of lines.

Buyers are those dudes who will buy your stuff and pay you interest. Usually they pay from 25% for an illiquid product, up to 40% for a liquid one. Let me give you an example: you drove a laptop for $ 1000, as soon as the laptop comes to the stingy, you will be paid $ 300, "what the fuck is so little" you may be indignant, but don't rush to conclusions yet.

Buying money is the fastest way to make money in a clothing car. If you are still outraged, then I will tell you about one more condition for working with a skimp, which is called 50:50 or 1: 1: When you drive two identical goods into a skim, you can ask him to send one product to you and leave the other to him. Many stingy people agree to work on such conditions, and if you are eager to trade hammered staff yourself, then here is one of the simplest ways for you. Scoops come with their own drops, and without them. For all, of course, it is preferable to be stingy with drop conductors.

Drops, drop conductors, drop service.

Drop-drivers are guys who have people at their disposal who are ready to take on the dirty part of your work (drops). Drops perform various risky work in many areas of shady business, whether it be cashed out money at ATMs or processing various documents for themselves.

Drops are the lowest level in our business. It often happens that a drop does not even know that he is a drop, until Officer Joe Swanson knocks on his door and asks to pass. Such drops are called adjustable drops. They are unstable, they have a very short life span (not in the literal sense, brother, they then live happily ever after, but no longer work for you), but the prices for their services are usually lower.

Along with adjustable drops, there are also those who deliberately take risks and substitute. They are more reliable, more stable, usually already have experience of communicating with the police, but the prices for the services of such a person are growing at times. Such drops are called non-diluted.

If you find a separate, personal drop in the states, then you can immediately send all the staff through it to yourself, but know that for such a pleasure he will have to pay interest.

To receive stolen packs, I advise you to acquire your own drop, which will gladly accept any parcels for a bottle of cranes. However, if you are a lucky owner of steel eggs, you can send directly to your grandmother's address. But we will come back to this and talk in more detail about the transfer to our country.

The middle.

Everything is simple here. These are intermediary companies between the store where you stole the adidas shoes and the final delivery address, be it stingy or yourself. What are they good for and why the fuck are needed, now I'll spread it.

The middle gives you a storage compartment that you can fill with stuff. When you've got yourself half a ton of iPhones and Gucci T-shirts, you send a big pack to you. But .. everything would be too good if not for a huge minus, which, in my opinion, outweighs all the advantages of the middle. Mediums are official organizations that do not belong to the shadow sphere in any way and at the first suspicion, they will freeze everything, ask for identity confirmation, and when the cops appear, they will hand over everything they know about you and deploy the packs back. Still, they are convenient if you do not hesitate and do everything quickly.

For me, the most optimal way to work is to work with a miser. For beginners, this is generally the best way to make money.


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Intermediaries and buyers 2024
The article is devoted to intermediaries and buyers. In which we will take a closer look at the work schemes.

Sooner or later the question arises: Where to put the goods?
And in fact there are 2 options: intermediaries and buyers.

Let's start with the first one, intermediaries.
An intermediary is a logistics company engaged in delivery from one country to another. Nowadays, due to sanctions, many citizens have become aware of the existence of intermediaries and many use them to order goods from abroad. Most intermediaries really don’t like it when stolen goods come to them and they, of course, try to deal with it

Advantages of intermediaries:
- You can send goods to your homeland and sell them here at a small discount (while receiving more money)
- Low delivery price
- High-quality service (the parcel can be opened, photographed, checked and many more additional options)
- Combining parcels into one (suitable for those who will send many inexpensive goods)

Disadvantages of intermediaries:
- They may not send anything at all if they suspect something is wrong
- Always “bad” addresses - this gives additional fraud points
All intermediaries can be found in banal Google
You don’t even have to try to work with big companies - your deception won’t work with them. It is best to look for intermediaries who have been working for no more than a year and who do not have a large client base.

Intermediary testing:
Let's say you found 5-10 intermediaries through Google. Accounts were created everywhere and you were given addresses for delivery everywhere.
The next step is testing them. Testing is carried out by simply sending packs to an intermediary and waiting for his reaction.
Send 1 inexpensive pack to each intermediary and you will get a list of 2-3 intermediaries that turned out to be really working.
Finding and testing intermediaries is a constant task because they will fall off.

Why does the intermediary fall off?
The police come to him and start asking him about the goods that arrived to him.
The intermediary does not like this and begins to upgrade his system to determine which packages were obtained illegally.

Addition to the topic of intermediaries:
1) Be sure to read the terms and conditions of the intermediary
2) Be sure to analyze whether the intermediary is profitable for you or not
3) Be sure to warm up the intermediary, like any shop. You shouldn’t send 20 packs in the first week of registration. Start with 1 per week and gradually increase.
4) Remember about customs duties and find out in advance what they are (otherwise you will have to pay extra out of pocket). Underestimate the real cost of goods (write: used)
5) In your countries, accept all packages as drops (front person)

Let's move on to the second - buyers
Buyers are drop services with a large number of people who are ready to accept goods and immediately buy them back for a certain percentage.
Each buyer has everything individually: the percentage of goods purchased, the number of drops, the minimum pack limits, his own list of items to buy, etc.
Good buyers can be found on the forum. Evaluate the reputation, how long it has been in business and be sure to look at the number of reviews.
Average purchase prices for liquidity are 60-75%. For the most liquid (latest versions of iPhones) - 75-80%.

Advantages of a buyer:
- Quite good addresses - either a few fraud points are added or not added at all
- Instant redemption of goods upon delivery
- The buyer always knows that the goods were purchased illegally

Cons of being stingy:
- You give the buyer most of the profit


Examples: (simplified)
A certain carder named Sasha decided to start carding and buy things with other people's money.
Sasha works mainly with CC (credit cards)
With CC, on average, he orders goods for $500
And Sasha begins to count where and what to send him.
Valid card - $15
Proxy - 2$
Mail - 2$
Google Voice - $8
Rendering - $15
And every second order from Sasha the shop turns around.
In total, each successfully placed order costs $84
The buyer is ready to pay Sasha 35% of $500, that is, $175 (net profit $91)
But at the same time, working sparingly, Sasha will be able to make a large number of packs and earn money from each one. Sasha does not need to think about sending, receiving and further selling the goods.

Although Sasha is considering another option, intermediaries:
Costs with intermediaries increase by $20-40 (shipping cost)
Sasha will also pay her drop an additional 5-10$ for the reception
And then sell it on the bulletin board with a 20% discount
In total, from a package worth $500, Sasha will earn $280, 3 times more (net profit $195)
But the long waiting time for the parcel, possible problems with customs and constant sales on the Internet frighten Sasha.

What Sasha will choose is, of course, a big question.
What you choose is up to you to decide.

All the best and good work!