Scanman $30LR , document, scans etc


Reaction score
Tramp ripper, 30LR



(6:40:07 PM) Scan Man: here now
(6:40:21 PM) Travel Guy: how long for 2x card scan bro
(6:40:21 PM) Scan Man: what do you need
(6:40:33 PM) Scan Man: i'm online about 10 hours every day, but late in the day
(6:40:40 PM) Travel Guy: no problem
(6:40:46 PM) Scan Man: CC scans?
(6:40:46 PM) Scan Man: or ID
(6:40:52 PM) Travel Guy: cc scans
(6:40:58 PM) Scan Man: can slot you in now before i get busy
(6:41:03 PM) Travel Guy: chase black if you can
(6:41:11 PM) Travel Guy: how long though, its urgent
(6:41:18 PM) Scan Man: need about 40 minutes - safely
(6:41:18 PM) Scan Man: maybe less
(6:41:18 PM) Scan Man: yeah i can do chase
(6:41:24 PM) Travel Guy: ok
(6:41:28 PM) Travel Guy: give me your lr
(6:41:54 PM) Scan Man: U3848694
(6:42:00 PM) Travel Guy: ******
(6:42:04 PM) Travel Guy: name is ****
(6:42:04 PM) Scan Man: $30 for both
(6:42:04 PM) Scan Man: will fire up PS now
(6:42:10 PM) Travel Guy: Thanks!
(6:42:17 PM) Scan Man: same name for both
(6:42:27 PM) Travel Guy: yes please
(6:42:31 PM) Scan Man: you want me to sign them as well, or leave it blank?
(6:42:47 PM) Travel Guy: sign please but i will give you an example of signature i need its very very simple
(6:43:21 PM) Scan Man: i can copy any sig and put it onlto the card bro
(6:43:29 PM) Scan Man: just send the sample to [email protected] or sendspace
(6:43:32 PM) Travel Guy: ok thats cool
(6:43:34 PM) Travel Guy: sending now
(6:45:41 PM) Travel Guy: payment sent
(6:45:59 PM) Scan Man: thanks bro workin on it now
(6:46:07 PM) Travel Guy: ok cheers
(6:46:11 PM) Scan Man: you want it emailed to you or link you to sendspace?
(6:46:15 PM) Travel Guy: just sent me links when its done or email
(6:46:17 PM) Travel Guy: both is cool
(6:46:33 PM) Travel Guy: the email I am sending to you now just reply to it and attach
(6:46:38 PM) Scan Man: k
(6:46:42 PM) Scan Man: perfect
(6:46:43 PM) Scan Man: thanks
(6:47:11 PM) Travel Guy: got 1 more to do but will wait for these as the 3rd is not urgent
(6:47:17 PM) Travel Guy: will let you crack on, thanks
(6:47:32 PM) Scan Man: alright sounds good
(6:47:40 PM) Scan Man: will be in touch in about 40 min
(6:47:45 PM) Travel Guy: ok
(6:47:49 PM) Travel Guy: email sent
(6:48:05 PM) Scan Man: checking
(6:50:36 PM) Scan Man: got it
(7:12:27 PM) Scan Man: just noticed your title.. you buying ukash?
(7:12:41 PM) Scan Man: I have about £200 worth i need to exchnage
(7:12:50 PM) Travel Guy: yes
(7:12:56 PM) Travel Guy: rate is 1.10
(7:13:29 PM) Scan Man: in which direction
(7:13:49 PM) Travel Guy: 200 gbp ukash gets 220 lr
(7:13:55 PM) Scan Man: and does thta account for exchange rate?
(7:13:55 PM) Scan Man: ah
(7:14:25 PM) Scan Man: bit low
(7:14:30 PM) Scan Man: will think about it
(7:14:37 PM) Travel Guy: usually my rate is 1.07 :)
(7:14:45 PM) Travel Guy: im here if need anyway
(7:15:25 PM) Scan Man: let me just see what my regular exchanger is offering at the moment
(7:15:35 PM) Scan Man: might be interested
(7:16:05 PM) Travel Guy: ok, is long left on scans?
(7:16:33 PM) Scan Man: bout 1/2 way
(7:18:25 PM) Scan Man: i'll take you up in that exchange.... are you happy to go 1st, or should we use escrow?
(7:19:11 PM) Travel Guy: escrow is fine, if it makes you feel comfortable feel free to check my feedback on the forums
(7:19:56 PM) Travel Guy: but can we sort scans first as its very very urgent
(7:20:09 PM) Scan Man: alright we'll set it up after the scans are done i know you are in a rush for em
(7:20:13 PM) Scan Man: we'll speak later
(7:20:16 PM) Travel Guy: np
(7:49:30 PM) Travel Guy: bro can you send the 1 that you have finished now?
(7:50:28 PM) Travel Guy: ?
(7:51:32 PM) Scan Man: just about done bro 2 mn and i'll have all to you
(7:51:39 PM) Travel Guy: ok
(8:06:27 PM) Travel Guy: hello?
(8:06:47 PM) Scan Man: uploading, dead slow connection tonight bro sorry
(8:06:57 PM) Travel Guy: email?
(8:07:04 PM) Travel Guy: cant be that big file?
(8:07:27 PM) Travel Guy: been 1 adnd half hours, really need it
(8:12:09 PM) Travel Guy: bro refund my money
(8:12:21 PM) Travel Guy: I can't wait any longer
(8:12:24 PM) Travel Guy: messing up my work
(8:16:09 PM) Travel Guy: bro wtf
(8:20:19 PM) Travel Guy: lol, did you rip me for $30?


Reaction score
this scanman is always ripper forum. i see he rip all time