According to it, the professor gave almost 6 million rubles to unknown persons.
At the end of August, an unknown person wrote to the 86-year-old doctor of physical and technical sciences of Moscow State University, Yuri Pirogov, who introduced himself as the rector of the university. Pirogov was informed that the university was checking some employees of the accounting department, allegedly they incorrectly distributed funds. He was also told that there was a certain list in which the name of Pirogov appeared.
After that, a "security officer" contacted Pirogov, asked the professor not to tell anyone about the check and forced him to sign a "non-disclosure statement." Pirogov sent a photo of this document to the "security officer" in the messenger and began to wait for further instructions.
After that, the fraudsters acted according to the standard scheme. They found out from Pirogov about all his accounts and savings and convinced him to transfer all the money through couriers to safe accounts. Three times the couriers came to the professor's house, got into his car, called the code phrase "Bessel function", took the money and left. After that, Pirogov realized that he had been deceived and went to the police. The damage amounted to 5,800,000 rubles.
The security forces quickly identified and detained the suspects. They turned out to be two 18-year-old guys: Zinovy Stazhevsky and Artemy Mikhashchenko. The investigation found that the guys worked for an unidentified curator and knew that they were going to commit a crime. Stazhevsky took money from Pirogov, at this time Mikhashchenko was nearby and controlled the process, reporting everything to the curator. At the time of the arrest, the guys no longer had money.
At the end of August, an unknown person wrote to the 86-year-old doctor of physical and technical sciences of Moscow State University, Yuri Pirogov, who introduced himself as the rector of the university. Pirogov was informed that the university was checking some employees of the accounting department, allegedly they incorrectly distributed funds. He was also told that there was a certain list in which the name of Pirogov appeared.
After that, a "security officer" contacted Pirogov, asked the professor not to tell anyone about the check and forced him to sign a "non-disclosure statement." Pirogov sent a photo of this document to the "security officer" in the messenger and began to wait for further instructions.
After that, the fraudsters acted according to the standard scheme. They found out from Pirogov about all his accounts and savings and convinced him to transfer all the money through couriers to safe accounts. Three times the couriers came to the professor's house, got into his car, called the code phrase "Bessel function", took the money and left. After that, Pirogov realized that he had been deceived and went to the police. The damage amounted to 5,800,000 rubles.
The security forces quickly identified and detained the suspects. They turned out to be two 18-year-old guys: Zinovy Stazhevsky and Artemy Mikhashchenko. The investigation found that the guys worked for an unidentified curator and knew that they were going to commit a crime. Stazhevsky took money from Pirogov, at this time Mikhashchenko was nearby and controlled the process, reporting everything to the curator. At the time of the arrest, the guys no longer had money.