Scam young silly girls


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This method of divorce, which I want to tell you about today, will be aimed exclusively at young girls aged 18-25, not very smart, but beautiful.

So, what do we need:
  1. Social engineering skills for communicating with girls online.
  2. Big city.
  3. A VK page designed as if you are a foreigner (USA, UK, Turkey) and don't know Russian very well. The person whose page you will create should give the impression of a successful, beautiful and well-off guy of 20-25 years old, who is quite naive.

Further, the very essence of the scheme:
We get acquainted with girls from your city, as much as possible we pretend that you liked her, hearts-kisses, in general, everything is as it should be.
So we communicate with them for 2-3 days.

Our next steps:
After a few days of communication, we throw her a link to an American/English site with all sorts of jewelry made of gold/diamonds, etc.
We say, they say, choose any earrings/ring/necklace, any that you like, any price.
We continue to communicate, and in about a week we make out a beautiful box with our necklace (inside we put cheap for $ 2-3).
We fake courier docks, enter the address of our girl and the invented address of our handsome foreigner.
Next, we go to the address that the girl gave us, ring the doorbell and say:
"Thank you, girl, for you a parcel from abroad, for delivery from the United States (or any other country that you can think of) $ 50."
If she has any doubts, the contents of the $ 1,000 box will immediately outweigh her uncertainty.