Scam under the guise of legally crossing the border of Ukraine

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The Kharkiv Regional Prosecutor's Office approved and sent to the court an indictment against seven persons on the fact of fraud committed through illegal operations using electronic computing equipment, organized by a group (Part 3, 4 of Article 190 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine as amended until 11.08.2023).

According to the investigation, a 19-year-old Kharkiv resident, knowing that the "Shlyakh" system, which allows drivers of military age to cross the state border of Ukraine, has started working in Ukraine, developed a scheme for illegal enrichment.

To implement the criminal plan, the organizer attracted 6 more of his acquaintances. Scammers placed ads in Telegram chats that offered assistance in legally crossing the border of Ukraine. Coordination of travel details took place during correspondence in instant messengers and through phone calls in the premises of the so-called "call center", equipped with the necessary equipment.

The defendants promised to help with the preparation of a package of documents necessary for departure, and in direct transportation. The cost of such a service ranged from $ 1,000 to $ 2,500.

On the day of departure, clients handed over money to one of the members of the organized group, in exchange for receiving documents allegedly for crossing the border. The businessman noted that the trip will take place in a car driven by women.

After passing a part of the road, drivers made a stop under various pretexts, during which passengers got out of the car. According to the plan developed by fraudsters, the women did not wait for their return, but left the place, leaving passengers on the road.

According to the results of the investigation, law enforcement officers proved 8 episodes of criminal activity. The total amount of damage caused is almost 400 thousand hryvnias.

The indictment will be considered in the Leninsky District Court of Kharkiv.

The detection and documentation of illegal activities was carried out jointly with the Investigation Department of the State Tax Service of Ukraine in Kharkiv region and the Department of Countering Cybercrime in Kharkiv region of the NPU Cyber Police Department.