Scam - Property Format

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How are you doing over there and how is everything going on with you there today? I do really miss chatting with you so much.. am feeling reluctant to tell you about my past but i think its good i let you know all about me and the situation i am into now so that it will not be too late before i let you know I have had a lot of bad experience in my previous relationships, and i do not want to fall into the same problem anymore, i will like you to give me your words that you really want me and that you want to make a new life with me, because i have been used and suffered lots of emotional torture from my ex and i will not want to be used or played games with again in my life… I am telling you all this, so you can decide if you still want to meet me or not, so that we will not waste each others time writing each other. when you get this mail,kindly give me a response to let me know if you are interested or not.. Sometimes i feel like the world should crash on me, looking back and thoughts about my status as an orphan.i need someone to fill my heart with love,someone to make me feel glad, taking me out of my worries, giving me love, someone to stand by me like a father and mother, someone so loving and caring to get me out of my worries so i don't feel neglected,rejected.My Ex played games on me lots and treated me so bad in our marriage.He absconded with my mom's money which was kept with me after selling all her property and all fabrics materials in Russia,before we move to Australia some years ago. When my boy friend got absconded with the undisclosed sum of US dollars, this brought the first broke up between me and my mom, because he thought we had the deal together, but not knowing that I'm innocent about this. So my mom has been harsh and tough on me about this. After all these happened to me and caused by my Ex which i almost get married too,I just want you to know this now and not later and i don't want this to happen to me anymore..

On my way coming from the to purchase some goods down here today, i noticed that they were robbing at the Motel, where i stay down here,i took all the money with me and my traveling boxes and deposited it with a Security/Insurance Company here in Africa in order to save myself and my assets.Am in another motel right now to let everything settle down before i can go back to the motel,where there are band of armed robbers raiding.

I will need some words from you, which will prove to me about your interest me and what exactly you want out of this relationship.I need someone in my life,someone so loving,open minded,truthful and real since i would be coming back to the states as soon as possible you want me to, provided you would treat me and fill me with the love i have always wanted.I know that there is more meeting one on one than making promises or talks via emails, we need to meet and that's why i want to come over provided you won't disappoint me. Trust can be given, but depends if one has got that,cos what you don't have you don't give. I would want us to build trust so that we can be able to work things out together. Well, let me hang on here till i hear from you. I hope you will understand my situation at this time and i hope you will be able to offer a caring and loving arm. I need someone so loving and caring,honest,open minded,someone that hasn't come to play games cos i wont treat people the way i don't want to be treated. They say it feels good loving somebody and having it reciprocated.i need someone to love and to be loved in return. I need a man that would always be there for me, who will be like a father and husband to me,i will reciprocate true LOVE as well. I will be very grateful reading from you by telling me the truth about you and maybe you are interested in me or not. Tell me all you got on your mind.I really want to get out of here.

I really need your trust and help to get me out of this trouble i am into and i promise i will not get you disappointed.I will really appreciate your help towards this. Once i get there, we will arrange things in order and we can start a new life together, and i want to believe that you will not let me down.I came in here with a total sum of $2.6 million US Dollar, which is all the money i realize from my mom's business .I don't want to live here anymore, you know I'm a foreigner here and it is absolute danger for me here, so that is why i need your kind assistance. How i want you to help me? I have the money hidden from the everyone down here in West Africa. I put this money in a trunk box and all the goods i came down here to buy, locked up with a security code known to me only, and i deposited the box with some of my traveling luggage with a Security and Insurance Company who render private diplomatic delivery service and i told them that the box is my traveling luggage, which i want to send forth to the states because I'm returning home, but i did not tell them that the box contains money in order to make everything secure and safe.

I want the box sent to you while i catch up with you as soon as it is been delivered to you then i come over to meet you and we can start a new life together that's if you find me interesting and still want to have a relationship with me. Every arrangement for the delivery is kinda perfect, i have obtained customs papers for private freight and there are seals on the box showing that it is a private delivery and check performed,it is free from customs checks, it will be delivered at your door step by the diplomats of the security company, you do not need to burn out to receive it.The box has security lock code known to me only, only me can open the box, except if i tell anyone the Code, so the box cannot be opened on the way for delivery to you through the security insurance company.

Therefore,i want you to contact me as soon as possible, so that i can give you all my deposit details and information for you to make the Clearance from the Security Company as my fiancйe who is to receive my box for me there so they can be rest assured that the box is safe for delivery since my lover would be receiving them for me. And once the box gets to you,i will let you know the lock codes to open the box and the instructions, then you can open the box in order to have some money sent to me for my flight to the states. Once i get there, we shall invest the money together and start a new family, provided you will not disappoint neither take advantage of me.I hereby promise 40% of the total fund for you to meet any personal needs and i can get something done with the balance. I am counting on you with trust and i will appreciate your trust towards this and hoping to hear from you and to meet you in person. Let me hear from you as soon as possible, so that i can give you the deposit details and the contact of the security company to arrange the shipment asap. Please get back to me so we could get things done and let you know what to do to get me out of here and be happy together till the end of time.Hope to read from you soon.

Love Always…

Cheers xoxoxo

Caroline Smith.