Scam on magnets for counters


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This whole scheme is about saving. It is from this absolutely normal desire to save that you and I will earn good money. Imagine if you could use huge amounts of water, keep the electricity on for weeks, and burn gas without thinking about how much you would have to pay at the end of the month.

About the main thing:​

We will supposedly sell a magnet for utility meters. I’ll explain for those in the tank. The magnet is attached to the water, gas, electricity meter and suspends the meter’s function, that is, it stops counting the consumption of water, gas or electricity. In other words, if you wanted to turn on watering in the garden for the whole day, you placed a magnet on the water meter. Have you decided to mine? – put a magnet on the electricity meter, etc. That is, you can install a magnet and not worry about paying bills. The savings are huge! Profitability is off the charts.


I said that I have magnets from Poland bought in bulk and now I am selling them at a very low price. 50% of the price in online stores or markets. The Poles are famous for their enterprise and hard work, which is why they sell such “savings” to our compatriots. SI skills will be needed, but you don't have to be a Mitnik to work according to this scheme. In the text, you must make it clear to the person that he has a “problem.” And the problem is that our character does not save, although he could. Also in the text we must help him solve his “problem” by offering permanent savings using our magnet.

Example text, you can add or correct

Good afternoon, My name is Anastasia! Surely, at least once in your life, when you paid for housing and communal services, you wondered: “Why am I paying so much for utilities, is this really normal?” If I’m right, then please read to the end.

I sell magnets for suspending meters: water, gas and electricity. The savings with a magnet are very large, that is, you can put a magnet when you fill the bathroom, when the whole family is gathered, or when you have guests, when you are cleaning or want to wash your car. The payback for the magnet can already be in the first month, depending on how you use water, electricity or gas. My prices are 30-50% lower than in online stores or on the market. I am a private seller. In stores, the simplest, weakest magnets cost from 1390 UAH. (this is for the Arzamas SVK-15-3-2 water meter), but for me such a magnet costs 600 UAH. (Guys, sometimes diagrams are written in UAH, for their own reasons, but you pay attention to the courses!)

If you are interested, I can give you contacts of people who purchased magnets from me and you can ask them for reviews. Delivery to your door within 5 working days. If you are interested in saving, please write to me the model of your meter or just take a photo so that I can choose for you the optimal magnet that can stop your meter.

I will be glad to help you save wisely!

Have a good day!

An example of what we write on the page in order to appear professional:

We have magnets for the most popular meters in UKR. Here are some of them:

Okhta Taipit, Itelma (Siemens) WSW-15, Itelma (Siemens) WSW-20, Valtec VLF-R UNIVERSAL, Arzamas SVK-15-3-2, Betar-Vostok SGV-15 Antimagnetic, Betar SGV- 15, SKhV-15, Bologovsky SVK-15-1.5, METER SV-15G, Norm IS SVK-15g, Norm IS SVKM-15, Norm SVK-15x, Roskontrol SVG-15, SVKh-15, SVU-15, SVU-15 (NEVOD) Meter, Equatel SVK-15, Enbra EV, ENC, Gerrida SVK-15G SVK-15X, Gerrida SVK-20, Hidrotech et 1.5u, KB - 2.5, Lorenz ETK - EL, MINKOR

IMPORTANT! A magnet cannot be inoperative; this is impossible according to physical laws. The only problem that could be is an incorrectly selected magnet, for example, too small and weak. A magnet must be selected strictly individually for each meter.

Therefore, Dear customers, try to send the correct name of your meter.

For some meters, magnets need to be ordered in advance, delivery is 7 working days.

I already have more than 40 satisfied customers! Become one too!


We are looking for offers for the sale of magnets. For example, here is the site - neodimof. Where you can find out the current prices for magnets (after all, you will allegedly sell them at half price) and, most importantly, get some training. You must show yourself to be a professional who understands which meter needs which magnet to be placed on. I hope no one takes this as an advertisement for the site. In general, there are many sites about this! You just need to look.

We bought a VK/Inst/FB/TikTok account for 20-40 UAH. We threw in 5-15 photos from Google (counters, magnets and everything connected with it. Don’t forget to crop the company logos). On the page you will write that you have magnets available for meters A, B, C, D, E, etc. Because there are really a lot of counters now. To get the correct names of the counters, see point 1.

Where are we looking for the Target Audience? FB groups - housing and communal services, summer residents, etc. In fact, even a student in his rented one-room apartment wouldn’t mind putting a magnet on the meters in order to pay less, don’t you agree? So you can flood in the comments under various discussions or in the “looking for a job” topics, wherever! The main thing is that your offer is visible to many potential clients.

If a buyer asks for feedback from “your clients,” then just give him the left mailing address, or better yet, several! Which you have previously successfully registered on Gmail, Mail or Yandex. Because these email services have a “I don’t have a mobile device” button, therefore the mail will be anonymous. This will be to your advantage!

Don’t forget about the authentic design of your FB page. Question: Who do you want to sell to? If they are housewives, then put on ava a woman of 40-50 years old, who is all so homely, etc. If you want summer residents, then naturally choose a man of 30-50 years old, who is an expert in saving housing and communal services using a magnet. Upload a bunch of photos from “his dacha” and you’re done.

After we wrote the first message to the victim and suggested that she write us her meter model, we go to the site (point 1) and look for which magnet will suit her. We make a neat screenshot and show that in this “bad” online store they sell the magnet she needs for 2500 UAH, and you can send it to her for 1300 including delivery.

Last point. Where will our money fall like mountains? I advise you to buy a Ukrainian wallet, there are many sites. Search by reviews. For the first “sales” one is enough.


As you can see, there is nothing complicated. The main thing is to take your time, be polite, competent and find your own approach to everyone, since everyone wants to save. I also advise you to work out objections like “expensive, I don’t need it, etc.”

Algorithm for processing objections:

Listen and do not interrupt!

⦁ Agree with her (his) experience or problem...

Working out an objection - an argument

Let's tell her (him) “our” life story, how we used to pay a lot of money for housing and communal services, but then a family friend read about the “magic” magnet for the meter and since then Since then we are not afraid to waste water, electricity and gas without a bill.

We need to understand whether a person is making excuses because he does not trust or is afraid of something? Do you need to understand whether his objection is false or true? And based on this, understand how to process it correctly.