Scam in the darknet on carding forums


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Hello Anonymous. 2024 There are still messages like: “I wanted to make money on the Internet and they cheated me,” “I bought training, they blocked me after payment,” and so on..

Not surprising, because we have entered a decade that is already confidently called the year of scam and deception schemes unsuspecting simpletons. Who not only want to earn money not from an easy life. So they also borrow money to buy the coveted “MOUNT BUTTON”. I would like to believe that you are not one of “these”, but the fact of scam on the Internet remains a fact. After all, they can warm you up not only for training. You can also skillfully fall into the network of a social engineer who knows all your fears and weaknesses. And he will definitely see it through to the end. If you think that there is nothing to take from you, you are mistaken. At a time when the main value is not money, but information, you become a sweet bun.

It’s unfortunate that there are still people who work their own way (despite how much tastier the bourgeoisie is, and how much more milk it has, and how much greener the grass is). Everyone goes through something like this. For a long time now I have not counted the money that has warmed me personally over the past 5 years. The most I can advise is not to be a simpleton. Think 2 steps ahead! But under no circumstances pay in advance, whether it be cards or tuition. Either take it for verification or work for a percentage. Fortunately, many people have such opportunities today. If you are attentive enough, you will most likely ask: “how did you, Peter, fall for the scam and tell me what to do?” The answer will not be long in coming. Rome was also not built in 2 days. That's why I share with you the experience I've gained over the years.

I wasn't always so "true". Just like you, I strived for a better life and a comfortable old age, without working for scumbags who, contrary to logic, said what was best. From whom I could get anything except recognition, money and really useful advice... all I had to do was pull myself together, send everyone to the three cheerful letters - walk stupidly myself. When you literally have only your last cigarette and a couple of kopecks to avoid dying of hunger, you will be ready for a lot. Even without knowing anything, you will give birth to ideas. But giving birth is one thing, but making them a reality is not a cheap thing, and there is no money without work. Sitting at home and spitting at the ceiling, you will not get anything. Fact.

But if you believe in the functionality of the connection and understand what you need to do now to implement it, the universe will give you such a chance. And even with minimal money, which you borrow from friends and relatives, you can turn reality upside down. All that remains is to become a fan of your idea and here are a couple of effective tips from me personally:
  1. It’s good to drink, redneck.” Alcohol is your drug, learn to gain faith in yourself through achieving at least minimal goals. You are essentially hiding behind an alcohol mask to escape from your problems. I’ll say more, you don’t even notice them while you’re doing magic. But they exist.
  2. "Drugs are evil, buddy, what have you become?" Think about it, you only want to smoke until you get high. Then you think why you did it at all, but there will be no answer. You're afraid of him. Look addiction in the eyes. Bring back your passion and enthusiasm (not with alcohol) Do, do and do again.
  3. “learn to set goals and achieve them” I’m not the first person to say this, or even the hundredth. When you return to a sober mind and clear consciousness, your brain will critically need dopamine, which you borrowed from “states.” Give him that dopamine from your achievements. It's not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. Just wake up 30 minutes earlier and do some exercise. Don't waste this time on another source of dopamine (Tiktok, insta, memes, etc.)
Let's not overload you for now. Start with this. Otherwise, the speech will drag on for hours, and we still haven’t reached the topic of our article.

I would like to say that I was deceived only at the beginning of my journey. I just don’t see the point in lying. “People” are deceived every day and the majority do it (sometimes not even consciously), and they do it in ways that you can’t even know about. There is no reason to rant about such basic things as TV and your “crazy homies” (so as not to once again traumatize your psyche, already shaken by the “easy life”) But there are things that still amaze.

[Smooth transition to the topic of darknet and rukarzh] - fucking carding forums with their fucking guarantors (escrow service)... (I don’t give tags and links, as they change constantly) when will this wwh burst, $900 for training, 300 for expenses - this is a signal to your to the brain: “hmm, that means it’s really good.” Of course it’s good, only a few check). For the rest, this is a guarantee that such guys will definitely not cheat you. Another guarantee is rented turnips, for $500 a month you get a clean history of your work for a period for which you agree with the moderator) only good reviews and cleaning up the bad ones. Not life but an idiot’s fairy tale, price tag $500. You card fools and send your account into eternal chaos. Song! (for the next mammoth). Who writes good reviews anyway? Have you written at least one? I doubt it very much. People can only write bad things. And on a scam-controlled site they will only be where they paid less to the treasury. Procard, eurocrdr, wwh, rutor, lol, even the exploit today will scam through the guarantor, you just negotiate for interest. Refused? You haven't brought anything to them yet. Or do you think everyone is capable of making a turnip for themselves for $500?) Today’s existing forums are alive only for the reason that they don’t do anything criminal. On the contrary, they do not allow newcomers to get through. So what should we do?

My solution was telegram. A truly anonymous platform. Without a monopoly in the form of telling names and fictitious reputation. In half a year of work, I have assembled a really adequate team of permanent workers, whom I continue to support and guide in my own closed community. But I'm not going to stop and I plan to fly as close to the sun as I can. The legend of Icarus has come into use just so you can sit up straight. And I was afraid to make an effort. I continue to expand because I have my own benefit in the form of interest from work on FB and interest from our buyer for the brought herd of money-hungry workers. You may not like it, but I have never hidden it and will not hide it. They sincerely believed in the idea of carding the bourgeoisie. No pity, no regrets.


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"Guarantor Service" or aka "Escrow Service" carding forums you can trust:
  • MazaFaka
  • Verified
  • 2crd
  • WWH
  • CrdPro
  • Korovka
  • Exploit
  • XSS

If you are offered another forum or someone from Telegram, most likely it is a scam. Be careful.