Scam for sale of cloned cards with balance


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There is a certain type of people, naive people who believe in easy money and have not yet understood the essence of capitalism. Under capitalism, survives and becomes the best, the one who is the most cunning, shameless, greedy, agile. In general, these are us, swindlers and scammers))).

Now many people have a difficult financial situation, and they are looking for something to make money on.

Сreate a new page on any social network.

Аill our own page with various posts, reposts from publics such as "Business", "Business quotes", "Money", etc.

Get some likes and friends.

Start spamming to the same groups from which we repost ("Business", "Income"), it is advisable to use a VPN. You can also use various spammers to make it easier. Spam text:

Hello. I want to offer you a very well-paid job from $ 5,000 and above, this is how you will work.
If you think this is illegal, you have some personal reasons - do not waste your and my time, please.
I am selling you a card with a balance of $ 1000 to $ 10,000.
Cards from $ 1000 to $ 3000, their cost will be 12 % of the cost of the card, that is, about $ 120.
And from $ 3,000 to $ 10,000, the cost is 10% of the cost of the cards, which is in the order of $ 600.
We send the parcel anonymously, for this you only need to indicate the city and the number for communication. The courier contacts you by phone and makes an appointment where it is convenient for you, he can simply leave it at the branch of the courier service. You receive your parcel in 2-3 days.
With us you can not be afraid that you will be caught or imprisoned, I explain how to work competently - without risk.

There are already 3 options:
  • The victim agrees and buys the card;
  • The victim reluctantly agrees and asks for proof of earnings;
  • The victim refuses, even after seeing the proof of earnings.
And here, respectively, 3 options for the development of events.

Discuss a price that satisfies everyone. Then we talk with him, rubbing in trust and smoothly translate everything for payment. Give our wallet (left) and wait for our money.

If a person agrees, even reluctantly, he is on our hook. Need to squeeze him, he asks to show the income? We will do this.

To show our "income", download the Bank App Online from Appstore / PlayMarket to our smartphone.

Now we launch the application and click on the "Demo mode" tab.

We go to the tab "My finances".

In Photoshop, we edit the first and last 4 digits, since they are the same on the screen and this arouses suspicion.

We also fake our balance on any payments system:
  • We go into your wallet;
  • Where the balance is, click RMB and go to the Element Code;
  • We indulge in it and make the perfect screen.

We will also take a photo of the card that we "sell":
  • G to the social network like Facebook;
  • We drive in the keywords into the search box: "Bank card found" and the like;
  • Scroll further and find there various cards and their photos, save and use.
If the victim refuses to see even the proofs, then we can dilute it for a smaller amount. We write to her in PM, such a text

I give you a job and pay you from $ 1000 to $ 2500 for each withdrawal cycle. Your job will be this:
  • You receive the parcel, throw off the card numbers to us. The cards work in any visa / maestro ATMs;
  • We give a pin code from the first card;
  • Go to the ATM;
  • Withdraw money (I explain in detail all the details closer to the point);
  • Put 30% of the money to another account through another nearest terminal, leave the rest to yourself.
As soon as payment is received in full for the first card, a pin is issued from the second, and so on, all in stages.

After we cash out the entire first parcel, we will draw up a clearer schedule for the arrival of the cargo, convenient for both of us.

All settlements between us will be carried out through the account that I will throw off. You will need to photograph receipts before throwing them away.

As well as sending the parcel anonymously, you need a city and a contact number. The courier will agree on everything with you. Usually the parcel takes 2-3 days. You will need to pay for the first courier delivery of the parcel, the cost of delivery in your country from $ 50 to 150.

This will allow us to be sure that you will accept the package, and it will not roll around for weeks not accepted.

If a person insists on cash on delivery, then feel free to block him and look for another.

If a person refused the first offer, you can get from him from $ 50 to 150 (change the price yourself). For not everyone is offered a job with a high income, I do nothing.

Designed only for very stupid people, as well as those who want to purchase a dump + pin and write it down on their own.

This method works, but I do not recommend anyone to engage in such a trivial deception.
This is completely for those who cannot earn in a normal way.
Themselves, of course, never fall for such offers, there are just a bunch of them on the Internet and social networks.

This is a favorite way of scammers from Nigeria.
The main deception is to request a full prepayment for the delivery of a cloned card with a balance.
People want to get rich quickly and allow them to be deceived.
I myself do not do this, but unfortunately it is very common.


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Earnings on the sale of cards with balance
We will deal with sales, namely, sales of cards with a balance. But, after all, all methods have already been raped up and down. It seems to be - yes. But no. There is another way how to break people who want to become a real gangsta shit and raise money from the "stolen" bank cards of our "beloved" Europeans and Americans!
Do you know the most effective advertising method? Yes, this is word of mouth. Nothing has been invented more efficiently yet, only neuromarketing, but this is just a science used in marketing. Word of mouth works flawlessly, since information is delivered to us from a source that we initially trust or are already somehow disposed to him, and we don't need to lie to this source, unless he is an agent of Oriflame or Amway.
Let's make a mini conclusion that the best advertisement is an advertisement received unobtrusively from a person who is NOT interested. Let's play on this. If someone writes to you that you can earn from $ 500 a week, doing only some primitive tasks - will you believe? - No. And if you see how others really get these $ 1000 every week, stable?! Well, or at least you will at least just believe in what they really get. Then, perhaps, you will already believe.
As you probably already understood, we are carders working in private and do not give cheap advertising. We have our own client base and we work with it.
Our scheme does not require a website, advertising, or telephone. Everything is online. No investment.

1. We create about 50 emails or pages in the FB of our "clients"
We use real names, photographs. So that our “victim” believes that these are all real people working with us. Or you can just buy a brute FB page, it will be much better.
Register 40-60 e-mails or buy ready-made FB pages (it is much more credible). Pages should not scream that they are fake. Maximum reality. So as not to raise doubts. If you decide to register e-mails, then you need to register as realistic as possible, with names, pictures on the ava, as well as not register everything on one, diversify - part on Gmail.

2. We advertise in social networks, or we ourselves spam in PMs about finding an employee.
We offer home work to young guys. Responsibilities - secretary (sending messages to the client base and communicating on our behalf with clients). Salary - $ 500 per month. We found a worker.
In fact, our manager (employee) will have to send our client base of 50 people daily information about their profits, operations and card delivery, and accept new orders for cards. That is, we create a complete feeling that we really work with our clients and are quite successful.
Announcement of this kind (make your own so as not to overlap with others): “Permanent, flexible work requires active, motivated employees.
Requirement: Male, from 22 to 35 years old. Literacy, ability to learn, confident PC skills, creativity, sociability, friendliness, responsibility.
Responsibilities: maintenance of the client base, processing incoming and outgoing correspondence, communicating with customers in correspondence.
Conditions: work from home, flexible hours.
Salary: salary $ 500, bonuses.
If interested, send a short resume to mail- **** "
We place this announcement on Facebook, Instagram, make a mailing list in job search groups, send it to people from public pages on business, motivation, post it on all kinds of forums, on job search sites, in general - wherever possible, this is important! Our target audience is guys 22-35 years old. We don't need girls, they are less decisive. Younger guys are also not needed, they are unlikely to find the amount, we will not waste time. Older - already more or less took place in life and are worse for adventures.
Hundreds of people are starting to write to us. Literally. We answer everyone with a message:
“Hello (IO)! To begin with, I will explain the type of activity of our organization. Since it is specific, it will scare someone away, and on the contrary, it will interest someone! We do bays and carding. I am sure you have heard about this activity before. To put it simply, we redeem the data of hacked credit cards of EU and US citizens, enter the data on plastic and sell it to our customers, who, in turn, cash the card. This is a relatively safe activity, since our special services do not care about the cards of Western citizens. The main thing is not to touch the citizens of our country, which we categorically do not do.
Our activities are in the shadows, we work with new clients and are not looking for new ones. We operate only with a customer base that we have formed a long time ago.
At this stage, in connection with the start of activities also in Kazakhstan, we need an employee who will communicate with our customers by e-mail, namely: sending a report on the work done, accepting new orders, answering customer questions, etc.
Let's make a reservation right away that work is completely safe for you. No one has yet been held accountable for communicating by mail, and even more so simply as an employee. No responsibility for you! You can even consult a lawyer if you wish.
You work remotely, the main thing is the presence of a computer or laptop. Communication with clients by email only. mail.
Working hours: Mon-Fri, from 12:00 to 21:00
Salary: salary 35 thousand rubles + bonuses at the end of the month.
The salary is paid twice a month: on the 17th and 29th of each month. Thank you for your attention. If you are interested, we are waiting for a reply letter. "
We send our employee instructions (in a separate file, attached to the scheme) for replies to our clients, as well as notifications.

3. During the week, our manager communicates with our "clients" and sends them text format
“Ivanov Ivan, hello. We got the payment. Your card has been delivered. Please contact the courier assigned to you and accept it. On the balance sheet $ 1000. After successful cashing, please inform us about it. In case of a lower balance on the card, just write - we will make a replacement. All the best. Before communication "
“Vasily, your card is ready. We ask you to pay 3 thousand rubles. to our details received in the first message. The balance of the card is $ 500. After a successful transaction, please inform us about it. In case of a lower balance on the card, just write - we will make a replacement. All the best. Before communication "
“Dmitry, please pay the cost of the card in the amount of $ 50. In our system, we see that you have completely cashed your card, but we have not been paid its value. We have been working with you for several years and, in case of non-payment, we will simply stop working with you. Postpaid cards are no longer available for you "
We actively create the illusion of activity! We are not lazy, this is the most important point in the scheme. We give data to be sent to our manager, about the arrival of cards, about the payment of the payment, about the client's debt.
We also write on behalf of our clients to our manager:
"Thanks a lot! I cashed the money. Tomorrow I will pay with a new card"
"Hello. I sent 3 thousand rubles to kiwi. for a gold card. I'm waiting for the courier, thank you"
“The funds have been cashed. Thank you for another deal"
"Good afternoon. I have a friend who would also like to work with you. Is it possible? Give him your contact information?"
By the way, here we will answer, no, you can't. We have a closed club.
I am sure you get the point. We are just creating the illusion of reality.
We make orders for new cards, notify about the withdrawal of funds, etc. Our victim must believe us!

4. Through the cycle of work, we send a letter to our manager, with a request to send it to our clients
We explain to the employee that there is an urgent need for a flight, for example, to Kazakhstan, to establish a business there. We will pay the money after we sell the last batch of cards. What is left after our victim already believes us? - Finish him with a message, about the termination of activities and the last opportunity to hit the jackpot. Man is a greedy creature. We create excitement. The effect will exceed all your expectations.
Letter: “Dear client. I hasten to inform you that the next batch of cards we will receive. 2021 is the last one. At this point, we terminate our activities for six months.
The cost of the cards of the last batch: Balance ~ thousand $ (in stock) - ~ thousand $. Balance ~ thousand $ (in stock) - ~ thousand $. Balance ~ thousand $ (in stock) - ~ thousand $.
We remind you that each participant can purchase no more than 2 cards from one batch at a time.
Estimated delivery time (put a date convenient for you).
Pay to your individual bank details. Thank you for attention. Good luck to all! "

5. At least 20% of "employees" will also want to purchase a card in order not to miss such an unprecedented opportunity
After all, they are sure that all this is real, they themselves saw how many clients we have and communicated with them themselves. The profit depends on your concentration. The cycle lasts 4-6 days.

Some nuances of communication on behalf of clients
Each of our "clients" has his own manner of communication and his own words.
For example: if one says “hello”, then the other says “good day”, the third one says “good afternoon”, “Greetings”, “Hello”.
"Goodbye" - "Until next time" - "All the best" - "All the best."
"Thank you" - "Thank" - "Thankful".
"Money" - "Penny" - "Coin".
"Card" - "CC" - "Plastic" - "Cardboard".
"Clearly" - "Got it" - "Accepted."
That is, each “client” is a person who is not like the others. Prepare response templates and modify them for each of your "clients" so that our manager does not understand that the same person is communicating with him on their behalf. It is important. You have to play it right! Use the "schedule", which I sent in a separate file, so as not to get confused and play all the roles correctly.
Place new orders on behalf of customers! With a frequency of once every 2-3 days from each. Made an order - received confirmation - informed about payment - reported. Everything is on schedule.

Communication with the manager
Every morning, before 12 o'clock (preferably) we send our employee a task for the day, in the form of a table (file “schedule). We provide him with message templates (in the "schedule" file) and the manager needs to select the correct templates, adjust them for each client and make a mailing list. Don't feel sorry for him. The more work he does, the better, the more he will believe in the reality of what is happening. Load actively.
Friends, remember that it all depends on your game. There are no people who would not find 2-4k to get 20! If you didn't buy it, then you didn't believe it.
Believe it - they will find money from the ground!

Earnings in sports
The basis of the scheme is the same as in the scheme for selling cards, so let's take a look at what we need to implement it.

1. Accounts
You need to register, as in the previous scheme, about 50 e-mail. mail, different (mail, Hotmail, Google).
Or, it is much better if you find brute FB accounts that you no longer use. If you just buy a brute account, then their owners will simply block them, and we need accounts for a long time, they cannot be changed. Therefore, either abandoned brute FB accounts or e-mails. These are our "clients"!

2. Search endured
We post in Facebook communities for business, earnings, and, first of all, in groups by rates, forecasts, etc., spam in PMs to all members of the capper groups.
Announcement: “Continuous, flexible work requires active, motivated employees.
Requirement: Male, from 22 to 35 years old.
Literacy, ability to learn, confident PC skills, creativity, sociability, friendliness, responsibility.
Responsibilities: maintenance of the client base, processing incoming and outgoing correspondence, communicating with customers in correspondence.
Conditions: work from home, flexible hours.
Salary: salary $ 500, bonuses.
If interested, send a short resume to mail- **** "
Do not copy this ad. Change it, write your own, so that it differs from the ads of the others who bought my scheme, do not be lazy!
Dozens and even hundreds of people interested in our work are beginning to write to us.
Immediately we drop them a message with the conditions in a response letter:
“Hello, Name. My name is Michael. Thank you for applying for my vacancy. To make it clear what the proposed position is, I will tell you about the nature of our work.
We are engaged in sports betting. But, we are not forecasters, or, as they are also called, privateers. We have many channels for obtaining information and we work exclusively on matches, as a result of which we are confident, in other words, "agreements", these are matches the outcome of which is predetermined, and insiders, in turn, inform me about the outcomes in advance.
We work only with the client base that we had 9 months ago. We do not advertise and search for new clients, we do not need it.

Scheme of our work
We do not announce the matches on which we place bets, since the information given is in strict confidence, we do not spread it out and value the position of our insiders and do not risk them.
Our clients transfer their finances to us for management, since we do not announce the objects of rates. We take control of finances and place a stake on the exact amount that the client announces. The average odds per bet is 5.3.
We receive a commission of 25% of the net profit. Withdrawal of funds within one business day from the date of the request.
Your responsibilities: communication with clients: answering questions, informing about the intended rate, receiving information about the amount of the rate from the client. All your work is done by email.
Conditions: Schedule - Mon-Fri from 12:00 to 21:00. You carry out the work only as it becomes available. During the day, more than 6 hours of free time.
No territorial connection - you work wherever it is convenient for you. The main thing is the presence of a computer and the Internet.
Salary - 35 thousand rubles Issued 2 times a month (every 17th and 29th of the month).
Requirements: Sociability, sociability, fluency in PC.
In this way, we collect a base of "employees" (we will call them managers) of 50-100 people and begin to process them.
PS The effect will be much better if you hire and in the first 2 weeks there will be a trial period, during which you pay clients $ 10. per day (here at your discretion! I did not pay, but people firmly believed that they would receive a salary). The point is that you can really pay clients this money, and in this case, no one will have any doubts about our honesty and the conversion to divorce will increase to 80-90%. This is a worthwhile investment, because having spent only $ 100 per week on a client, you will receive at least $ 300 from him!
After the manager has agreed to work, we send him "instructions" (in a separate file) and he can already start work.

3. Processing managers
The most important thing left is to convince the manager that all this is reality. He leads our "clients", communicates with them, and we, in turn, all the time log in from different accounts of our "clients" and answer, write ourselves. We are talking all the time.

4. Profit
And here again the law "Greed, Fraer and all that" comes into play.
Man, by his very nature, will never forgive himself in inaction. How is it that every day a lot of money passes in front of him, one might say he operates virtually himself, but he cannot get it himself !? This does not happen, it is not forgivable! The manager will ask you to accept his bet himself !!!
But, if this does not happen, then we simply write to him:
“Vasya, please send your clients information about the bet for the day after tomorrow with the odds of 12.3. The bet will pass with confidence. The insider is reliable. Collect orders ”And then our Fraer will tear at the end and he will want to put at least a minimum amount of $ 200! Profit!
Note: The amount of the minimum bet is determined by yourself, you can make at least 1k and take it in a stupid mass.

5. This is not me and not mine. Retreat
Of course, we can stupidly tell the person that the rate has not entered and that "well, sorry me". But your divorce will go to a whole different level if you back off nicely.
- We have collected from 30 people $ 300.
- We go to any website of the bookmaker's office, select a bet or express with a coefficient closer to ours - 12.3 and place a real bet of 5-10 thousand rubles!
- Of course we are losing. By the way, this is the first time you want to lose such a steep bet.
- And, of course, we are filming the website of the bookmaker's office, that we bet real and lost these 5-10 thousand. And we send it to all managers. Everyone thinks that this is exactly their bet!
- And immediately we begin to write on behalf of our "clients" (who allegedly also lost) the text:
"Never mind, Serge, it's not always the same to win, let's play on."
"It's not scary, it happens!"
"Everything is fine! This year, only the second miss, we will break through! "
Why did we arrange this circus?! Yes, we simply evoke the “herd feeling”, the very feeling that pushes people to follow the person who crossed the road during the red color.