Scam by email or how to earn $10k in 4 days


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Hi all!

Everyone has their own goals. Someone wants an apartment, someone a car, and someone just wants to even out their schedule and do everything beautifully, so that they don’t have to work 3 shifts at 2 jobs. But these are all words. As practice has shown, only one out of ten sets himself specific goals that he strives for... The rest set themselves something global, impossible, so that at the end of the year there will be an excuse - well, this was an unattainable task.

Let's think about what the average person sets for himself as a goal for the year? An apartment, a car, your own business, or access to passive income.

Let's calculate how much minimum money we need for everything.
  • Apartment - 5 million
  • Car 1-2 million
  • For business - 2-3 million (prices in Russian rubles)
In total, we have accumulated a rather impressive amount of 8-10 million rubles. Now let's add the amount that on average we spend per year on needs. Well, 30-40 thousand a month. For some it is more, for others it is less.

And for Moscow residents, rent alone will cost twice as much... But that’s not about that now. Let's add another million rubles for our own expenses.
Now, let's convert it into dollars by eye. It turns out approximately 110-120 thousand dollars. This did not make the amount smaller, but it is now perceived in a completely different way. To solve all the problems in one year, you need to earn about 9-10 thousand dollars a month.
Still a lot, but this figure no longer seems so supernatural. You just need to understand how exactly to achieve this goal.

Of course, I took all the numbers out of thin air, but they are needed for visualization. In order to:

1. Gain independence.
2. Implement a number of wishes.
3. Get room for maneuver.

For the average person, this amount seems unaffordable. Especially if your whole life is home/work/home/weekends, and so on for the last five to ten years.

It is worth accepting that you will have to sleep 6 hours and work for days. Work for a year and then live like a king. But even this is in any case better than not working too hard and drinking beer and chips in the evenings. It's better to take a leap of faith. It will be hard, but this is the only way you can achieve something more, and start living, not existing.

Often, oh how often, after this I hear the typical:

- you lay it smoothly, but for some reason I see a bunch of people who are working hard and achieving nothing... And in general, I have enough money for a house, food and a cat... How can I get up?

If your job gives you the means to maintain the minimum, you shouldn’t quit it as soon as you decided to change your life, worked until 6? Throw away the beer and work in another field until 02:00. Sleep for 6 hours, then it will make sense.

Hard? Laziness? Or maybe you feel sorry for yourself and listen to the brain that says, “And so good?”

I suggest working at your main job, and after that drinking a cup of strong coffee, and taking up a second job on the darknet. Plow another shift there until midnight, until two in the morning. Just 6 hours of sleep and then go back to battle!

Well, now let's move on to the main thing - it is important not only what you plow, but also what exactly you do. We live in a market world, and people pay not for your work, but for the value you bring. In fact, it is not knowledge that is important, but the ability to apply it.
So, let's make a short conclusion.

To get up you need:
  1. Know clearly what you want.
  2. Plow.
  3. Understand what your value is and what you get money for.
Okay - now I’ll ask you - but is $2000 a lot for you? This amount no longer seems unattainable, it is quite possible to earn it, save it, borrow it... It doesn’t matter...

That is, to achieve your goals you need to find 50-60 people who will pay $2000 for your work (or even not voluntarily). The amount of $100-120k is becoming more realistic.
To find them, you still need to plow. Let's be realistic - if you walk around your city with the phrase “give me 2 pieces of greenery,” you most likely will not achieve anything.

And this is where the Internet comes to the rescue. Because only here, in one hour, you can find more people than in the Moscow Metro in a month.

Why am I doing all this?

The threshold for entering the shadow sphere is much lower than in the white theme.
I would like to talk about how the underground financial world works in general. The entry threshold here is much lower than in the white theme, where everything depends on renting an office, hiring staff, taxes and, most importantly, marketing. And as we know, marketing in this area starts from setting up Yandex.Direct/Google Adwords, for which, by the way, people pay money (for fucking setup) ending with huge budgets poured into bloggers.

In our underground world, naturally, everything takes place remotely and the prices are several times lower. What promises us, with minimal investment, to earn the same money that you would earn in a white project. For example, innovative projects with government funding or the inventions of Elon Musk do not include...

How does it all work?

Let's take a detailed and step-by-step look at how all sorts of profitable projects are structured with minimal investment. What has changed over the last century? As the wheel was, so it remains a wheel. The wheel was created before our era, but what has changed? They added rubber, a tread, a disk, but it remained a wheel. In the topic under consideration, almost everything is the same.

Few people now fall for emails like “You won $1 million and you need to pay $500 for paperwork .” But such cases still occur. The people became savvy, and so did the schemes.

I would like to show you and analyze one of the schemes that happened recently.

From the media headlines it sounds like this: “Hackers hacked into the accounts of government officials, renamed themselves Elon Musk and stole cryptocurrency, thereby earning $177,000.” “In total, the criminals hacked more than ten accounts. Among them were the microblogs of the British film studio Pathe UK, the American publishing house Pantheon Books, the Matalan clothing store, as well as the accounts of two US congressmen from the Democratic Party. Later, the owners restored access to the accounts and apologized to the users.”

How was the attack carried out?

Let's look at how the attack was actually carried out. Everything from the very beginning to the very end.
First of all, the hackers obtained verified Twitter accounts. This was not a targeted attack directly on a film studio or publishing house, much less on officials from the American Congress.

There are many ways to mine such accounts. There are many online stores that sell access to verified accounts, from Twitter to Facebook/DropBox/LinkedIn and many others.

  • Just type into Google - Buy verified Twitter accounts and you will instantly get the results. Of course, you need to buy something like this through special platforms, and not through Google, but it’s certainly worth making sure that it’s available.
  • There is a second way , which is more correct. If you are the owner of downloads and logs, it will not be difficult at all to remove tasty accounts from the logs. But this is like a lottery, both similar publishing houses and ordinary citizens can get caught.
  • The third option is to buy similar access from a bot, they will sell it in a pack for next to nothing, and then again the principle of the casino is to browse and look for suitable ones.
The hackers resorted to one of three methods, they had about 50 Twitter accounts, they chose the most promising ones, verified with a large number of subscribers, and it worked.

Summary: Buying verified accounts.

The second step
for our burglars is preparation. This is a legend and a site. The legend can be very different. The hackers chose a good strategy: “I’m leaving, crypto enthusiasts, your day has come, the world’s largest giveaway, go to the page, send me money and I will return it to you 2 times more!”

Next was the creation of the page. For obvious reasons, the page is no longer available, but inside there was the standard functionality for transferring money to a wallet and brief information.

What we have? Legend + functionality = Publication.

Third step: receiving bitcoins and then converting them into cash.


1 step = up to $500 depending on the method of obtaining accounts.
Step 2 = ~$400 per page if ordered externally.
Total: ~$1000 per sale



Considering this method, we can easily see how this scam was carried out step by step. And don’t ask why people still sent money and didn’t understand that it was a scam. Greed and vanity played a role here. People will always be like this. There will be both sheep and lions - this is the law of nature.

The most important principle of all is that if you have $1,000 for consumables, you can multiply them several hundred times, the main thing is to show your imagination and look at the situation from a different angle. Always try to look at situations from different perspectives. Sometimes it doesn’t matter whether you have software worth $300 or $30,000, what matters is how you can use it. I am more than sure that if the majority are given control of a private exploit, few will be able to use it. This is where we return to the old ways; we need to constantly learn and improve our knowledge.
How brilliantly the guys came up with it, the costs are minimal, and the exhaust is huge.

Let's move on to a little brain practice and sketch out a diagram on your knee that can be implemented by anyone who is at least somehow charged with a goal.
Let's figure out what we need to implement:

1. Ensure security, ours and the project.
2. Analyze the market, consider the situation in particular.

If there are logs from the botnet, the task will certainly be 100 times easier, but we will consider that we do not have them.

Let's say we need crypto holders and their contact information. It's not that difficult - usually all the information is freely available. You just need to work hard and parse everything with your hands and eyes.

First, we monitor target resources, forums, reddit threads, telegram channels, etc. If the contacts are not directly accessible, do not hesitate, write to the person directly in order to lure out his address.

It’s important here that your communication should start as natural, and in order to get soap, use all sorts of marketing tricks, for example, make a commercial offer to the victim. Well, or offer him a solution to the problem that he is trying to overcome by seeking advice on the forum.
Let's take it and start collecting mail addresses. To start, we need at least 100 addresses with comments for each of them.

For example:

* [email protected] : / contacts in signature / Engaged in crypto trading on Binance
* [email protected] : Looking for a job as a programmer. Owns a digital agency. Develops crypto products.

I requested an email to send my resume.

Comments so as not to get confused and to send the letter with the maximum probability of conversion.

Now we are developing our own plan for each user.

There is such a thing as mail sender spoofing. The user receives an email from [email protected] , but in fact you sent it.
This is not that difficult to implement and greatly increases user conversion. Email substitution is done in a couple of clicks... If you do a good job of preparation and use sender substitution, the response rate will be more than 90%.

Mail spoofing is nonsense, you say? Are they not going to do this? Often things work out that you couldn’t even imagine. Don't forget that the costs for all this are MINIMUM.

What to write in the letter itself is a completely different story, and frankly speaking, a whole science. And it’s worth practicing, the SI skill has not been canceled.
Before sending letters, you need to take care of your safety and set up the machine for work. In the letter you can indicate, for example:

- The Binance exchange is holding a competition, the proceeds will go to the construction of a city to introduce blockchain technologies. (Here you need to insert a link to a news resource that confirms the intention to build such a city).
In exchange, you will receive a free presidency in the city and some other benefits. To donate, follow the link

The user receives a similar letter, follows the link and it has a beautiful design with a payment form. Login/mail on the exchange, full name, contacts and payment are already on your details.

Second example:

Again, the recipient receives a letter from [email protected]

- The Binance exchange is conducting a token sale in connection with this news.
Tezos reserves will be sold with a 10% discount at the exchange rate. After the sale of all tokens, trading in these assets will be stopped and removed from the listing.

When you redirect to the resource, a wallet for payment + a form for data will be generated. Deliberately write in the code a link to the current exchange rate and subtract 10%. When creating an order, you will be asked to pay using the appropriate details and indicate the Xtz wallet for the tezos transfer. Also, do not forget about the minimum threshold, for example, purchasing XTZ at a discount is only possible with a minimum threshold of $5,000 at the btc rate.
To implement these two examples, we hardly need to invest, just:

1. Certificate;
2. Domain;
3. Landing server.

If you don’t understand this, hire a private specialist who can sort it all out. Although personally, I would devote a little more time to studying the issue - but I did everything on my own. And calmer, and more reliable, and cheaper.

Replacing the sender will cost pennies, and the server and domain are not expensive either. In total, the project will cost no more than $500-700 with the services of a programmer; if you do it yourself, then no more than $200 (these 200 also includes design).

According to the scheme, it takes a lot of time to analyze, + a good legend for wiring.

By the way, about “they don’t fall for it.” You don’t need EVERYTHING to be conducted. If you collected 1000 contacts, and only 5 came up. Is it bad? With a good legend and a minimum payment amount - at least 2-3k $ in your pocket.

These schemes are as variable as possible. It's like a constructor. You have an idea in your head, you look for other approaches and test, while at the same time making a profit.

In principle, the scheme can be brought to fruition by reducing costs. A letter with a redirect can be replaced with an attachment with a file. What's the trick?
We glue the file with legitimate software, and sew a stealer inside, which will work like a good vacuum cleaner, sucking up other people's cue balls.
Is this also the case? It has.

It’s worth remembering how they were bred on TON. How they cheated on ICO.

Or how a new wave of letters came again with a password and information about an existing video recording of a handjob. We collected a fair amount of money from this topic. Or rather, not enough, but a lot)

Remember - the more data you collect, the more you don’t care about the number of people who will fall for it. With 100,000, if 0.001% works, that’s already enough.

We wrote the text:

We set up an email newsletter from a database of 100,000 mailboxes merged with porn and webcam sites that people indicated when registering. Costs: we bought the database for $500 on the darknet and $120 was spent on mailing.

Our profit and report for the last 4 days:
18 out of 100,000 people fell for this crap.

We earned 700,000 +- rubles. Initially, we expected about x3 profit from investments, but we were lucky enough to get a little more (I advise you to do this only when you have extra money to live on, and not to invest your last in such an adventure).

What am I talking about? Moreover, with minimal investments you can already earn your first capital, and this despite the fact that from 9 to 6 you will be at your main job. Your second shift will take place:

A: at home;
B: do not require loading efforts from you;

Those. you will have a lot of time + weekends. Yes, of course, to prepare such a project, especially if it is your first, it would be good to spend not 2-3 days, but several months. The main thing is to correctly calculate and predict potential income.
The main advantage is that the above-described schemes do not require super skills, you work quite hard and patiently, the schemes can be twisted and assembled in your own way.

As they say - everything new is well forgotten old.

In general, where can you start today, without putting it off until tomorrow, the day after tomorrow.

I chose the topic of traffic, carding, scam, virology.

Why these particular spheres? Yes, everything is extremely simple here. They are easy to combine into one task, and it is easy to adjust costs by goal. You can make money with almost no investment, or spin your capital and get a guaranteed profit.

If the examples that I showed earlier are an indicator of how to earn your penny by working and analyzing, then in the case of combining traffic, scam, carding and virology, you can guarantee a stable income.

For example, pouring stillers onto US installs. Even if you are a complete zero in data analysis, the resulting logs can simply be leaked for money. Or you can monitor everything manually, sort it and sell these logs for a little more. Or you can take and process them yourself - and achieve greater profit.
From time to time they write in the news that “Hackers” grabbed another million, a billion, stole it and disappeared. In general, I propose to talk about this topic...

Let's imagine that we have all the necessary functionality, a styler, a loader, a logger, a parallel connection to the desktop, managing its files, basically everything that is needed. At a small cost, we will buy US installs, and in the end we will have 1k bots.

Moving away from the topic, I am once again convinced: if you know how to get traffic, you won’t be left with potatoes and bread. Traffic issues are acutely relevant to our field of activity. If you want, do arbitrage, do installs, or even push wiring.

Of course, in our case, we need traffic obtained by black methods, there is not much information like this on the Internet, but I will be ready to share my methods of promotion using black schemes with the widest possible coverage... I have moved away from the main topic....

We received 1k bots, we will leave the processing of logs as is, since everyone uses traditional methods. Of course, there are features that no one talks about, although everyone uses them. I will also tell you about them...

There is such a thing - injections, which act as additional modules - they can execute any command in the browser. For example...
You went to the website, you see in the address bar, is everything okay? Absolutely.

A person logs into his wallet and an insertion is triggered, which sends funds. Then there are no problems with login confirmation, because the user logs into his wallet from his machine.

It’s not even necessary to redirect the user from to the fake one. You can let him log in there, and only after logging in do the steps to send the balance.

Any crypto service will fit this scheme, even mymonero.

This way you can redirect the user to another resource. For example, a person went to the site, then the injection is triggered and redirects him to the site, but in the address bar he sees the site “” with the same design and the same functionality, although it is already on my controlled site.

Injections themselves are the injection of code into an existing browser. Those. We do not replace the browser program, but replace the functions of an existing one.
We can do whatever we want with the browser. If you have 5000 live bots at your disposal? You can replace search results by pushing your resources into search queries. We replace advertising banners and search results with a forced redirect. The redirection can be hidden even from the bot; in fact, it has visited the resource, but it does not see it.

Here's a small practical example. Many people work with Ebay, Amazon, Paypal - because “they are secure.” But in order to drain funds, we need the full card number, and the logs only give us access to the account.

We take the injection, which offers to make an additional confirmation on the Amazon website, where you need to confirm your card. Having the card number in hand, you can ship the goods for at least the entire balance, at least for the entire credit limit.

Injections provide endless possibilities, if you want:
1. Change the resource to a fake one.
2. Make redirects.
3. Leak additional information to yourself.

For example, the package cc/exp/cvv/Name/Adress/Telephone/email/ssn/dob/mmn costs money – about $20. The latter is especially difficult to obtain, because It is used extremely rarely by users, mainly for verification in banks.

We took an injection and downloaded a set of 500 data packets... We earned $10,000.

And if you imagine that if there are 5000 bots, download a similar injection to collect a package with credit cards + collect information for Amazon, eBay and PayPal.

With 5000 bots you can collect approximately 1500 accounts. Each will cost $5-15. And this is without even bothering with processing accounts yourself.

Where am I leading with all this? Yes, everything is extremely simple.

If you have free time, a small starting capital, with the right approach you can increase it exponentially.

Think about it - there are now 7.5 billion people on earth. Even if we divide this figure by 3 (cross out all of them, China, Japan, India), remove people over 60 and under 18 from this list - which means divide by another 3, then we still have at least 750 million potential customers. But there is one thing!

All this requires quite specific knowledge, and if you have worked all your life as a clerk or a loader, and decided to look on the Internet for information about injections, I hasten to disappoint you, you will not find anything sensible and workable.

Even if you received a higher education and think that’s all, then you are also deeply mistaken. The world continues to develop. Every day new profitable directions and variations of schemes appear on the Internet, and you won’t get far with the old stock of knowledge.
Even the schemes that I described require an understanding of what you are doing and how you are doing it - i.e. specific knowledge. And believe me, they are definitely not taught in universities.

But I have described for you the “tip of the iceberg” - simple methods with minimal investment. But there are also more complex and more profitable areas. And there is no point in telling them without having a base.

The only problem is that everything tends to be complicated. The schemes that I told you about are extremely simple, and that is why they work. Like everything working, after reading them you should only have one question: “How did I not think of this myself?” And this is the essence of competent teaching.

There are two types of people:

1. They take and implement any idea, test it, then take another. And constantly in motion, constantly in progress.
2. They think, but don’t do. They estimate how much they think this or that will work. And as a result, their brain forces them to continue sitting on the couch.

I don’t want to give you some complex multi-step exercises with an unknown result, all I have talked about and will talk about are constructors. The framework of what works. For which you don’t need beyond knowledge, but only the desire to learn, delve into it, and test it.

But when you have a set of seemingly simple basic understandings of what works, you are free to choose complexity, logic, profit, investment.

Even if one developed scheme fails, you will have a whole construction set from which you can build a dozen other, working schemes for making money.

Every day more and more people are interested in the topic of the darknet, black (gray) money. Why? It's simple. This is where the money is, and it can be made quickly. Notice that I didn’t say “Freebie” anywhere, moreover, I didn’t even say “get”, all this is hard work, requiring special skills, perseverance and a lot of knowledge.

Moreover, knowledge is not only a guarantee that you will earn something on the darknet. Just think about how often you read in the news, in the “Arrests” column, stories of unlucky half-educated hackers. Their pot could cook normally, they came up with a brilliant plan, earned money and... sat down. How so?
Inexperience, carelessness and lack of understanding of basic security and anonymity. I offer a safe path, a well-developed clear plan, without promises of mountains of gold:

Everything is simple - you learn, you work, you don’t make mistakes, you earn money - you achieve your goal! But first you need to learn how to plow properly! And in order to remain in the sphere of the shadow Internet, you need to pay great attention to your security. It’s not enough to just earn money, you need to save it properly.


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Im am very interested in this. Can you you please direct me to a specialist who can help me with the set up? Or any hacking services in general? Thank you in advance


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Which setting are you interested in? Do you want to prepare your laptop or smartphone for work?
What services are you interested in? Do you want to hack something or spam something?


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Which setting are you interested in? Do you want to prepare your laptop or smartphone for work?
What services are you interested in? Do you want to hack something or spam something?
Thank you for you response…..I would like to be able to email or text people website links that look harmless and when they click on it I will get information. As of right now that is beyond my capabilities so I would like to know if you guys can recommend someone who can help me create these links? And for my other question I would like to prepare my iPhone for work, I have been reading about it and I just want to know if the phone has to be brand new or can I just wipe it using a cleaner? The help is very much appreciated especially from a professional like you guys


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In order for victims to click on the link you need, you need to prepare and learn how to use phishing.
1. Install a phishing page or website on a bulletproof hosting.
2. Correctly configure scripts that will collect all data from site visitors.
3. Collect a high-quality e-mail database for mailing.
4. Perform good spam, indicating in the letter the necessary link that victims should follow.
5. Collect visitor data and dispose of it at your own discretion.

Some details of phishing by email:
"What is a phishing email and how to do it!":

If the iPhone had your personal and private data, then you cannot use such a phone, even if you clear all the data and prepare it for use.
You need to buy a new or used Android smartphone or another IPhone. Then install any Anti-Detect browser on your smartphone. Having created a new session with a clean proxy, you can get to work.
If you do not want to install the Anti-Detect browser on your smartphone, then you need to connect a paid VPN that does not log. You can also set up your VPN on a dedicated server for these purposes.