SBU exposed a hacker in the capital who installed spyware on gadgets by order


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The security services of Ukraine have stopped the activities of a hacker who used money to install spyware and gain access to private computer systems.

The attacker was a 46-year-old programmer from Kiev.

For a year, he secretly installed "viruses" on computer devices.

The level of technical training and practical skills allowed him to "spy" both physically and via the Internet. Especially vulnerable were those electronic devices whose owners used unlicensed software.

The hacker found "clients" on domestic online search services for specialists for solving everyday and business problems.
In addition to the services of a programmer, the attacker provided customers with the opportunity to install malicious software on other people's computers.

The cost of the illegal service depended on the urgency and type of electronic equipment that needed to be "infected".

Spyware programs worked in the background and provided unauthorized persons with remote access to "infected" devices.
Customers could secretly interfere in the private and business life of citizens and organizations.

They are also:
- got full access to the contents of the files.
- read the correspondence in messengers and social networks.
- tracked the history of the web browser;
- viewed installed programs;
- controlled the camera, taking photos and videos.

Law enforcement officers have documented systematic facts of malicious software being installed on computer devices by an attacker.

The conducted examinations confirmed that the "viruses" installed by the attacker are malicious software.
During investigative actions at the place of residence of the defendant, computer and mobile equipment, as well as flash media with samples of spyware, were seized.

Now the software engineer is suspected of committing a crime under Part 2 of Article 361-1 (creation for the purpose of illegal use, distribution or sale of malicious software or technical means, as well as their distribution or sale). The Criminal Code of Ukraine.

The sanction of the article provides for a penalty of up to 5 years ' imprisonment.

Measures to document and prevent illegal actions were carried out by employees of the Main Directorate of the SBU in Kiev and the Kiev region together with the Main Directorate of the National Police under the procedural management of the Office of the Prosecutor General of Ukraine.

The pre-trial investigation continues.