Saw Installs 2020 / info for $ 2500


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What do you need to start?

binom -

Tracker with a trial of 14 days (in some cases it is provided for a month)

magicchecker - trial for 7 days, but free.

BlackTds $ 150 per month

  • Passport scans + full info (For wm vcc card, for e-payments)
  • Binomial server.
  • Server under the cloaca.
  • Money to start, for traffic.
  • Teaming up for spyservices + soks services. 50-500 $ per month.

So, let's begin.

1) First of all, we take the servers under the bin and the cloaca. We put a binomial (there is nothing complicated in the setup, everything for the script kiddie is 3 commands and the binomial will set itself and create a database). We put blacktds / magicchecker

2) We register on the docks in WebMoney (needed for the VCC), and in the accounts (to pay for traffic on the exchange)

3) We register on the traffic exchange (As an example (may this site forgive me - but I'm sure that after this article there will be fundamental changes and this will complicate the task for a friend) we will use the propellerads exchange)

+ do not forget to look at the current promotional codes (sometimes + 100-150 can be added to the balance)

4) We register on one of the cpa sites. For example, clickdiller, bounty, etc., not advertising - we need this to compile white and black lists. We write to the support what is relevant at the moment (we take the benchmark for cheap traffic and so that there is a lot of it (example: Indonesia, Malaysia, France), the type of traffic is pop-up and redirect. Having received several options (and most likely it will be sweeps or pins) we we choose the most favorable one and proceed further.

5) We take a land and cut a pre-land on it (example of a sweep: in the pre-land there is something like a roulette - which you need to twist a couple of times and you supposedly win something - and only then the holder will be transferred to the land cpu. Why is this necessary? form black and white sheets, we will understand how many people got on the pre-land, and how many bots. Since not all bots are smart and cannot go through this. Instead of a pre-land, some put a pixel from Google (correct if not) to also analyze traffic.

6) We put the pre-landing on the server - run it in, watch the ping and so on. As everything is ready, we begin to pour (for such things like pins and sweeps, you can pour freely - the propeller will not be banned for this - do not worry).

A huge plus of the propeller is that they are transmitting sources through the bin itself (not in the form of sites, but in the form of numbers). Click on traffic start and go to the bin.

7) In the binomial, we analyze statistics - as a rule, the percentage of clicks (per 10,000 traffic only about 10% (most often less). We begin to form a black list, if we see that the source gives 0 leads (and there should be at least some leads) then we block it We give preference to those where the conditions are met <10% and there are leads. We drain bucks for 100-150, in the online mode we block sources with bots, add tasty sources. That's it, now we have a white list - on which we can pour and catch a minimum Why can't we start pouring on black tds right away? My answer is: We need to show that we are not malware, but mega cool affiliates. To grow an account, so to speak. Yes, and first you need to figure it out in white, then make dirt.

8) Next, we set up the black tds, in the binomial we insert the landing page link (as an example) under the android download (I myself have not worked on this exchange, but I know that there is an opportunity to make 3-5k bots per day there) depends on what kind of landos you come up with ... There are no difficulties in this point, everything is intuitive and not difficult. Even a student can understand. Note that I am not an arbitrage guru, and some points most likely I could write incorrectly. But in general terms, this article will acquaint you with all this, and then you yourself will start digging into the depths and come to profit.

That the mzhik checker, that the black tds normally copes with the case, the propeller does not see where you are pouring specific traffic (you can redistribute in the binomial itself), that is, not the entire stream, but some part of it, so as not to ignite.

P.S. Also, if you do not want to think with your own head - what kind of landing to make, be it a download exe or an android application - this will help you to pick up a bunch of spy services, where you can spy on how others are doing - to do better), take this expensive option yourself (well unless of course you do not pour volume per day from 2-5k).