Sample Of Cards


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and Visa try this number. It is voice:1-800-327-1111 merchant code is
Stolen cards: Mastercard & Visa come out with a small catalog every
week where they publish EVERY stolen or fraudulently used card.
I get this every week by trashing the same place on the same day.
If you ever find it trashing then try to get it every week.
Identifying cards: Visa card numbers begin with a 4 and have either 13
or 16 digits. MasterCard card numbers begin with a 5 and have 16 digits.
American Express begins with a 3 and has 15 digits. They all have the
formats of the following:
3xxx-xxxxxx-xxxxx American Express
4xxx-xxx-xxx-xxx Visa
4xxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx Visa
5xxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx MasterCard
Gold cards: A gold card simply means that credit is good for $5000.
Without a gold card, credit would be normally $2000.
To recognize a gold card on a carbon there are several techniques:
American Express-none.
Visa-PV instead of CV.
Note-When verifying a PV Visa, you supposed have the real name of the
Mastercard-An Asterix can signify a gold card, but this changes depending
when the card was issued.
I am going to type out a dialog between a carder and the phone operator
to help you get the idea.
Operator: "Over-priced Computer Goods, may I help you?"
Carder: "Hi, I would like to place an order please."
Operator: "Sure, what would you like to order?"
Carder: "400 generic disks and a double density drive."
Operator: "Ok, is there anything else?"
Carder: "No thank you, that's all for today."
Operator: "Ok, how would you like to pay for this? MasterCard or Visa?"
Carder: "Visa."
Operator: "And your name is?"
Carder: "Lenny Lipshitz." (Name on card)
Operator: "And your Visa card number is?"
Carder: "4240-419-001-340" (Invalid card)
Operator: "Expiration date?"
Carder: "06-92."
Operator: "And where would you like the package shipped to?"
Carder: "6732 Goats gate Port. Paris,texas,010166."
Operator: "And what is your home telephone number?"
Carder: "212-724-9970" (This number is actually always busy)
Operator: "I will also need your business phone number in case we have
to reach you."
Carder: "You can reach me at the same number. 212-724-9970"
Operator: "O.K. Thank you very much and have nice day."
Carder: "Excuse me, when will the package arrive?"
Operator: "In six to seven days UPS."
Carder: "Thanks a lot, and have a pleasant day."
Now you wait 6-7 days when the package will arrive to the address which
is really a house up for sale. There will be a note on the door
saying, "Hello UPS, please leave all packages for Lenny Lipshitz in the
lobby or porch. Thanks a lot, "Lenny Lipshitz" (Make the signature half-way

Finesse Scam Knowledge

You're just a beginner and you wanna become a pro carder? Explore the latest tricks and techniques scammers are using in 2024 to deceive individuals and organizations. Well, i'm gonna dissect how they operate and arm you with knowledge to stay one step ahead. Educational journey into the real of scams, where awareness is your best defense and be so knowledgeable you'll even know how to do it yourself so you can make sure your safe from any attacks.

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