Sam Altman intends to replace "ordinary" people with artificial intelligence


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The head of OpenAI, Sam Altman, expressed the hope that general artificial intelligence (AGI) will be able to replace the so-called "average person". In a new profile of Altman published in New York Magazine, it is noted that he often uses the term "average person", which, in fact, is equivalent to the term "ordinary Joe".

Altman claims that AGI will have intelligence at the level of "the average person who could be hired." His opinion is worrisome, since it seems that Altman wants to replace the work of ordinary people with an AGI that has not yet been created. In a 2022 interview for the Lex Fridman podcast, Altman explained that such a theoretical AI would be able to do any job that could be entrusted to a remote employee at a computer, including teaching medicine or programming.

Thus, if someone leads an "average" lifestyle, they may soon be out of work, at least this is how you can interpret their comments.

However, Altman isn't the only one using the term in the AI world. The phrase is found in many AI blogs. For example, an article on CNBC is called "How to Talk about AI like a Professional."

When we get to serious AGI development, as indicated in the blog of the artificial intelligence startup "Snippet", which seems to share Altman's theory, this AI will have the abilities of the average person. At the same time, it will still have the potential to become an expert in this field, which was previously considered the prerogative of specialized AI.

Brent Mittelstadt, director of research at the Oxford Internet Institute, believes that comparing AI to the concept of an "average" or "ordinary" person can be offensive. He also noted that the concept of the" average "person seems" intentionally vague."

Adding that there is not yet a "concrete measurable comparison of human intelligence" in AI research, Mittelstadt also noted that the concept of a median person seems to be "a deliberately vague concept compared to having a very specific valid meaning."

In addition, the concept of productivity and the less tangible concept of human intelligence are two completely different things. The equivalence between them is not entirely correct.

Despite Altman's ambitious plans, many experts express concerns about his views on the future of artificial intelligence and its role in society.

Of course, each of us has a different idea of what saving the world should be like or how to guarantee equal benefits from AI for everyone. In this context, this vision is based on the perception of most people as "average" units that can be replaced by AI.