Russian scientists have developed a holographic camera


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Scientists from the National Research University ITMO have proposed introducing a special holographic module into the cameras of intelligence services, which will encrypt images. Thus, these devices will be better protected, and if it falls into the wrong hands, then the information from the drive will be much more difficult to decrypt. This development is based on holograms that change images and turn them into abstract pictures, Izvestia reported.

Researchers have already developed a prototype device that has proven the effectiveness of the proposed technology. In case of obtaining the necessary funding, the production of the device can be launched in the next few years.

“In our system, the light that forms the image is redistributed, passing through the hologram, as a result of which a new, abstract picture is created. Then it is digitized and recorded on a memory card for further storage and transmission, ”said Vitaly Krasnov, Associate Professor of the Institute of Laser and Plasma Technologies of the National Research Nuclear University MEPhI.

As noted by the scientists, despite the high level of data protection, the new camera in terms of speed will not be inferior to the best cameras with data encoding function.

“The speed opens up the possibilities of using the created optical module for conventional coding of an optical signal for the purpose of its subsequent transmission over communication channels that do not require protection,” added Sergei Odinokov, professor at the Bauman Moscow State Technical University.

Now experts from NRNU MEPhI, with grant support from the Russian Science Foundation, have already developed a prototype of a device that uses two light modulators to project a photograph and a hologram that changes it. According to the results of the tests, specialists were able to transform and record images, proving the possibility of applying the technology in practice.